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19991029: saving NSHARP modified soundings

>From: Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199910291839.MAA17541

>I'd like to take a current sounding, modify it, and save the modified
>sounding under the Archived Files option.  My goal is to create a set of
>hypothetical soundings for a variety of situations (airmass examples,
>severe convection, downslope winds, etc) and have them available for
>students. I don't see that there's a straightforward way to do this within
>NSHARP, such as there was in the old SHARP program.  Is this because the
>soundings are not individual files but rather part of one file for the
>whole day?
>Any suggestions?
> ****************************************************************************
>   Anthony A. Rockwood              Metropolitan State College of Denver    
>   Meteorology Program              Dept.of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 
>   303.556.8399                     P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 22
>   address@hidden                Denver, CO  80217-3362                  
> ****************************************************************************


You can save your soundings to a textfile for editing and recall as
from the archive button.

1) Load your desired sounding from any source, and modify it as desired

2) click the "SHOW TEXT" button and then click the "Save" button
   at the bottom of the popup panel. This dumps a file called
   "DECDDROB" in your current working directory (granted, it would
   be nicer to present the user with an option of what file name to use)

3) rename the DECDDROB file to something more descriptive, like
   freezing_rain.snd. You can load this file using the "Archive Files" 
   selection from the Load menu.

Now.... I guess you probably want to have some location on your disk where you 
these Archived Files, and have Nsharp use that as the default location.
You can set this data directory in $NAWIPS/resource/Nsharp at the entry
for Archive/Ascii data which is ~line 72:

! Archive/Ascii data
Nsharp*sharp_sel.pattern:         /data/ldm/gempak/sharp_sndg/*.snd

Set the directory and optional file extension (such as .snd, .txt) or just *.

Nsharp will use that directory as the staring point for the browser selection
when you select Archive Files.

Let me know if you need further information.

Steve Chiswell