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20021115: oabsnd, first guess and missing grid again...


Try taking SHOW out of the STNDEX list of parameters to
grid in OABSND. I thinking that the error message is
related to not finding a guess grid for that. If that
isn't the problem, I'll have to set up a test.

Steve CHiswell

>From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Christian_Pag=E9?= <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200211151501.gAFF1KL26527

>Hi again,
>I am trying to also use a first guess for 500 hPa geopotential height 
>barnes analysis, but oabsnd never finds the grid, while gdinfo and 
>gdlist do list the grid I ask for.
>Here is a summary:
>I run oagrid to create a grid file for 500 hPa hgtd barnes analysis:
>$GEMEXE/oagrid  << EOF
>GDFILE  = /io/httpd/gempak/grids/nam_up_t.grid
>DELTAN  = 0
>DELTAX  = 0
>DELTAY  = 0
>GRDAREA = #45.30;-73.35;11;14
>EXTEND  = 2;2;2;2
>DTAAREA = #45.30;-73.35;11;14
>SNFILE  = $GEMUPA/20021115_upa.gem
>SNPARM  = hgtd;hght
>DATTIM  = 021115/00
>LEVELS  = 500
>MAXGRD  = 1000
>  GRIDAREA           34.30    -87.35     55.30    -60.05  (       56.30  
>  DELTAN              4.200
>  DELTAX              2.100
>  DELTAY              2.100
>  GRID POINTS     X :  14  ( 2, 2 )        Y :  11  ( 2, 2 )
>  EXTENDAREA           30.10    -91.55     59.50    -55.85
>  DATAAREA             34.30    -87.35     56.30    -59.35
>    FILE      $GEMUPA/20021115_upa.gem
>  SOURCE    SN               34.30    -87.35     56.30    -59.35       
>NSTN   23
>    PARM      HGTD        LEVEL    0.0        DATTIM       021115/0000
>      COMPUTED DATA SPACING           2.912
>      UNIFORM  DATA SPACING           5.486
>      RECOMMENDED   DELTAN =  4.199   DELTAX =  2.985   DELTAY =  2.099
>Then I run gdbiint to get the proper model field:
>  GDFILE    Grid file                        
>  GDOUTF    Output grid file                  
>  GFUNC     Scalar grid                       hght
>  GLEVEL    Grid level                        500
>  GVCORD    Grid vertical coordinate          pres
>  GDATTIM   Grid date/time                    F000
>  GDNUM     Grid numbers
>and I get:
>Building interpolation array for    14 columns    11 rows
>  Input grid file contains          565 grids
>  Interpolating HGHT    021115/0000F000                    500    -1 PRES
>So far so good.
>Then gddiag to change hght to hgtd:
>GDFILE = /io/httpd/gempak/grids/namumodt.grid
>GDOUTF = /io/httpd/gempak/grids/namumodt.grid
>GFUNC = QUO(hght,10)
>GLEVEL = 500
>GVCORD = pres
>GRDNAM = hgtd
>with the output:
>     TIME1             TIME2         LEVL1 LEVL2   VCORD PARM
>021115/0000F000                       500          PRES HGTD
>Then the oabsnd run:
>  Output grid file:        /io/httpd/gempak/grids/nam_up_t.grid
>  Number of x, y points:    14    11
>  Grid bnds:     34.30   -87.35    55.30   -60.05 Grid xtnd:    2   2   
>2   2
>  Station spacing:           4.20
>  Guess grid file:  /io/httpd/gempak/grids/namumodt.grid
>  Guess time:  F000
>  Sounding file:           $GEMUPA/20021115_upa.gem
>  Data area:               34.30;-87.35;55.30;-60.05
>  Level parameters:        HGTD
>  QC threshold:             0.0
>  Levels:                   500
>  Vertical coordinate:     PRES
>  Station parameters:      SHOW
>  Time:                   021115/0000
>  GAMMA: 0.30   SEARCH:  20.00  NPASS:  2
>  Data extrapolation may occur.
>  Processing data at time 021115/0000
>  [DG -7]  Input grid ... cannot be found.
>  [OA -5]  Guess grid could not be found.
>  SNFILE    Sounding data file                $GEMUPA/20021115_upa.gem
>  GDFILE    Grid file                         
>  SNPARM    Sounding parameter list           hgtd
>  STNDEX    Stability indices                 SHOW
>  LEVELS    Vertical levels                   500
>  VCOORD    Vertical coordinate type          PRES
>  DATTIM    Date/time                         021115/00
>  DTAAREA   Data area for OA                  dset
>  GUESS     Guess file*time                   
>  GAMMA     Convergence parameter             0.3
>  SEARCH    Search radius/Extrapolation       20/EX
>  NPASS     Number of passes                  2
>  QCNTL     Quality control threshold
>I tried with the full guess time with no difference.
>Here is the gdinfo output:
>  GDFILE   = /io/httpd/gempak/grids/namumodt.grid
>  OUTPUT   = t
>  GDATTIM  = F000
>  GLEVEL   = 500
>  GVCORD   = pres
>  GFUNC    = all
>  GRID FILE: /io/httpd/gempak/grids/namumodt.grid
>      PROJECTION:          CED
>      GRID SIZE:           14  11
>      LL CORNER:              34.30    -87.35
>      UR CORNER:              55.30    -60.05
>      DELTAN:               4.200
>      DELTAX:               2.100
>      DELTAY:               2.100
>      GRID AREA:            34.30  -87.35   55.30  -60.05
>      EXTEND AREA:          30.10  -91.55   59.50  -55.85
>      DATA AREA:            34.30  -87.35   56.30  -59.35
>  Number of grids in file:     2
>  Maximum number of grids in file:   1000
>   NUM       TIME1              TIME2           LEVL1 LEVL2  VCORD PARM
>     1     021115/0000F000                        500         PRES HGHT
>     2     021115/0000F000                        500         PRES HGTD
>So the guess grid is there, but oabsnd doesn't find it. Is there a way 
>to have more verbose output from oabsnd?
>Is there something I miss to have oabsnd fail?
>Christian Pagé
>Etudiant au Doctorat en Sciences de l'environnement UQAM
>+1 514 987 3000 ext. 2376