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Re: [netcdfgroup] Informations about parallel netCDF4

To clarify: the way I see it, you can do parallel I/O in three different ways. 
The first is to reserve a process which will only deal with I/O and other 
process will exchange data to read/write with it.

-- In a sense, this is not a parallel IO. It is using the sequential IO to 
handle the parallel applications.

The second is to have each process read/write independantly.
-- You may talk about  the independent IO here.
The third is to aggregate the I/O for several processes to improve performances.
-- You may mean collective IO here.
So my question was: in practice, which approach does parallel netCDF use ?
-- You can do both independent IO and collective IO with parallel HDF5. 
Definitely collective IO for parallel NetCDF-3(argonne's parallel NetCDF) and 
very also very possible independent IO. 

> in strict performance terms -- which in the end is not really the 
> be-all end all -- Argonne-Northwestern Parallel-NetCDF will be hard to 
> beat, unless you are working with record variables. 
Do you speak from personal experience ? I would be very interested in seeing 
some data or benchmark about it.
-- There should be a paper that listed the flash benchmark comparison between 
parallel NetCDF from Northwest(or parallel netcdf-3) and parallel HDF5. 
However, it is an unfair comparison. It used collective IO for parallel 
NetCDF-3 but independent IO for parallel HDF5.  You can find more detailed 
about the fair comparison with the collective IO for these two packages from

Be aware this was also a bit old. Don't know what's the current status between 
these two packages.


 Alexis Praga   
                               Ph.D Student                  
                               Aviation et Environnement 
                               (33) 05 61 19 31 74

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