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[nws-changes] 20090213: GOES 12

NOTE: The nws-changes mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Topic: GOES-12 (GOES-East) East/West Maneuver February 24, 2009
Message Issued: February 13, 2009, 1245 UTC
Satellites Impacted: GOES-12 (GOES-East) and GOES-11 (GOES-West)
Products Impacted: GOES-12 (GOES-East) Imager and Sounder Data and
GOES-11 (GOES-West) Imager Data
Date/Time of Initial Impact: February 24, 2009  1636 UTC


A GOES-12 (GOES-East) East-West Station Keeping maneuver will be
performed on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 2250 UTC. ** Due to the
GOES-12 Eclipse schedule beginning February 26, 2009, there will be no
backup date scheduled for this maneuver **br

On February 24, the following exclusive schedule will be employed to
support maneuver operations: (*PLEASE NOTE the scheduled GOES-11
(GOES-West) Full Disk scan period to support the primary GOES-12
(GOES-East) outage during the maneuver.*)

GOES-12 (GOES-East) Maneuver Schedule starts at 1636 UTC on February 24,
(Southern Hemisphere Scan at 1639 UTC is canceled)

From 1645 UTC through 2214 UTC -- GOES-12 (GOES-East) Routine Imaging
and Soundings.

From 2215 UTC through 2242 UTC -- GOES-12 (GOES-East) Full Disk Imaging
and Routine Soundings

*From 2245 UTC through 2344 UTC -- No GOES-12 (GOES-East) Imaging or

**From 2230 UTC through 2359 UTC -- GOES-11 (GOES-West) Full Disk Imaging**

From 24/2345 UTC through 25/0614 UTC -- GOES-12 (GOES-East) Post Maneuver
Recovery Including:
* Full Disk Images (19 minute scan) at XX15 and XX45
* CONUS Soundings at XX46
* Due to Keep Out Zone schedule, 0415 UTC and 0545 UTC will be Northern
Hemisphere Extended
* Due to Keep Out Zone schedule, 0445 UTC and 0515 UTC will be Northern

0615 UTC February 25 -- GOES-12 (GOES-East) Routine Scan Operations Resume

Expect GOES-12 (GOES-East) imager and sounder gridding offsets for up to
6 hours following the maneuver.


Contact Information:
Brian Hughes
Satellite Services Division
301-763-8051 x106

See for this and other
satellite related messages.
See for full GOES scanning schedules.

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