Re: [noaaport] [ldm-users] SBN/NOAAPort Dataflow Delays

[image: Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 2.52.45 PM.jpg]

Data seems to be arriving more rapidly now than before via our dish,
however it's still >1 hour old.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:46 PM Mike Zuranski <mzuranski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Greetings all,
> We began to notice a short bit ago that data on the SBN is significantly
> delayed.  For example, most NEXRAD3 data seen is coming from 1845-1900Z.
> It appears other SBN feeds are also impacted (e.g. IDS|DDPLUS is delayed by
> that much depending on the product), not just NEXRAD3.
> On a hunch this was related to an earlier switch of the NCF facility (a
> test was announced earlier for 1830-1900Z today), I reached out to them to
> see if they were aware.  They are and it is actively being worked on now.
> They did send out another notification about this but I haven't seen it
> yet, likely because that is also in the delayed queue.
> We will continue to monitor the situation but as this is confirmed to be
> well upstream of us there is little we can do beyond watch and wait.  Sorry
> for the inconvenience all, here's hoping this is resolved quickly.
> Best,
> -Mike
> *Mike Zuranski*
> Data Engineer II
> NSF Unidata Program Center
> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
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