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[nws-changes] 20090105: satellites

NOTE: The nws-changes mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

*Visible calibration update for month of January 2009

*Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:*
 5 January 2009, 1730 UTC

*Satellite(s) Involved:
*NOAA-16, 17, 18, & MetOp-2/A

*Instrument(s) Involved:*

*Product(s) Involved/Affected:*
All Products from channels 1, 2, and 3a.

*Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:*
13 January 2009, Time TBD UTC

*Details/Specifics of Change:*

The following update of the AVHRR VIS/NIR channel calibration coefficients for MetOp-2/A, NOAA-18, 17, &16 are recommended for January 13, 2009. These coefficients are intended to be optimal on January 27, in the middle of two scheduled updates.


 Ch_1_lo = 0.05310*count -  2.147, count<501.01
 Ch_1_hi =  0.1569*count -  54.16, count>501.01

 Ch_2_lo = 0.06329*count -  2.516, count<500.42
 Ch_2_hi =  0.1880*count -  64.92, count>500.42

 Ch_3_lo = 0.03182*count -  1.307, count<501.94
 Ch_3_hi =  0.2210*count -  96.26, count>501.94


 Ch_1_lo = 0.05357*count -  2.112, count<501.54
 Ch_1_hi =  0.1597*count -  54.93, count>501.54

 Ch_2_lo = 0.06149*count -  2.422, count<500.40
 Ch_2_hi =  0.1845*count -  64.28, count>500.40


 Ch_1_lo = 0.05620*count -  2.249, count<501.12
 Ch_1_hi =  0.1650*count -  56.76, count>501.12

 Ch_2_lo = 0.06763*count -  2.655, count<500.73
 Ch_2_hi =  0.2013*count -  69.70, count>500.73

 Ch_3_lo = 0.03287*count -  1.386, count<501.37
 Ch_3_hi =  0.2304*count - 100.61, count>501.37


 Ch_1_lo = 0.05681*count -  2.190, count<498.96
 Ch_1_hi =  0.1658*count -  56.35, count>498.96

 Ch_2_lo = 0.06204*count -  2.343, count<500.16
 Ch_2_hi =  0.1828*count -  62.73, count>500.16

*Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:
*Emily Harrod Emily.Harrod@xxxxxxxx <mailto:Emily.Harrod@xxxxxxxx> 301-817-3882 operations support Xiangqian Wu Xiangqian.Wu@xxxxxxxx <mailto:Xiangqian.Wu@xxxxxxxx> 301-763-8136 x 138 instrument scientist

*Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable):
* - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellite status

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