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Re: [thredds] Informal survey: Are you using the client-side netcdf-Java library?

  • To: THREDDS community <thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] Informal survey: Are you using the client-side netcdf-Java library?
  • From: Steve Ansari - NOAA Federal <steve.ansari@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 22:47:07 -0500
Hi Dennis,

At NOAA/NCEI we use these parts of the API in several areas.

The Weather and Climate Toolkit uses NetCDF for Java to decode NetCDF, GRIB
1&2, NEXRAD, GINI and AREA formats.  It has resampling and GIS conversion
code based on the CDM Feature Type objects, and uses the lower level
classes for stats, attribute extraction, variable listing in the UI and

We also use the NetCDF for Java API for custom legacy satellite data and
products IOSPs, offline physical aggregation processing, zonal statistics
(summarizing grids based on polygon areas such as states/counties),
decoding/loading data into relational database.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 4:00 PM, Craig Jones <Craig.Jones@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi Dennis,
> I work for the Integrated Marine Observing System and we use the netcdf
> java api to:
> - load non-gridded netcdf files into postgres for publication using OGC WFS
> - dynamically generate netcdf files from the database
> - indexing gridded netcdf files for use by subsetting/aggregation
> tools/display (using embedded ncWMS)
> Regards,
> Craig Jones
> Integrated Marine Observing System
> University of Tasmania
> On 20/11/16 10:14, dmh@xxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I am trying to see who is directly using the Unidata
>> netcdf-java library? This is the client-side library
>> and typical use would be using the CDM API. e.g.
>>     etc
>> and the Array API e.g.
>>     etc.
>> If you are programming at this level, could you send me an
>> email (below) indicating who you are at either the individual or
>> organizational level?
>> Note: users of ToolsUI only need not respond since that would be
>> an indirect use of the library.
>> =Dennis Heimbigner
>>  Unidata
>>  dmh@xxxxxxxx
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*Steve Ansari*
*Physical Scientist*
*NIDIS U.S. Drought Portal Manager*
*NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)*
*(828) 271-4611*
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