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Re: [netcdfgroup] retrieving missing data from netcdf3_64BIT_OFFSET formatted netcdf files

  • To: Gus Correa <gus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] retrieving missing data from netcdf3_64BIT_OFFSET formatted netcdf files
  • From: Ramakrishnan N <ram.n.krishnan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 11:54:40 -0500
Hi Gus

Thank you for looking into this. The time variable is supposed to contain
floating-point numbers as in the attached screenshot.

I did try converting the file to a  cdl format following some earlier
threads in the mailing list. The resulting cdl file does not contain any

I am trying to figure out where the data is getting stored. As I pointed
out in my initial post, the size of the netcdf file increases with the
number of frames stored during the simulation.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 11:35 AM Gus Correa <gus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Ramakrishnan
> Do you know what is stored in the "time" variable, if anything?
> ncdump -c
> should tell (prints the header and the coordinate variables, including
> time).
> A brute force method to fix a broken netCDF (if the file size is not
> gigantic)
> that I used in the past is this:
> First use ncdump to dume the whole file to a text file,
> say ncdump > prod.cdl
> cdl is the "common data language:", a text representation of a netCDF file.
> Then, second, edit/doctor the prod.cdl text file (with vi, emacs, etc).
> Replace the time dimension 0 by the correct value.
> If the time coordinate variable is wrong, replace each of its entries by
> the correct value.
> Be very careful so as not to mess up the cdl syntax (there are commas
> separating values,
> and other symbols separating variables, etc).
> Save the edited prod.cdl file, possibly with a different name, say
> prod_new.cdl
> Finally use ncgen to regenerate the file from the edited cdl:
> ncgen -b -o prod_new.cdl
> This will create the file, presumably with everything fixed
> (assuming the original file had
> the correct data, except for the time dimension and time coordinate
> variable perhaps).
> I am citing from memory here, so please double check the ncgen man page
> before you try.
> For details on the ncgen syntax, see:
> I used this primitive method to fix a few damaged netCDF files in the past,
> in desperate situations like yours.
> I am not proud of its elegance,
> but sometimes elegance is what you care less about,
> and it worked for me.
> Also, you may need to do "ncdump -k" beforehand,
> to check which type of netcdf format your file has.
> Then use the same format in the ncgen command above.
> I hope it helps.
> Gus Correa
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 9:52 AM Ramakrishnan N <ram.n.krishnan@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I have a netcdf file ( that contains time series from a
>> molecular dynamics simulation (Amber force field, OpenMM engine, parmed
>> netCDFReporter). The netCDFReporter had some problems and as a result, the
>> number of frames in the netcdf file is zero. Given below is the ncdump for
>> the file:
>> *$ncdump -h <>netcdf prod {dimensions:        frame
>> = UNLIMITED ; // (0 currently)        spatial = 3 ;        atom = 20504
>> ;variables:        char spatial(spatial) ;        float time(frame) ;
>>           time:units = "picosecond" ;        float coordinates(frame, atom,
>> spatial) ;                coordinates:units = "angstrom" ;// global
>> attributes:                :Conventions = "AMBER" ;
>> :ConventionVersion = "1.0" ;                :application = "AmberTools" ;
>>               :program = "ParmEd" ;                :programVersion =
>> "3.4.0+11.g1be8ca0f" ;                :title = "ParmEd-created trajectory"
>> ;}*
>> However, the netcdf file has non-zero size (that increases linearly with
>> the number of frames stored) which implies that it certainly has the data
>> written into it. I tried a number of tools (nco tools, netCDF4, scipy
>> netcdf reader, xarray) to access the missing data but have not succeeded.
>> *I have two questions:1. Does the file contain real data?2. If the
>> former, is there a way to retrieve the data and create a new netcdf file?*
>> I am desperately looking to salvage near 3 microseconds of simulation
>> data which would take more than 2 months to generate. I would greatly
>> appreciate it if anyone can provide me with some insight into this problem.
>> The attached netcdf file has 14 frames that can be used to examine the
>> issue.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Best
>> Ram
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Attachment: Screenshot 2022-02-04 114321.png
Description: PNG image

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