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[netcdfgroup] status of thread safety

Hi All,

Just wanted to voice concern about the status of thread safety in NetCDF 4 HDF5. The locking strategy we've successfully used with NetCDF classic is not sufficient for NetCDF 4 with HDF5. In addition to our locking strategy HDF5 needs to be compiled with a thread safe option. Unfortunately HDF5's thread safe config is officially mutually exclusive with the HDF5 HL API used by NetCDF. When HDF5 is forced to compile with thread safety and HDF5 HL API, our threaded code runs without issue. It also performs well, which is important. My concern is the fact that we now rely upon a build configuration that is officially unsupported by HDF5.

Given the continual evolution to many core architectures, the horrendous latency on modern parallel file systems on super computing platforms, and that we have to deal with datasets structured such that latency is a major issue, threading is ever more critical. It's really important that we have a viable path to thread safety that is officially supported by HDF5 and performant. We don't want to be facing problems down the road due to use of the unsupported HDF5 config. Using the unsupported config creates a deployment issue as we'd like to rely on HDF5 installed at HPC centers or in official Linux distros, neither of whom will likely be compiling HDF5 in an unsupported configuration. I also believe that for the best performance locking is better done at the lowest level where it can be fine grained, hence locking all NetCDF I/O in our application is undesirable.

I'm hoping that this conversation can be a data point that people are using threads to speed processing of large datasets on parallel file systems. It's important for us to have an officially supported thread safe option for NetCDF 4 HDF5 format.


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