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[netcdfgroup] How can I get the Fortran-interface for NetCDF-4.7.3 on Win10-PC with Intel-19.0.5 Ftn-compiler?

  • To: <netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [netcdfgroup] How can I get the Fortran-interface for NetCDF-4.7.3 on Win10-PC with Intel-19.0.5 Ftn-compiler?
  • From: <Michael.Rachner@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 14:06:15 +0000
  • Ironport-phdr: 9a23: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
  • Ironport-sdr: /pMiXZuDFj/XMlc7E5QGkxeHMX/eXOPoox8yAGp3TQ3fxF9CmBS8LtqJpIzedvXbF/+w9qISgg NavHqZkrV1Ew==
Dear developers of NETCDF,

I need install NETCDF with Fortran-interface on my WIN10-PC (64-bit) in order 
to use NETCDF-routines  from Fortran90-codes.
As the first step, I have already installed successfully the NETCDF-C library  
for NETCDF-4.7.3 on the Win10-PC.
What is still missing, is the Fortran-interface required to use that NETCDF-C 
library from Fortran-codes compiled with the Intel-19.0.5 Ftn-compiler.
I am no specialist for NETCDF  nor complicated builds.

As a first step I downloaded  the precompiled file   netcdf-4.7.3-NC4-64.exe   
from your website.
That precompiled file had been created using the  "cl" C-compiler  built-in in 
the VisualStudio2017, which is also present on my PC.
The installation of the precompiled NETCDF-C library was successful:
I was able to compile and run (with the cl-compiler) a simple C-testprogram 
delivered by NETCDF, which generated a netcdf-file,
and I was able to view its contents by means of  ncdump  on the WIN10-PC.
I used in a  cmd-window the command:
                cl -I"C:\netcdf-4.7.3\include" simple.c  
That worked.  Fine!

On my Win10-PC the Intel-19.0.5 Fortran compiler is installed.
(It works together with the also installed VisualStudio2017, and for all I know 
uses the linker of the   cl  -compiler built-in in the VisualStudio 2017)
and I need now the NETCDF Fortran-interface  for running my Fortran90 codes 
compiled with this Intel-Ftn-compiler on my Win10-PC.
That means, I finally need something like
           a precompiled binary Ftn-module file     netcdf.mod
     or the Ftn-sourcecode of the Ftn-module   netcdf.f90
     or an include-file  for the Ftn-code                netcdf_Ftn.h

(Side-remark:  Microsoft provides for its MPI-10.0 under Windows  as the 
Fortran-interface for invoking MPI-routines  the 2nd kind of file.
                         I compile it together with my Fortran CFD-source code.)

Can you help me?


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