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20020219: 20020219: Plotting two differnt PARM at two diff. times


There is no problem with grids for different dates so long as you
specify the full gempak time, and not just fxxx.

The following are the settings I used to generate a difference plot
using gdplot2, which should similarly work in other gd programs
(I'd suggest migrating to gdplot2 away from gdplot anyhow).
The output (quick and dirty) is shown at:

GDFILE   = mrf_ecna.gem
 GDATTIM  = 020218/1200F156:020218/1200F240
 GLEVEL   = 850
 GVCORD   = pres
 PANEL    = 0
 SKIP     = 0
 SCALE    = 999
 GDPFUN   = sub(AVEEU,AVEMRF^020219/0000F144:020219/0000F228)
 TYPE     = C
 CONTUR   = 0
 CINT     = 0
 LINE     = 3
 FINT     = 0
 FLINE    = 10-20
 HILO     =  
 HLSYM    =  
 CLRBAR   =  
 WIND     = BM1
 REFVEC   =  
 TITLE    = 1
 TEXT     = 1
 GAREA    = uslcc
 PROJ     = lcc
 MAP      = 1
 LATLON   =  
 DEVICE   = gif
 STNPLT   =  
 SATFIL   =  
 RADFIL   =  
 LUTFIL   =  
 STREAM   =  
 POSN     = 0
 COLORS   = 1
 MARKER   = 0
 GRDLBL   = 0

Steve Chiswell

>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200202192223.g1JMNBx05696

>This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
>this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
>Content-Type: text/plain;
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>I cannot seem to get this to work in gdplot. 
>I understand if you specify a time in gfunc that it overrides what you
>specify in gdattim.
>However, I think my problem is that the dates are different.
>What else might I try.  Attached is the .gem file it's two megs roughly
> GDFILE   = mrf_ecna.gem
> GDATTIM  = 020218/1200F156:020218/1200F240
> GLEVEL   = 850
> GVCORD   = pres
> PANEL    =  
> SKIP     = 0
> SCALE    = 999
> GFUNC    = sub(AVEEU,AVEMRF^020219/0000F144:020219/0000F228)
> CTYPE    = C/F
> CONTUR   = 0
> CINT     = 4/-30/30
> LINE     = 32/10/0.5/1
> FINT     = -30;-28;-26;-24;-22;-20;-18;-16;-14;-12;-10;-8;-6;-4;-2;0
> FLINE    = 16-11;31-28;4;24-27;6;0
> HILO     =  
> HLSYM    =  
> CLRBAR   =  
> GVECT    =  
> WIND     =  
> REFVEC   =  
> TITLE    = 31/-1/MRF /ECMWF 7-10 day Avg 850 mb Temp c
> TEXT     = 1
> CLEAR    = yes
> GAREA    = US
> PROJ     = str/90;-100;-3
> MAP      = 23
> LATLON   = 0
> DEVICE   = xw
> STNPLT   =  
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 3:48 PM
>To: Siffert, Andy
>Cc: 'Unidata Support'
>Subject: 20020219: Plotting two differnt PARM at two diff. times 
>>From: "Siffert, Andy" <address@hidden>
>>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>>Keywords: 200202192141.g1JLfjx00339
>>I'm trying to figure out how to plot the difference between two different
>>PARM at two different times on to one plot. In this case I have created and
>>.gem file with AVEEU which is the Avg. of the ECMWF from the given times.
>>AVEMRF is the Avg. of the MRF from the given times.
>>NUM       TIME1              TIME2           LEVL1 LEVL2  VCORD PARM
>>2     020218/1200F156   020218/1200F240      850         PRES AVEEU
>>13     020219/0000F144   020219/0000F228      850         PRES AVEMRF
>>I'm not sure how and what I can use to plot the differences between the two
>>gdplot will not work because I have two different times.
>>that or I'm not specifying my 
>>gddattim and gfunc properly.
>>Any idea's would be greatly appreciated.
>Use an any gempak program (including gdplot):
>You can override time, vertical coordinate and level for any 
>paremeter using the ^, @, and % parameters as specified in
>the "phelp gparm" help.
>Also, review the tutorial:
>Steve Chiswell
>Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
>(303)497-8644                                                  P.O. Box 3000
>address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
>Unidata WWW Service              