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20000605: test feed of CIMSS products (cont.)

>From: Harry Edmon <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200006051850.e55Io3T11634 Unidata-Wisconsin EXP feed CIMSS products


>OS: Solaris SPARC

I put a Solaris SPARC 5.6 binary for the PNGed AREA converter,
pnga2area, in the pub/binary/sunos_5.6-sparc directory of anonymous FTP
on our FTP server,, for you to grab.

I have also stopped and restarted the LDM on so
you should be able to successfully request the data.

Here are three pieces of information that you should find helpful:

1) broadcast header format:

          ^  ^   ^     ^   ^    ^       ^        ^___ nominal image time [HHMM]
          |  |   |     |   |    |       |____________ nominal image date
          |  |   |     |   |    |____________________ image resolution info.
          |  |   |     |   |_________________________ image band info.
          |  |   |     |_____________________________ satellite info..
          |  |   |___________________________________ default McIDAS AREA number
          |  |_______________________________________ McIDAS routing code
          |__________________________________________ time specifier

  explanation and examples:

  Q0       - The idea here is to divide the hour into 4 quarters; products
             will be tagged as to the quarter in which they are gathered
             and will be sent.  Currently, the UW stream satellite images
             belong in the Q1 group (H+0 to H+15).

             When we double the amount of data to be sent in the datastream
             (if this is what users want, that is), the new products will
             be tagged as Q3 since they will fall in the H+30 to H+45 quarter.

             This scheme will allow sites with limited bandwidth and/or
             storage to subscribe to just what they are getting now or
             any combination of products based on the products' nominal times.

             A designation of Q0 is used for products whose times are
             not necessarily based on the satellite image scans; CIMSS
             products fit this category.

  Cx       - McIDAS routing code.  Used for sites wishing to run McIDAS
             PostProcess BATCH invocations using ROUTEing table entries
             like they are used to.  The product codes being used for
             the current CIMSS products are:

             CA - Cloud Top Pressure
             CB - Precipitable Water
             CC - Sea Surface Temperature
             CD - Lifted Index
             CE - CAPE
             CF - Ozone

  AREA     - default AREA file number for those filing products using the
             McIDAS routing table (e.g., AREA1100, AREA1101, etc.).

  SAT      - Satellite identifier.  Information from the McIDAS SATANNOT
             file that gives a name to a satellite plotform number.

             GOES-10_SND - GOES 10 Sounder products (CTP, PW, LI, CAPE, Ozone)
             GOES-8_IMG  - GOES 8 Imager products (SST)

  BAND     - Image band information from the McIDAS SATBAND file.  None
             of the CIMSS products have information in SATBAND, so this
             will come across as UNKBAND.  When we change the entire
             broadcast to use PNG compression, this item will change
             to relevant information from SATBAND.

  RES      - Image resolution information.

             CA - CTP   - 14km
             CB - PW    - 14km
             CC - SST   -  4km
             CD - LI    - 14km
             CE - CAPE  - 14km
             CF - Ozone - 20km

  CCYYMMDD - Nominal image date (comes from AREA file header information)

  HHMM     - Nominal image time (comes from AREA file header information)

  The pieces of information allow the image products to be filed directly
  into a directory structure required by GEMPAK/GARP and GEMPAK/NMAP.

  The McIDAS routing information allow the images to be filed in files
  in a directory specified by a '-d' flag and named according to the old
  McIDAS AREAnnnn naming rules.

  The options supported by pnga2area can be seen by invoking it with no
  options or with the -h flag (e.g., 'pnga2area' or 'pnga2area -h').

2) Here are three ways that we are using to uncompress and file the products
   (entries from pqact.conf):

# CIMSS Cloud Top Pressure - McIDAS product code CA
# File in the /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS directory with long, expressive names
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CA (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS/\2_CTP_\4_\5_\6
# File using the McIDAS routing table to determine AREA file numbering
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CA (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area -d /var/data/mcidas -r CA,\1
# File for use with GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CA .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/SOUNDER/\3/CTP/CTP_\4_\5

# CIMSS Total Column Precipitable Water - McIDAS product code CB
# File in the /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS directory with long, expressive names
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CB (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS/\2_PW_\4_\5_\6
# File using the McIDAS routing table to determine AREA file numbering
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CB (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area -d /var/data/mcidas -r CB,\1
# File for use with GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CB .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/SOUNDER/\3/PW/PW_\4_\5

# CIMSS Sea Surface Temperature - McIDAS product code CC
# File in the /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS directory with long, expressive names
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CC (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS/\2_SST_\4_\5_\6
# File using the McIDAS routing table to determine AREA file numbering
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CC (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area -d /var/data/mcidas -r CC,\1
# File for use with GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CC .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/SOUNDER/\3/SST/SST_\4_\5

# CIMSS Lifted Index - McIDAS product code CD
# File in the /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS directory with long, expressive names
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CD (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS/\2_LI_\4_\5_\6
# File using the McIDAS routing table to determine AREA file numbering
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CD (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area -d /var/data/mcidas -r CD,\1
# File for use with GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CD .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/SOUNDER/\3/LI/LI_\4_\5

# CIMSS CAPE - McIDAS product code CE
# File in the /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS directory with long, expressive names
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CE (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS/\2_CAPE_\4_\5_\6
# File using the McIDAS routing table to determine AREA file numbering
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CE (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area -d /var/data/mcidas -r CE,\1
# File for use with GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CE .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/SOUNDER/\3/CAPE/CAPE_\4_\5

# CIMSS Ozone - McIDAS product code CF
# File in the /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS directory with long, expressive names
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CF (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /var/data/mcidas/CIMSS/\2_OZONE_\4_\5_\6
# File using the McIDAS routing table to determine AREA file numbering
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CF (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area -d /var/data/mcidas -r CF,\1
# File for use with GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP
EXP     ^pnga2area Q. CF .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/SOUNDER/\3/OZONE/OZONE_\4_\5

3) Here is the request line we have for the EXP feed from SSEC (ldmd.con):

request EXP ".*"

4) if there is no McIDAS-X installation on grayskies, or if the McIDAS-X
   installation is not under /home/mcidas, then you will have to specify
   where SATANNOT and SATBAND live using the flags '-a' (for SATANNOT)
   and '-b' for SATBAND.

   Example:  Assume that you have McIDAS-X installed under /usr/mcidas

   pnga2area -a /usr/mcidas/data/SATANNOT -b /usr/mcidas/data/SATBAND 

Again, running pnga2area with the '-h' flag or no options will give you
its usage.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.
