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20040507: NCEP update

NOTE: The nws-changes mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

        Currently, on both the NCEP and TOC FTP servers, over 50% of the gridded
NCEP model data sets are not being accessed.  A review of file access on both
FTP servers was conducted during the months of January and February 2004.  From
this review a list of the unaccessed data sets has been generated.  It is NCEP's
intention to remove these data sets, but we would like to first solicit feedback
from our users.  The proposed list of data sets to be removed has been posted on
the NCEP web site at the following location:

        An E-mail address has been provided on this page to allow for
users to provide feedback.  Data sets were only included on this
list if they were unused on both the TOC and NCEP servers.  User
comments on this list will be accepted through 15 June 2004.  On 29 June 2004,
all files deemed unnecessary will be removed from the NCEP ftp server.  This
process will provide the additional server resources to host higher temporal and
spatial resolution data not currently available.

        NCEP/EMC will be hosting an ensemble users workshop 18-19 May 2004 at 
NOAA Science Center in Camp Springs, MD.  Individuals interested in attending
this workshop may contact Mary.Hart@xxxxxxxx to reserve attendance.  Please note
that seating is limited.

        On 25 May 2004 NCO will stop running production job 950, the old MRF MOS
job.  No products have been disseminated from this job for over a year.  A list
of these products that will be removed from the NCEP CCS is listed at the bottom
of this memo.

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