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Re: [thredds] followup on web services responses (Version 4.0.06 - 20090312.1846); additional comments

Hi Rob,

Rob Cermak wrote:
> For:
> In Firefox 3.0.7, nothing is returned in the browser... might be a
> browser issue.

That is a Firefox issue. It doesn't show any content if the response
code is 400. It actually acts as though no request has been issued. Very

>  Curl shows the right stuff coming back:
> curl -i
> HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
> Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
> Content-Type: application/vnd.ogc.se_xml
> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 23:35:35 GMT
> Connection: close
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <ServiceExceptionReport xmlns=""; version="1.2.0">
>   <ServiceException code="InvalidParameterValue"
> locator="Version">Invaled "Version" parameter value
> [9.0.0].</ServiceException>
> </ServiceExceptionReport>
> I need to test stuff a bit more carefully.  This likely points to FF
> doing the wrong thing.
> With a 200 OK HTTP response and XML service exception is what I and
> clients likely expect.

A 200 response code for a service exception seems a bit confusing to me.
It makes server logs a bit deceptive and it means the client has to read
the response body and try to interpret it before it can know if there
was a problem with the request ... before it hands it to a netCDF or
GeoTIFF (or whatever) reader.

Do you have a WCS client that doesn't like the 400 response code?

> This still generates a 404 error.  I'd expect 200 OK HTTP and a service
> exception report.  As you said, this might be a future fix yet to make it
> out the door :)

We're looking into this.

> For:
> As I think about this, this is a whole can of worms.  I think for
> consistency, I would really sanitize the service request and return a
> service exception error if "thredds/wms" (or whatever path is used) is
> not paired with service=WMS and likewise for WCS and future OGC services.

Yeah, we'll probably tighten this up a bit.

> I will probably provide more comments as we test more and do some more
> testing with ESRI ArcMap and other clients.


> The way WMS and WCS is deployed, each data container is its own service
> end point.  Typical WMS and WCS server endpoints are monolithic (hard to
> deploy large amounts of data due to lack of LAYER namespace).
> Additional comments:

I'm going to leave the rest to the folks that know the WMS side of
things better than I.

Thanks for your comments.


> For WMS:
> Is there work being done to allow query of features through WMS?
> Is there a way to specify a remote SLD for styling?  The existing
> palettes are open ended just looking at min/max per dataset?
> <Style>
>  <Name>BOXFILL/rainbow</Name>
>  <Title>BOXFILL/rainbow</Title>
>  <Abstract>BOXFILL style, using the rainbow palette</Abstract>
>  <LegendURL width="110" height="264">
>   <Format>image/png</Format>
>   <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
>  </LegendURL>
> </Style>
> We've abused the SLD standard a slight bit.
> <StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0">
>  <NamedLayer>
>   <Name>atmp</Name>
>   <units_primary>degC</units_primary>
>   <units_secondary>degF</units_secondary>
>   <UserStyle>
>    <Title>xxx</Title>
>    <FeatureTypeStyle>
>     <Rule>
>      <RasterSymbolizer>
>       <Opacity>0.80</Opacity>
>       <ColorMap>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#0000ff" quantity="-80"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#0000ff" quantity="-40"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#4141ff" quantity="-32"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#5f5fff" quantity="-28"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#7878ff" quantity="-24"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#9191ff" quantity="-20"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#a5a5ff" quantity="-16"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#b9b9ff" quantity="-12"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#cdcdff" quantity="-8"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#e1e1ff" quantity="-4"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#f5f5ff" quantity="0"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ffeaea" quantity="2.8"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ffd4d4" quantity="5.6"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ffbfbf" quantity="8.4"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff9d9d" quantity="11.2"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ffaaaa" quantity="14"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff9595" quantity="16.8"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff7f7f" quantity="19.6"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff6a6a" quantity="22.4"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff5555" quantity="25.2"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff4040" quantity="28"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff1515" quantity="30.8"/>
>        <ColorMapEntry color="#ff0000" quantity="40"/>
>       </ColorMap>
>      </RasterSymbolizer>
>     </Rule>
>    </FeatureTypeStyle>
>   </UserStyle>
>  </NamedLayer>
> </StyledLayerDescriptor>
> If you use udunits and specify the units for quantity, then if the data
> behind the scenes adequately defines units (CF standard) then these
> quantities can be adjusted on the fly with a unit conversion as the
> secondary units.  As well as quantities adjusted by slope and offset
> information (packed data):
> scale_factor: -0.004828610923
> add_offset: 158.2215118
> In this SLD the primary units are in degC.  We can override the scale and
> make the primary scale degK and the secondary scale degF.  The
> declaration of units is non-standard... though quite useful.
> This would allow application of a consistent colorbar to datasets.
> This is great stuff.  No real showstopper stuff, just some general
> comments on what could be improved.  Look forward to the official 4.0
> release.
> Rob

Ethan R. Davis                                Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000             

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