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19990428: station behavior in SFLIST/SFL604

>From: address@hidden (William Gallus)
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199904281659.KAA20820

>We corrected all of our station tables yesterday so that Lamoni, IA
>would be listed as LWD, and Ankeny as IKV.  Today, IKV shows up in all
>the gempak programs as it should.  However, odd things are happening with
>LWD.  For instance, if I use SFLIST with a=@LWD, I see the data.
>If I use area=IA, or area = LWD, I see all of the nearby stations, but
>NOT LWD!  In fact, if I use area=LWD*, or area=LWD**, I still do not
>get the LWD report.  But if I use area=LWD***, I do see it.  The same
>thing is true in SFL604.  But, in SFMAP, LWD seems to plot fine.
>What would be causing this odd behavior in the SFLIST,SFL604 programs?
>I'd guess another table change is needed somewhere, but I checked our
>/tables/stns directory, and the change to LWD was made everywhere that
>the change to IKV was, and IKV works fine.
>*  Bill Gallus                               *
>*  Dept. of Geological and Atmospheric Sci.  *
>*  3025 Agronomy Hall                        *
>*  Iowa State University                     *
>*  Ames, IA 50011                            *
>*  (phone) 515-294-2270                      *
>*  (fax)   515-294-3163                      *


You need to add the LWD location 2 places,
1) sfmetar_sa.tbl , assuming that this is the table being used
   by dchrly from the ldm

2) sfworld.tbl , this is the table that is searched when you specify an
   area like LWD.

When you type area=@LWD, then the programs will just look for that
station id in the decoded file. The external tables are not used.

When you specify an area like LWD*, then the external tables are needed to
determine the lat/lon of the station which does not have to be in the data file-
then the surrounding area is calculated.

First check, use SFLIST to list out AREA=@LWD and set SFPARM=slat;slon

See if the SLAT and SLON that are listed out are correct.
If they are 0.00 0.00, then the station was not found in the station
table when the surface file was created. If Lat/lon
are incorrect, then there is probably a typo in the file.

If the lat/lon are correct, then double check that it is in your
sfworld.tbl the same way, and that you haven't used any "TAB"
characters in the file. Also check to make sure everything is caps
(if @IA doesn't pick up the report).

Since you say that LWD*** gets the station listed, it sounds like there is a 
in one of the tables that is causing a proble with lat/lon.

Steve Chiswell