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19991206: Gempak

Here is the reply I sent you on Dec 2, 1999.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

From address@hidden  Thu Dec  2 13:43:32 1999
        by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with SMTP id NAA20513;
        Thu, 2 Dec 1999 13:43:32 -0700 (MST)
Message-Id: <address@hidden>
To: prof Betancour account2 <address@hidden>
cc: address@hidden
Subject: 19991202: Gempak 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 02 Dec 1999 14:53:48 EST."
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 13:43:32 -0700
From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>

Ka Kit,

Apparently your compilers are older than what we have designed the 
configuration for. In particular, your compilers don't
support the -xildoff option, so you will need to take this option
off of the lines  it appears in in $NAWIPS/config/Makeinc.sol

eg, change:
COPT = -xildoff -g -DUNDERSCORE -D$(OS)
FOPT = -xildoff -g
LDFLAGS   = -xildoff 

FOPT =  

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

>From: prof Betancour account2 <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199912021947.MAA18844

>Hello, steve. This is Ka Kit. I received your reply for my questions
>about the installation problem for Gempak. I now have the fortran and C
>compiler install. But I encounter another problem when using make
>all. The compilation was going good at the beginning and it last for
>pretty long (i think about 10-15 min). But then I encounter some error
>messages at the end. I redirect the make process to a file called
>make.out and the following is the content of the file. Thank you for you 
>help very much and I look forward for your reply.
>                                             Ka Kit Lai
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/nxmlib
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/appl
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/bridge
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/cgemlib
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gemlib
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/syslib
>-n SunOS - making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/device
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt
>-n making in 
>making alt library in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt/access/alt
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>f77 -O -xildoff gplt.f /scratch/gempak/lib/sol/gplt.a  /scratch/gempak/lib/sol
> /gpltdev.a  /scratch/gempak/lib/sol/syslib.a  /scratch/gempak/lib/sol/gemlib.
> a -o gplt
>f77: Warning: Option -xildoff passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored otherwis
> e
> MAIN gplt:
>"GEMINC:GEMPRM.PRM", line 20: Warning: local variable "ermiss" never used
>/usr/ccs/bin/ld: illegal option -- x
>/usr/ccs/bin/ld: illegal option -- x
>usage: ld [-abd:e:f:h:il:mo:rstu:z:B:D:F:GI:L:M:N:Q:R:S:VY:] file(s)
>       [-a]            create an absolute file
>       [-b]            do not do special PIC relocations in a.out
>       [-d y|n]        operate in dynamic|static mode
>       [-e sym]        use `sym' as entry point address
>       [-f name]       specify library for which this file is an auxiliary
>                       filter
>       [-h name]       use `name' as internal shared object identifier
>       [-i]            ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting
>       [-l x]          search for or libx.a
>       [-m]            print memory map
>       [-o outfile]    name the output file `outfile'
>       [-r]            create a relocatable object
>       [-s]            strip any symbol and debugging information
>       [-t]            do not warn of multiply defined symbols of different
>                       sizes
>       [-u sym]        create an undefined symbol `sym'
>       [-z absexec]    when building an exectutable absolute symbols reference
> d in dynamic objects are
>promoted to the executable.
>       [-z now]        mark object as requiring non-lazy binding
>       [-z defs|nodefs]
>                       disallow|allow undefined symbols
>       [-z direct]     specify 'direct' bindings for executable when run
>       [-z groupperm|nogroupperm]
>                       enable|disable setting of GROUP permissions
>                       on dynamic dependencies
>       [-z ignore|record]
>                       ignore|record unused dynamic dependencies
>       [-z initfirst]  mark object so the .init section
>                       of this object is executed before the .init section
>                       of other objects
>       [-z loadfltr]   mark filter as requiring immediate loading of its
>                       filtees at runtime
>       [-z interpose]
>               dynamic object is to be an `interposer' on
>               direct bindings
>       [-z lazyload|nolazyload]
>                       enable|disable delayed loading of shared objects
>       [-z muldefs]    allow multiply defined symbols
>       [-z nodelete]   mark object as non-deletable
>       [-z nodlopen]   mark object as non-dlopen()'able
>       [-z noversion]  don't record any version sections
>       [-z origin]     mark object as requiring $ORIGIN processing
>       [-z redlocsym]  reduce local syms in .symtab to a minimum
>       [-z text]       disallow output relocations against text
>       [-z textwarn]   warn if there are relocations against text
>       [-z textoff]    allow output relocations against text
>       [-z weakextract]
>                       allow extraction of archive members to resolve weak
>                       references
>       [-z allextract] extract all member files from archive files
>       [-z defaultextract]
>                       extract member files from archive files
>                       which resolve undefined or tentative symbols
>       [-z combreloc]  combine multiple relocation sections
>       [-B dynamic|static]
>                       search for shared libraries|archives
>       [-B group]      relocate object from within group
        [-B eliminate]  eliminate unqualified global
>                       symbols from the symbol table
>       [-B local]      reduce unqualified global symbols to local
>       [-B reduce]     process symbol reductions
>       [-B symbolic]   bind external references to definitions when creating
>                       shared objects
>       [-B direct]     specify 'direct' bindings for executable when run
>       [-B translator] specify that this object is to act as a 'translator'
>                       for an application bound with -Bdirect
>       [-D options]    print diagnostic messages
>       [-F name]       specify library for which this file is a filter
>       [-G]            create a shared object
>       [-I interp]     use `interp' as path name of interpreter
>       [-L path]       search for libraries in directory `path'
>       [-M mapfile]    use processing directives contained in `mapfile'
>       [-N file]       create a dynamic dependency on `file'
>       [-Q y|n]        do|do not place version information in output file
>       [-R path]       specify a library search path to be used at run time
>       [-S name]       specify a link-edit support library
>       [-V]            print version information
>       [-Y P,dirlist]  use `dirlist' as a default path when searching for
>                       libraries
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `gplt'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt/main
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'

>From: prof Betancour account2 <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199912061839.LAA10001

>Hello, Steve. This is Ka Kit. I sent you a mail last thursday regarding 
>the problem I have when compiling the Gempak program. I haven't receive 
>your reply and I am not sure whether you didnt receive my mail or someone 
>accidentally delete my mail. So here I send you again my problem. Below 
>is the content of the file "make.out" that I redirect from running the 
>make all command. 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/nxmlib
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/appl
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/bridge
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/cgemlib
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gemlib
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>-n SOLARIS - making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/syslib
>-n SunOS - making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/device
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>Making all in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt
>-n making in 
>making alt library in /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt/access/alt
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>-n making in 
>f77 -O -xildoff gplt.f /scratch/gempak/lib/sol/gplt.a  /scratch/gempak/lib/sol
> /gpltdev.a  /scratch/gempak/lib/sol/syslib.a  /scratch/gempak/lib/sol/gemlib.
> a -o gplt
>f77: Warning: Option -xildoff passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored otherwis
> e
> MAIN gplt:
>"GEMINC:GEMPRM.PRM", line 20: Warning: local variable "ermiss" never used
>/usr/ccs/bin/ld: illegal option -- x
>/usr/ccs/bin/ld: illegal option -- x
>usage: ld [-abd:e:f:h:il:mo:rstu:z:B:D:F:GI:L:M:N:Q:R:S:VY:] file(s)
>       [-a]            create an absolute file
>       [-b]            do not do special PIC relocations in a.out
>       [-d y|n]        operate in dynamic|static mode
>       [-e sym]        use `sym' as entry point address
>       [-f name]       specify library for which this file is an auxiliary
>                       filter
>       [-h name]       use `name' as internal shared object identifier
>       [-i]            ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting
>       [-l x]          search for or libx.a
>       [-m]            print memory map
>       [-o outfile]    name the output file `outfile'
>       [-r]            create a relocatable object
>       [-s]            strip any symbol and debugging information
>       [-t]            do not warn of multiply defined symbols of different
>                       sizes
>       [-u sym]        create an undefined symbol `sym'
>       [-z absexec]    when building an exectutable absolute symbols reference
> d in dynamic objects are
>promoted to the executable.
>       [-z now]        mark object as requiring non-lazy binding
>       [-z defs|nodefs]
>                       disallow|allow undefined symbols
>       [-z direct]     specify 'direct' bindings for executable when run
>       [-z groupperm|nogroupperm]
>                       enable|disable setting of GROUP permissions
>                       on dynamic dependencies
>       [-z ignore|record]
>                       ignore|record unused dynamic dependencies
>       [-z initfirst]  mark object so the .init section
>                       of this object is executed before the .init section
>                       of other objects
>       [-z loadfltr]   mark filter as requiring immediate loading of its
>                       filtees at runtime
>       [-z interpose]
>               dynamic object is to be an `interposer' on
>               direct bindings
>       [-z lazyload|nolazyload]
>                       enable|disable delayed loading of shared objects
>       [-z muldefs]    allow multiply defined symbols
>       [-z nodelete]   mark object as non-deletable
>       [-z nodlopen]   mark object as non-dlopen()'able
>       [-z noversion]  don't record any version sections
>       [-z origin]     mark object as requiring $ORIGIN processing
>       [-z redlocsym]  reduce local syms in .symtab to a minimum
>       [-z text]       disallow output relocations against text
>       [-z textwarn]   warn if there are relocations against text
>       [-z textoff]    allow output relocations against text
>       [-z weakextract]
>                       allow extraction of archive members to resolve weak
>                       references
>       [-z allextract] extract all member files from archive files
>       [-z defaultextract]
>                       extract member files from archive files
>                       which resolve undefined or tentative symbols
>       [-z combreloc]  combine multiple relocation sections
>       [-B dynamic|static]
>                       search for shared libraries|archives
>       [-B group]      relocate object from within group
>       [-B eliminate]  eliminate unqualified global
>                       symbols from the symbol table
>       [-B local]      reduce unqualified global symbols to local
>       [-B reduce]     process symbol reductions
>       [-B symbolic]   bind external references to definitions when creating
>                       shared objects
>       [-B direct]     specify 'direct' bindings for executable when run
>       [-B translator] specify that this object is to act as a 'translator'
>                       for an application bound with -Bdirect
>       [-D options]    print diagnostic messages
>       [-F name]       specify library for which this file is a filter
>       [-G]            create a shared object
>       [-I interp]     use `interp' as path name of interpreter
>       [-L path]       search for libraries in directory `path'
>       [-M mapfile]    use processing directives contained in `mapfile'
>       [-N file]       create a dynamic dependency on `file'
>       [-Q y|n]        do|do not place version information in output file
>       [-R path]       specify a library search path to be used at run time
>       [-S name]       specify a link-edit support library
>       [-V]            print version information
>       [-Y P,dirlist]  use `dirlist' as a default path when searching for
>                       libraries
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `gplt'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt/main
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source/gplt
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4/source
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
>Current working directory /scratch/gempak/gempak5.4
>*** Error code 1
>make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
>Thank you for your help and I look forward for your respond.
>                                            Ka Kit Lai