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Re: [netcdfgroup] make test fails tests involving uchar: Numeric conversion not representable

  • To: Ward Fisher <wfisher@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] make test fails tests involving uchar: Numeric conversion not representable
  • From: Matthew Brown <brownm12@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 16:53:10 -0400

Ah, okay.

As you suggested, I have installed parallel-netcdf 1.6.1 now and rebuilt
netcdf-4.4.0.   Make check now passes all tests.  Thanks for the quick


On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Ward Fisher <wfisher@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> Just to chime in real quick, parallel-netcdf 1.7.0 made some changes that
> results in these errors; your best bet for the time being will be to roll
> back to the latest pre-1.7.0 version.
> I hope this helps,
> -Ward
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Matthew Brown <brownm12@xxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to build netcdf/4.4.0 as a dependency for I/O API and CMAQ
>> models on a parallel-capable cluster.  I am using compiler PGI/13.8 and MPI
>> implementation MVAPICH2/1.9a2 on a CentOS Linux platform.
>> Running make check (logs attached, split into 3 files b/c the run was
>> interrupted) results in failures indicating "Numeric conversion not
>> representable" for uchar types.  The errors say to check the
>> nc-test/test-suite.log file which is also attached here.  Information about
>> my build is included below.
>> 1. Can someone help me with these errors?  Ideally, I'd like to resolve
>> them, but I could settle for being convinced that the errors are not
>> important.
>> 2. I also need to build/install netcdf-fortran and have used the
>> experimental configure switch to do this... how do I know if it worked?
>> Thanks for any help you can provide,
>> Matt
>> I have built parallel-netcdf/1.7.0 and hdf5/1.8.15 with the same compiler
>> and MPI and am linking to their library and include directories.
>> I ran configure from a separate build directory using:
>> SZIP_INC=[--system path--]/pgi13_8/szip/2.1/include
>> SZIP_LIB=[--system path--]/pgi13_8/szip/2.1/lib
>> HDF5_INC=[ --local path --]/hdf5/build/hdf5/include
>> HDF5_LIB=[ --local path --]/hdf5/build/hdf5/lib
>> PNETCDF_INC=[ --local path --]/pnetcdf/install/include
>> PNETCDF_LIB=[ --local path --]/pnetcdf/install/lib
>> CXX=mpicxx F77=mpif77 F90=mpif90 FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc \
>> ../netcdf-4.4.0/configure \
>> --prefix="/home/brownm12/deq/CMAS/br/netcdf/install/netcdf-4.4.0/"
>> --enable-pnetcdf \
>> --disable-shared --enable-remote-fortran-bootstrap --disable-extra-tests\
>> The output from running configure is attached as the file MYCONFIGLOG.
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