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url's for contribiuting to the using data site

Hello to all our THREDDS partners:

At a recent DLESE Data Access Working Group meeting, Cathy Manduca and I agreed that it would be good for members of the THREDDS and Unidata communities to consider participating in the "Using Data in the Classroom" initiative Cathy is spearheading.


A note from Cathy on the subject is included below and it has URLs for pages explaining what sorts of contributions are included and where you can enter information to submit your contributions.

Most of the examples currently on the Using Data site have fairly elaborate "educational wrappers" that make the datasets directly useful in a classroom setting. And it will be great if you can provide access to datasets in that form.

However, one of the issues facing us is how to incorporate sites that provide access to a variety of environmental data in "raw" form. In other words, the datasets may not be directly usable by faculty and students, but they will be useful to research scientists and developers of educational modules who in turn can help build documentataion and educational "scaffolding" around the datasets. So please consider entering your data holdings even if they do not yet have complete educational underpinnings. That way we can gain experience with the issues arise.

Please give this some thought, take a look at the references in Cathy's note below, and see if it makes sense to enter your datasets into the "Using Data" site. I'm including Cathy in the cc: list so you can email her if questions arise about how your datasets might fit.

Many thanks for considering this.  Let me know if I can help.

-- Ben

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Hi Ben-
We would be delighted to have Unidata examples and a listing for how to obtain access to data. Here are the urls for contributing. I'm happy to talk with anyone who has questions or just wants to talk to a human being for guidance.

Examples: <> These were powerpoint posters and associated descriptions. If there is a relevant url-embed it in the text.

Data Sources: <
l>  This needs a url to something that tells how to get access to the data.

Many thanks!  These would be great additions.


Cathryn A. Manduca
Director, Science Education Resource Center
Carleton College
Northfield, MN  55057
507 646-7096

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