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[nws-changes] 20120523: Twitter

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NOUS41 KWBC 231521


Public Information Statement, Comment Request

National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC

1123 AM EDT Wed May 23 2012


-Family of Services

-NOAA Weather Wire Service

-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network


Other NWS Partners, Users, And Employees

FROM:Iftikhar Jamil, NWS Chief Information Officer

David B. Caldwell, Director, NWS Office of Climate,

Water, and Weather Services

SUBJECT: Soliciting Public Comments Through December 31, 2012

On Experimental Twitter Feeds

The NWS is currently seeking comments on provision of

environmentalinformation via experimental Twitter feeds.NWS is

exploringuse of Twitter to provide microblogging services.

Twitter is a commonly used social networking service that allows

participantsto share information with other users.

Microbloggingservices like Twitter serve as an important source

ofreal-time news updates.The short nature of updates allows

usersto post news items quickly, reaching their audience in

seconds. Because microblogging services are two-way, readers of

postscan reply to posts with various responses, such as a

weatherreport with location, time and images/videos.For the

NWS, aggregate analysis of this data provides information on

stormevolution, and partner/public perceptions and response.

Use of Twitter will provide a complementary means to disseminate

importantinformation about hazardous weather conditions.The

postswill also be used for public outreach and education and to

directusers to official NWS Web sites.

Experimental Twitter accounts are available at this time for the

followingNWS offices:

NWS Norman OK - @NWSNorman

NWS LMRFC (Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center)- @NWS_LMRFC

NWS Pleasant Hill MO - @NWSKansasCity

NWS Salt Lake City UT - @NWSSaltLakeCity

NWS Charleston SC - @NWSCharlestonSC

NWS Western Region - @NWS_Western_US

NWS Honolulu HI - @NWSHonolulu

NHC Atlantic / NHC Pacific - The National Hurricane Center will

run2 accounts, basin specific - @NHC_Atlantic, @NHC_Pacific

It is NWS’s intent to implement Twitter accounts for all NWS

offices. New accounts will be added gradually throughout the

comment/reviewperiod.A current listing of accounts may be

foundat .

Experimental Twitter posts will serve as a supplemental channel

todisseminate environmental information. Availability of this

serviceis subject to constraints of Twitter service availability

andto availability of users’ internet service.Users should not

relyon this service as the primary means of receiving

alerts/warningsof hazardous weather. NWS alerts/warnings are

availableon NOAA Weather Radio and on our official

website: to users’ posts are

madeon a time-available basis and may be limited, especially

duringperiods of severe weather.

Additional information on the experimental use of Twitter may be


Users must have valid Twitter accounts to view or post Twitter

content.Information on Twitter can be found at:

Comments on this experimental service may be provided through

December 31, 2012 at:

Disclaimers regarding NWS use of social media services can be


If you have comments or questions regarding this Public

Information Statement, please contact:

Ronald Jones

National Weather Service

Silver Spring Maryland 20910

301-713-1381 x 130


National Public Information Statements are online at:


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