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20010918: trouble with precip on avn_thin


The problem exists because the AVN thinned grids provide 6 hour 
  135     010920/1200F006                          0         NONE P06M        
  209     010920/1200F012                          0         NONE P06M        
  283     010920/1200F018                          0         NONE P06M        
  357     010920/1200F024                          0         NONE P06M        
  431     010920/1200F030                          0         NONE P06M        
  505     010920/1200F036                          0         NONE P06M        
  579     010920/1200F042                          0         NONE P06M        
  653     010920/1200F048                          0         NONE P06M        
  727     010920/1200F060                          0         NONE P06M        
  801     010920/1200F072                          0         NONE P06M

When you ask to plot P12I, GEMPAK knows how to compute this using
the 6 hourly accumulations. However, to plot a P12I for F060, you need
the P06I at f054 and f060. And, to plot P12I for F072, you need
the P06I at f066 and F072. The problem boils down to not
having AVN grids at f054 and f066 when trying to compute 12 hour accumulations.
You can plot the 6 hour accumulations because they exist in the grid file.

In the case of the ETA 211 grids, the following grids exist:
  305     010920/1200F006                          0         NONE P06M        
  614     010920/1200F018                          0         NONE P06M        
  925     010920/1200F030                          0         NONE P06M        
 1234     010920/1200F042                          0         NONE P06M        
 1543     010920/1200F054                          0         NONE P06M

  459     010920/1200F012                          0         NONE P12M        
  770     010920/1200F024                          0         NONE P12M        
 1079     010920/1200F036                          0         NONE P12M        
 1388     010920/1200F048                          0         NONE P12M        
 1699     010920/1200F060                          0         NONE P12M

The 12 hour accumulations are at the times evenly divisible by 12.
The 6 hourly accumulations are at the intervening times.

GEMPAK can compute the 6 hourly accumulations at all times from f006 to
f060 given the above fields, eg:
gdattim = f006-f060
glevel = 0
gvcord = none
gfunc = p06i

or the 12 hourly accumulations:
gdatttim = f012-f060-12 or f012-f060-6
gfunc = p12i

Since EMSL is available at every time step f000-f060, you should be able to 
a plot for that parameter at all forecast times (providing you received the 
You can verify the times you have EMSL grid for using gdinfo.
gdattim = all
gfunc = emsl

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

>From: Tom Priddy <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Kentucky
>Keywords: 200109181935.f8IJZj114835

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>From: Tom Priddy
>I recently started plotting surface forecast maps for the additional
>times (60 and 72 hrs) using the avn_thin.gem files. But I can't seem to
>get the 12 qpf
>plotted on these maps. The 12 hr qpf for 60 and 72 hours should be
>but all I can plot is the 6 hr forecast accumulation (P06I). I have a
>problem is the 60 hour eta surface map for surface pressure. Can you
>a look at my script for problems.
>#!/bin/csh -f
># This script will produce the forecasted surface conditions when it is
># called upon by the script metforecast.csh. That script is called upon
># by several other scripts after the eta, ngm and nhmrf models are run.
># The eta and ngm are run twice a day and the nhmrf once a day.
># Approximate run time:
>cd /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM
>source ~gempak/.cshrc
>source ~gempak/GEMsetup
># Check arguments
>if ( $#argv == 4 ) then
>  set model = $argv[1]
>  set run = $argv[2]
>  set valid = $argv[3]
>  set YYMMDD = `date -u "+%y%m%d"`
>  set ddate2 = `date "+%D"`
>  set level = $argv[4]
>else if ( $#argv == 5 ) then
>  set model = $argv[1]
>  set run = $argv[2]
>  set valid = $argv[3]
>  set YYMMDD = $argv[4]
>  set ddate2 = $argv[5]
>  set level = all
>  echo ""
>  echo USAGE: metforecast.csh model run time _date_ YYMMDD GMT format
>  echo ""
>  exit
># Check model file
>set model_file = `find /ldmdata/gempak/hds/${YYMMDD}${run}_${model}.gem
>if ($#model_file == 0) then
>   echo ${YYMMDD}${run}_${model} not in - maps not made | mail
>   exit
>set model_size = `ls -l /ldmdata/gempak/hds/${YYMMDD}${run}_${model}.gem
>| awk '{print $5}'`
>if ($model_size <= 400000) then
>   exit
>#if ($model_size <= 6000000 && $model == "ngm" || $model_size <= 6000000
>&& $model == "eta") then
>#   exit
># Check model choice and set pressure variable. Establish filter for
># wind barbs for gdwind.
>set skip = "/-4"
>if (${model} == ngm||${model} == thin) then
>  set presfield = "PMSL"
> else if (${model} == nhmrf||${model} == ruc) then
>  set presfield = "PMSL"
>  set skip = "0"
> else if (${model} == eta) then
>  set presfield = "EMSL"
> else
>  echo ""
>  echo INVALID MODEL:  ngm eta nhmrf
>  echo ""
>  exit
># Set title information and select correct precipitation variable based
># on the valid forecast time.
>set titleinfo = "${valid} Hr Forecast"
>if (${valid} == 6 || ${valid} == 18 || ${valid} == 30 || ${valid} == 42)
>  set precip = "P06I "
>  set precip = "P12I"
># Begin section for surface data.
>set fname = "${YYMMDD}${run}_${model}.${valid}_sfc"
>set output = "${fname}.gif"
>set device = "gfw|${output}|792;612"
>rm -f ${output}
>gdcntr << EOF
> \$MAPFIL  = hipowo.cia
> \$RESPOND = no
> GDATTIM   = f${valid}
> GLEVEL    = 0
> GVCORD    = none
> GFUNC     = ${precip}
> GDFILE    = /ldmdata/gempak/hds/${YYMMDD}${run}_${model}.gem
> CINT      = .05;.1;.25;.5;.75;1;1.5;2;3;4;5
> LINE      = 23/2
> MAP       = 10
> TITLE     = 0
> DEVICE    = ${device}
> SATFIL    = 0
> RADFIL    = 0
> PROJ      = lcc
> GAREA     = uslcc
> CLEAR     = yes
> PANEL     = 0
> TEXT      = 1/21//hw
> SCALE     = 0
> LATLON    = 0
> HILO      = 0
> HLSYM     = 0
> CLRBAR    = 24/H/LL//.75;.02/-1
> CONTUR    = 2
> SKIP      = 0
> FINT      = .05;.1;.25;.5;.75;1;1.5;2;3;4;5
> FLINE     = 101;20-25;16-21
> CTYPE     = f
> LUTFIL    = 0
> STNPLT    = 0
> run
> exit
>gdcntr << EOF
> CLEAR   = no
> GLEVEL  = 1000
> GVCORD  = pres
> GFUNC   = tmpf
> CINT    = 10
> LINE    = 2/3
> TITLE   = 24/-3/${ddate2} ${run}Z ${model} - ${titleinfo} - Surface
> CTYPE   = c
> LUTFIL  = 0
> STNPLT  = 0
> run
> exit
>gdcntr << EOF
> GLEVEL  = 0
> GVCORD  = none
> GFUNC   = ${presfield}
> CINT    = 4
> LINE    = 4/1/2
> HILO    = 4;2/H#;L#///1;1/
> HLSYM   = 2;1/2/2//HW
> CTYPE   = c
> LUTFIL  = 0
> STNPLT  = 0
> run
> exit
>/export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM/${fname} ${model}_${valid}_sfc logo.gif
>/usr/local/bin/combine -compose over -colors 256 logo.gif ${fname}.gif
>/usr/local/bin/giftool -B -i -C ${model}_${valid}_sfc.gif
>mv -f ${model}_${valid}_sfc.gif /ldmdata/images
>rm -f *.nts ${output}
>Tom Priddy                                address@hidden
>Extension Ag. Meteorologist          ph:  859-257-3000 ext 245
>Ag. Weather Center                  fax:  859-257-5671
>243 Charles E. Barnhart Bldg.
>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40546-0276
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
>From: Tom Priddy
><p>I recently started plotting surface forecast maps for the additional
>times (60 and 72 hrs) using the avn_thin.gem files. But I can't seem to
>get the 12 qpf
><br>plotted on these maps. The 12 hr qpf for 60 and 72 hours should be
><br>but all I can plot is the 6 hr forecast accumulation (P06I). I have
>a similar
><br>problem is the 60 hour eta surface map for surface pressure. Can you
><br>a look at my script for problems.
><br><tt><font size=-1>#!/bin/csh -f</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># This script will produce the forecasted surface
>conditions when it is</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># called upon by the script metforecast.csh. That
>script is called upon</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># by several other scripts after the eta, ngm and
>nhmrf models are run.</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># The eta and ngm are run twice a day and the nhmrf
>once a day.</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># Approximate run time:</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>cd /export/home/gempak/scripts/LDM</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>source ~gempak/.cshrc</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>source ~gempak/GEMsetup</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></f
> ont></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># Check arguments</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>if ( $#argv == 4 ) then</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set model = $argv[1]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set run = $argv[2]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set valid = $argv[3]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set YYMMDD = `date -u "+%y%m%d"`</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set ddate2 = `date "+%D"`</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set level = $argv[4]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>else if ( $#argv == 5 ) then</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set model = $argv[1]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set run = $argv[2]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set valid = $argv[3]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set YYMMDD = $argv[4]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set ddate2 = $argv[5]</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set level = all</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>else</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; echo ""</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; echo USAGE: metforecast.csh model run time
>_date_ YYMMDD GMT format</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; echo ""</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>endif</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># Check model file</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>set model_file = `find /ldmdata/gempak/hds/${YYMMDD}${ru
> n}_${model}.gem
>-print`</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>if ($#model_file == 0) then</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp; echo ${YYMMDD}${run}_${model} not in
>- maps not made | mail address@hidden</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp; exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>endif</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>set model_size = `ls -l /ldmdata/gempak/hds/${YYMMDD}${r
> un}_${model}.gem
>| awk '{print $5}'`</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>if ($model_size &lt;= 400000) then</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp; exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>endif</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#if ($model_size &lt;= 6000000 &amp;&amp; $model
>== "ngm" || $model_size &lt;= 6000000 &amp;&amp; $model == "eta") then</font><
> /tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#&nbsp;&nbsp; exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#endif</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># Check model choice and set pressure variable. Establis
> h
>filter for</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># wind barbs for gdwind.</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>set skip = "/-4"</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>if (${model} == ngm||${model} == thin) then</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set presfield = "PMSL"</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;else if (${model} == nhmrf||${model} == ruc)
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set presfield = "PMSL"</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set skip = "0"</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;else if (${model} == eta) then</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set presfield = "EMSL"</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;else</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; echo ""</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; echo INVALID MODEL:&nbsp; ngm eta nhmrf</font></t
> t>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; echo ""</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>endif</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># Set title information and select correct precipitation
>variable based</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># on the valid forecast time.</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>set titleinfo = "${valid} Hr Forecast"</font></tt><tt><f
> ont size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>if (${valid} == 6 || ${valid} == 18 || ${valid} ==
>30 || ${valid} == 42) then</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set precip = "P06I "</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>else</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp; set precip = "P12I"</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>endif</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1># Begin section for surface data.</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>#</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>set fname = "${YYMMDD}${run}_${model}.${valid}_sfc"</fon
> t></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>set output = "${fname}.gif"</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>set device = "gfw|${output}|792;612"</font></tt><tt><fon
> t size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>rm -f ${output}</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>gdcntr &lt;&lt; EOF</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;\$MAPFIL&nbsp; = hipowo.cia</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;\$RESPOND = no</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GDATTIM&nbsp;&nbsp; = f${valid}</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GLEVEL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GVCORD&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = none</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GFUNC&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = ${precip}</font></
> tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GDFILE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = /ldmdata/gempak/hds/${Y
> YMMDD}${run}_${model}.gem</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CINT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = .05;.1;.25;.5
> ;.75;1;1.5;2;3;4;5</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;LINE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 23/2</font></
> tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;MAP&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 10</font
> ></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;TITLE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;DEVICE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = ${device}</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;SATFIL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;RADFIL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;PROJ&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = lcc</font></t
> t>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GAREA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = uslcc</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CLEAR&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = yes</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;PANEL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;TEXT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 1/21//hw</fon
> t></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;SCALE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;LATLON&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;HILO&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;HLSYM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CLRBAR&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 24/H/LL//.75;.02/-1</fo
> nt></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CONTUR&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 2</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;SKIP&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;FINT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = .05;.1;.25;.5
> ;.75;1;1.5;2;3;4;5</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;FLINE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 101;20-25;16-21</f
> ont></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CTYPE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = f</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;LUTFIL&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;STNPLT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;run</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>EOF</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>gdcntr &lt;&lt; EOF</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CLEAR&nbsp;&nbsp; = no</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GLEVEL&nbsp; = 1000</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GVCORD&nbsp; = pres</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GFUNC&nbsp;&nbsp; = tmpf</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CINT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 10</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;LINE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 2/3</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;TITLE&nbsp;&nbsp; = 24/-3/${ddate2} ${run}Z
>${model} - ${titleinfo} - Surface Conditions</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CTYPE&nbsp;&nbsp; = c</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;LUTFIL&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;STNPLT&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;run</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>EOF</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>gdcntr &lt;&lt; EOF</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GLEVEL&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GVCORD&nbsp; = none</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;GFUNC&nbsp;&nbsp; = ${presfield}</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CINT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 4</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;LINE&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 4/1/2</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;HILO&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 4;2/H#;L#///1;1/</font></
> tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;HLSYM&nbsp;&nbsp; = 2;1/2/2//HW</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;CTYPE&nbsp;&nbsp; = c</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;LUTFIL&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;STNPLT&nbsp; = 0</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;run</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;exit</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>EOF</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>gpend</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>#/export/home/gempak/scripts/add_logo /export/home/gempak
> /scripts/LDM/${fname}
>${model}_${valid}_sfc logo.gif</font></tt><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>
><p><tt><font size=-1>/usr/local/bin/combine -compose over -colors 256 logo.gif
>${fname}.gif ${model}_${valid}_sfc.gif</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>/usr/local/bin/giftool -B -i -C ${model}_${valid}
> f</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>mv -f ${model}_${valid}_sfc.gif /ldmdata/images</font></
> tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1>rm -f *.nts ${output}</font></tt>
><br><tt><font size=-1></font></tt>&nbsp;
><br>Tom Priddy&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs
> p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb
> sp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
><br>Extension Ag. Meteorologist&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp
> ;&nbsp;
>ph:&nbsp; 859-257-3000 ext 245
><br>Ag. Weather Center&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&n
> bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
>fax:&nbsp; 859-257-5671
><br>243 Charles E. Barnhart Bldg.
><br>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
><br>University of Kentucky
><br>Lexington, KY 40546-0276
><br>HOMEPAGE&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="";>