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Re: [thredds] TDS 4.0 on RHEL5

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I do have my TDS 4.0 setup on RHEL 5.3 running properly now, just
using Red Hat-provided packages - and I'm glad it works, since this is
the third or fourth time over a six-month period I've tried to get TDS
& Tomcat to work just using Red Hat-supplied components, rather than
building from source or using third-party RPMs.

I'm repeating myself, but in case it is helpful to others, my issues were:

1) Getting package order correct - The java-sun-compat packages seem
to have disappeared from the RHN repos, but Red-Hat-provided
jpackage-utils was still necessary, though I used a downrev version
since the latest version seemed broken (unfixed bug with
/usr/bin/rebuild-security-providers dependency). So first installed
jpackage utils, then tomcat5, then the current Red Hat-provided Sun Java:
..then used alternatives commands to switch Java to Sun Java environment.

2) Then my Apache config was incorrect - I'm running a multiple-vhost
Web server, so proxy statements needed to be correct - still the same
basic config shown on:

3) Then I had to ensure new directory for THREDDS was created
(/var/lib/tomcat5/content/), with ownership and permissions for the
Tomcat user, symlinked from /usr/share/tomcat5/content.

4) Then I was getting a "Requested resource not available" error - had
to remember to change ownership on the thredds.war file itself to the
Tomcat user. And of course, drop the customized catalog.xml and
threddsConfig.xml in place.

> I did not have to modify any classpath settings or export them
> explicitly - I only corrected the JAVA_HOME in the tomcat5.conf file
> to point to the Sun Java, and I exported the CATALINA_HOME and
> TOMCAT_HOME in the /etc/profile file, although I'm not sure if that
> was even necessary. I don't have the .jar file you list, and it seems
> to work - are you getting explicit errors about that? I have in the
> past gotten message about missing .jars, and for my system it was
> actually dependency issues with xml-commons packages.

Now everything works!



John Cartwright wrote:
> John Caron wrote:
>> Hi John:
>> We dont use JNDI but default Tomcat probably does, so it may be a
>> problem. I just checked around and no one at Unidata has used
>> RHEL-supplied tomcat. But I think Greg Keith just went through this,
>> so his advice may be pertinent.
>> It would be good if you kept this email going publically on the
>> thredds list if you're willing, so others can learn/contribute.
>> John
> Thanks John.  Sounds like Greg has his working now but was dealing w/
> different problems than I seem to have.  I don't think the "missing"
> JNDI  jar file is affecting tomcat since  it runs fine w/o the
> thredds.war in place.  It's got to be something about the RHEL-packaging
> of tomcat or permissions but I don't see it.
> $CATALINA_HOME/content/thredds is owned by tomcat and has rwx
> permissions. Examining the tomcat environment confirms that it's using
> the RHEL-supplied Sun 1.6.0_14-b08 JVM.
> Does it make sense to you that tds.log.dir system property would fail to
> be set if a context listener fails and therefore the context fails to
> --john
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- --
Greg Keith - Web System Administrator   greg.keith(-at-)
NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division
R/PSD, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO         phone: 303-497-6645

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