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Re: how do you customise a basemap

Hi John,

> thanks for clarifying the basemap. I have another question, which is what 
> methods actually change the color of the basemap. I have used SpreadSheet 
> and played around with putting colour on the Latitude and longitude, and 
> this changes the map colour. I would like to customise the basemap colour, 
> so want to know what method in VisAD does this?

To set a constant color for a data object such as a set of
map outlines, pass an array of ConstantMaps to the appropriate
signature of DisplayImpl.addReference(), where the array
includes ConstantMaps to Display.Red, Display.Green and
Display.Blue. I don't think the SpreadSheet includes any
GUI for controlling this, but the SpreadSheet is set up for
user extensions for this sort of thing.


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