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19991112: Garp level display problem


I looked at the file and have no trouble popping up the level widget here.
Do you have other files in your models directory with the _thta name?
If you have an earlier model run that garp opens first, it will use the 
coordinates in the first file opened. Then, you could be missing the levels
even though they are present in your later file.

Garp tries to speed things up by only looking in the first file for
the levels and coordinates, since they are expected to be the same
each model run, and it would be alot slower to look in each file.
However, it does create a problem if you are missing those
coordinates in another file.

Otherwise, I'd be happy to login and take a look if you
still don't see anything wrong.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User support

>From: David Fitzgerald <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199911122136.OAA03285

>Everyone has read rights to the file and gdinfo shows that the levels and
>parameters are there.
>I put Garp_defaults and the model file 99111112_thta.gem on our anonymous
>ftp site.
>Ftp to as anonymous.  The file are in a subdirectory
>of pub called unidata.  
>Thanks for you help!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
>> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 1:11 PM
>> To: David Fitzgerald
>> Cc: address@hidden
>> Subject: 19991112: Garp level display problem 
>> David,
>> Several things to check:
>> 1) do you all have read permission on the file? If you set up the
>>    data file as one user, and nobody else can look at it, then
>>    that could be tha cause. This would probably be accompanied by
>>    no times showing up in the Available Times box.
>> 2) Verify that Garp can look at the grids using the "Info" (gdinfo)
>>    broswer to list out the levels, and verify that everything 
>> is still there.
>> Otherwise, you might want to ftp me the file in question and your
>> Garp_defaults settings.
>> Steve Chiswell
>> Unidata User SUpport
>> >From: David Fitzgerald <address@hidden>
>> >Organization: .
>> >Keywords: 199911121951.MAA00213
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >I am having a weird problem with Garp.  I am creating some 
>> isentropic maps
>> >using gempak and have been using GARP to display them.   I 
>> modified the
>> >Garp_defaults file to allow the new isentropic maps to be 
>> viewed and all
>> >seemed well for a while.  Here is the strange problem.  When 
>> I go to Model
>> >Plan View, pick isentropic for my model, choose isentropic 
>> for vertical
>> >coordinates (which is the way I have it setup in 
>> Garp_defaults), I can
>> >usually choose the isentropic level by pressing the Level 1 
>> button.  I did
>> >this this morning just fine after creating an isentropic 
>> grid for a class
>> >this afternoon.  Now during class when the students go to choose an
>> >isentropic level from the very same model, the button is 
>> greyed out and they
>> >can't pick any level.  I ran Garp on my own account and the 
>> same thing
>> >happens to me.  I didn't change the isentropic grid at all 
>> and now Garp
>> >doesn't allow me to choose the level, where it DID allow me to do so
>> >earlier.  
>> >Any ideas?
>> >
>> >Thanks!
>> >
>> >Dave
>> >
>> >
>> >++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> >David Fitzgerald
>> >System Administrator        Phone: (717) 871-2394
>> >Millersville University          Fax:     (717) 871-4725
>> >Millersville, PA 17551         E-mail: address@hidden
>> >
>> >
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