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[thredds] ncml aggregation error when using stride greater than 1

I have another ncml issue. Can someone please take a look at this error. I have an ncml file which looks like this:

<aggregation dimName="time" type="joinExisting">
<netcdf id="357" location =""; ncoords="2"/>
<netcdf id="358" location =""; ncoords="2"/>
<netcdf id="359" location =""; ncoords="2"/>
<netcdf id="360" location =""; ncoords="2"/>
<netcdf id="361" location =""; ncoords="2"/>
<netcdf id="362" location =""; ncoords="2"/>


Each of the netcdf files in the location attribute has the dds like this:

Dataset {

   Grid {
       Int16 sea_surface_temperature[time = 2][lat = 720][lon = 1440];
       Int32 time[time = 2];
       Float32 lat[lat = 720];
       Float32 lon[lon = 1440];
   } sea_surface_temperature;
   Grid {
       Int16 sst_dtime[time = 2][lat = 720][lon = 1440];
       Int32 time[time = 2];
       Float32 lat[lat = 720];
       Float32 lon[lon = 1440];
   } sst_dtime;

Now, the problem is when I am issuing an ncml request for the variable 
sst_dtime with a stride of 1 or 2 over time variable(e.g. time: 0:1:100 or 
time: 0:2:100), it is working fine.
But when I issue a query with a stride of greater than 2(note that each netcdf 
layer has a time dimension of size 2(ncoords))(e.g. time: 0:3:100), I get the 
following error:

Error {
   code = 500;
message = ""libdap error transmitting DataDDS: Invalid constraint parameters: At least one of the start, stride or stop specified do not match the array variable."";

What is the cause of the error?

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