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971010: Special GOES-9 Imager Motor Winding Protection Operation -- Correction to GOES-8 Full Disk Support Period (fwd)

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Linda Miller                            
External Liaison                        Telephone: (303) 497-8646
UCAR/Unidata Program Center             Fax: (303) 497-8690             
P.O. Box 3000                           E-mail: lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boulder, CO 80307-3000        
     The next GOES-9 imager motor winding protection operation is scheduled
     to run from October 13 through October 30, 1997.  For this period,
     the following exclusive schedule will be employed daily to support the
     special protection

     From 0423 to 0459 UTC -- no GOES-9 imaging or sounding

     expected product loss:  0430 UTC McIDAS, GOES-TAP, and AWIPS images

     From 0500 to 0623 UTC -- routine GOES-9 imaging and sounding
     operations; exception is a northern hemisphere scan will replace the
     full disk transmission at 0600 UTC.

     From 0624 to 1223 UTC -- no GOES-9 imaging or sounding

     expected product loss:  12 UTC winds; 0630 UTC through 1200 UTC,
     McIDAS, GOES-TAP, and AWIPS images; 0700 through 1200 UTC, ASOS SCP;
     0700 through 1200 UTC, Imager DPI

     1224 UTC to 1259 UTC -- GOES-9 routine imaging and routine soundings

     1300 UTC to 1329 UTC -- GOES-9 full disk imaging and routine soundings
     1330 UTC and on -- routine GOES-9 imaging and routine soundings

     Expect some imager and sounder navigation irregularities for up to
     three hours following the daily GOES-9 data outage period.

      To compensate for some of the lost GOES-9 coverage, exclusive GOES-8
     full disk scanning is scheduled daily from 0645 UTC to 1244
     UTC, October 13-30.

     To facilitate image navigation and registration recovery following the
      special motor
     winding protection period, abbreviated full disk scanning will replace
     scanning operations from 0430 UTC to 1229 UTC on October 31 and
     November 1.

     John Paquette
     Satellite Services Division

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