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Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF OPeNDAP , R and Windows

Hi Bill,

I'm the developer of the R package ncdf4. I recently received a message
from  Peter Herman <Peer.Herman@xxxxxxxxxxx> on this subject, and I suggest
you might want to correspond directly with him, as I believe he has
developed a solution for accessing OpenDap files with ncdf4 under Windows.
Below is my message to Peter for context:


Dear Peter,

I thank you for your herculean work on this task. Having tried to go
through some of this kind of work before, I know that it is not easy!

The way that the R project folks have chosen to set up the R project, I am
not allowed to submit or provide any libraries, for example for Windows. (I
assume they take this approach for security purposes.) The procedure is
that I submit the generic source code, and then R project personnel (I'm
not sure who) use that source code on a Windows machine they have to
compile/create the binary windows version of the ncdf4 package. So I do not
have any input or influence on the Windows package building process.

If I'm understanding you correctly, the central part of the changes you had
to make were in the Windows compiling part. So I unfortunately must direct
you to the R project folks if you'd like to get your changes incorporated
into the final ncdf4  windows binaries, as I have no influence on that part
of the process.

Of course, if there are some changes needed to the generic source code to
support the Windows build, I can put those in the part of the package I

With regards,


On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Capehart, William J <
William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello All:
> I have undergrad students working with the R package with tablet PCs
> running Windows that are issued by the university via RStudio since that is
> what they will be trained on when they take their stats coursework.  I am
> trying to set things up so they can access data from our OPeNDAP server.
> However, when windows runs it they are hit with the following error (which
> I also get on my windows build).
> Error in R_nc4_open: NetCDF: Unknown file format
> Error in nc_open(filename = URL_85) :
>   Error in nc_open trying to open file
> 8080/thredds/dodsC/testAll/TSA_RCP85_CONUS_1920-2100.nc4
> This happens with other OPeNDAP-strored files as well.
> All is well when working in the unix environment.  Windows, not so much.
> I have JFGI’ed for solutions that don’t involve Cygwin and am not finding
> much of a solution.
> Is the problem with the developer of the R package or is the Windows
> libraries not OPeNDAP-compatible by virtue of existing on the Windows side
> of the game.
> Otherwise is there a solution that does not require downloading everything?
> (And yes, I’ve pounded the table bringing in Macs as an official species
> of laptop.  They keep saying no.)
> Cheers and Thanks Much
> ------------------------------------------------
> Bill Capehart <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>
> Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Program Coordinator
> Civil and Environmental Engineering
> 201 Mineral Industries Building
> South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
> 501 East St Joseph Street
> Rapid City, SD 57701-3995
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> <(605)%20484-4692>
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