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[nws-changes] 20131022: Fwd: amended-chg to Great Lakes Wave Model Physics-ADMIN NOTICE NOUS41 KWBC

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-------- Original Message --------

NOUS41 KWBC 221120
Technical Implementation Notice 13-25, Amended
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
720 AM EDT Tue Oct 22 2013
To: Subscribers:
          -Family of Services
          -NOAA Weather Wire Service
          -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
          Other NWS Partners, Users and Employees
From: Tim McClung
          Science Plans Branch Chief
          Office of Science and Technology
Subject: Amended: Change to Great Lakes Wave Model Physics:
          Effective October 29, 2013
Amended to change implementation date from October 22 to October
29 due to delays caused by the government shutdown

On or about October 29, 2013, beginning with the 1200 Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) cycle, the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP) will introduce a physics upgrade
to the Great Lakes Wave Model, which will affect both the early
and late model runs GLW and GLWN.
The key changes for the Great Lakes system are a new physics
package for wave growth under wind seas and for wave dissipation
due to wave breaking. The new physics packages are outlined in
Ardhuin et al. 2010. A validation study made using NCEP's Great
Lakes wave models is presented in Alves et al., 2013 (see full
reference below). The latter work shows that the new physics
significantly improves model skill for wave height, especially in
regions of strong storm wind forcing. This will be reflected by
crucial improvements in forecast performance for extreme wave
prediction, a systematic problem in previous GLW/GLWN systems.
Correction will boost usage of the system by Great Lakes WFOs.
All output products will remain unchanged.
With this implementation, the location of the output data on the
ftp servers will be changed. Data are currently available in a
general directory named "wave."  With this implementation, the
GLW and GLWN will be put in a directory named "glw."  The full
directory paths are listed below.
The output data from these models will be disseminated on the
NCEP server at and and on NOMADS at
where YYYYMMDD is the 4-digit year, month and day. Note that
prior to the implementation the data are available in
Sample output files from the new physics are available at Details about the NCEP Multi-grid Wave Model are online at: A consistent parallel feed of data will be available on the NCEP
server once the model is running in parallel on the NCEP Central
Computing System in early September. The parallel data will be
available via the following URLs: NCEP urges all users to ensure their decoders can handle changes
in content order, changes in the scaling factor component within
the product definition section (PDS) of the GRIB files, changes
to the GRIB Bit Map Section (BMS), and volume changes. These
elements may change with future NCEP model implementations. NCEP
will make every attempt to alert users to these changes before
For questions regarding these model changes, please contact: Hendrik Tolman
NCEP/Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch
Camp Springs, Maryland
301-763-8000 ext 7253
For questions regarding the dataflow aspects of these data sets,
please contact:
Rebecca Cosgrove
NCEP/NCO Dataflow Team
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
301-763-8000 x 7198
References: Alves et al., 2013: The Operational Implementation of a Great
Lakes Wave Forecasting System at NOAA/NCEP. Weather and
Forecasting, early online release:
Ardhuin, F. et. al., 2010: Semi-empirical dissipation source
functions for ocean waves: Part 1, definition, calibration and
validation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 1917-1941.
NWS technical implementation notices are online at: $$

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