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Re: GRIB tables and center 221 (fwd)

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden             WWW:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 21:49:44 -0400
From: Robert B. Schmunk <address@hidden>
To: Robb Kambic <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: GRIB tables and center 221


FWIW: Attached the related GRIBTAB file that the Panoply
user later sent me. It's all -1's at the top, though, rather
than identifying center 221 or a subcenter.


111:SWnet:Net Shortwave Radiation           W/m^2        
112:LWnet:Net Longwave Radiation            W/m^2        
121:Qle:Latent Heat Flux                  W/m^2        
122:Qh:Sensible Heat Flux                W/m^2        
155:Qg:Ground Heat Flux                  W/m^2        
131:Snowf:Snowfall rate                     kg/m^2/s     
132:Rainf:Rainfall rate                     kg/m^2/s     
057:Evap:Total Evapotranspiration          kg/m^2/s     
235:Qs:Surface Runoff                    kg/m^2/s     
234:Qsb:Subsurface Runoff                 kg/m^2/s     
099:Qsm:Snowmelt                          kg/m^2/s     
068:DelSoilMoist:Change in soil moisture           kg/m^2       
078:DelSWE:Change in snow water equivalent   kg/m^2       
138:AvgSurfT:Average Surface Temperature       K              
084:Albedo:Surface Albedo, All Wavelengths   -              
065:SWE:Snow Water Equivalent             kg/m^2       
085:SoilTemp1:Average layer 1 soil temperature  K
085:SoilTemp2:Average layer 2 soil temperature  K
085:SoilTemp3:Average layer 3 soil temperature  K
085:SoilTemp4:Average layer 4 soil temperature  K
086:SoilMoist1:Average layer 1 soil moisture     kg/m^2       
086:SoilMoist2:Average layer 2 soil moisture     kg/m^2       
086:SoilMoist3:Average layer 3 soil moisture     kg/m^2       
086:SoilMoist4:Average layer 4 soil moisture     kg/m^2       
207:SoilWet:Total Soil Wetness               -              
200:ECanop:Interception evaporation       kg/m^2/s
210:TVeg:Vegetation transpiration         kg/m^2/s     
199:ESoil:Bare soil evaporation            kg/m^2/s     
070:RootMoist:Root zone soil moisture          kg/m^2       
071:Canopint:Total canopy water storage    kg/m^2
032:Wind:Near surface wind magnitude     m/s            
059:Rainfforc:Rainfall rate                   kg/m^2/s     
064:Snowfforc:Snowfall rate                  kg/m^2/s     
011:Tair:Near surface air temperature      K              
051:Qair:Near surface specific humidity    kg/kg          
001:PSurf:Surface pressure                 Pa             
204:SWdown:Surface incident shortwave radiation  W/m^2 
205:LWdown:Surface incident longwave radiation W/m^2        

On Mar 20, 2010, at 11:13, Robb Kambic wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Mar 2010, Robert B. Schmunk wrote:
>> Robb,
>> A Panoply user just ran into trouble trying to open a GRIB dataset
>> downloaded from
>> The problem is that the GRIB java code is complaining that "Could
>> not find a table entry for GRIB file with center: 221 subCenter: 221
>> number: 1".
>> I see that center 221 is not listed in the tablelookup.lst included
>> in either the GRIB 6.0 or 8.0 jar. Is this a center that could be
>> added?
> Hiya Robert,
> I'll add the needed configurations on Monday after a parameter table is 
> made/obtained.
> Robb...
>> rbs
>> --
>> Robert B. Schmunk, address@hidden
>> NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025
> ===============================================================================
> Robb Kambic                              Unidata Program Center
> Software Engineer III                    Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
> address@hidden                   WWW:
> ===============================================================================

Robert B. Schmunk, address@hidden
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025