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NEXRAD Level II Maintenance Notification - Monday & Tuesday March 19 & 20th, 2018 (ROC)

Radar Operations Center Engineering will be experiencing routine maintenance activities to the ROC portion of the Level II Network.  There are multiple activities effecting the Internet II data path out of the RDS to the Level II users.  The first one this morning (sorry) was a power outage on the OU campus that was promised, (Multiple times) would not effect NL2.  (Murphy's law took over when I didn't put out a notice.)  The OU power work is over the time span listed.  In addition to that, NWAVE is planning network maintenance that will effect the ROC connection to Boulder (See Below)  I was planning a notice for THAT one, but since the campus power event COULD be repeated I thought a blanket notice was prudent...

 Start Time: 5:00 AM (Central time) Monday March 19th through March 20th, 2018
 Duration: 48 Hours
 Event: Multiple (RDS data path events).
 The activities will take place over the next 48 hours and will effect Data flow of the "Alternate Level II Path" on an intermittent basis.  (RDS Path)
 The Primary Data Path via the TOC servers is not part of this activity.
 (No service interruption via primary path is anticipated.)

If there is any emergency noted during this event, I can be reached at (405) 820-3646


N-Wave NOC <address@hidden>

5:09 AM (3 hours ago)

to me
SUBJECT:               Maintenance - N-Wave Denver TICAP Inline Migration
AFFECTED:              Affected Circuits:
                       NWAVE-NORM-NORM-VLAN-02269 | Participant ROC - Mountain TIC Connection
SCHEDULED START TIME:  Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 10:00 AM (1000) UTC
SCHEDULED END TIME:    Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 12:00 PM (1200) UTC
DESCRIPTION:           During the listed window, engineers will migrate interfaces nationwide
                       reliant on Denver Internet over to new routing instances that will
                       traverse the TICAP infrastructure. Following the maintenance, external
                       connectivity will pass through the Denver TICAP firewall. During the
                       maintenance window, Internet connectivity will be impacted as
                       connections are migrated.
TICKET NO.:            10349:120
TIMESTAMP:             Mon Mar 19 10:09:30 2018 UTC

Message ID:     NWAVE.10349.5.54

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Thank You,
N-Wave Network Operations Center
Indiana University
  Email:  address@hidden
  Phone:  812-856-7477
  Fax:    812-856-2300
*Donald J. Horvat               *  ____                              *
*                               * /    \     _____     _______  _____*
*Sr. Systems Engineer           *(      )   / ___  )  / ___  / / ___/*
* Support Contractor            * \____/   / /__/ /  / /  / / / /    *
*WSR-88D Radar Operations Center*  |\/|   / ___  <  / /  / / / /     *
*                               *  |/\|  / /   / / / /__/ / / /___   *
*1313 Halley Circle             *  |\/| /_/   /_/ /______/ /_____/   *
*Norman, OK 73069               *  |/\|                              *
*                               *   WSR-88D RADAR OPERATIONS CENTER  *
*Phone: (405) 573-3418          * e-mail: address@hidden   *
*FAX:   (405) 573-3340          *                                    *
fn:Donald J Horvat
org:Radar Operations Center;Systems Engineering Group
adr:;;1313 Halley Circle;Norman;OK;73069;USA
title:Senior Systems Engineer