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20021121: gdradr


The ucnids program doesn't do anything about creating
composite products, or even projecting the data from radials. 
All it does is uncompress the nids product from the zlib compressed
nexrad format to the uncompressed nexrad format..

The datatype.tbl value that I created for gdradr is NEXRIII
for specifying the the path and product template. 
Garp and NMAP are only interested in the RAD template
for finding the head of the data tree.

If you have changed the NEXRIII paramater, I will need to see
what you are using. If you are using another file naming scheme,
I would need to look at that too...since my advertising of the
program matches the pqact.conf examples I provide. 

If gdradr is just returning, then it probably isn't finding any 
radar files of the specified GDPFUN parameter (such as
GDPFUN=n0r ! net ! ncr), or isn't
finding any within the desired window of time (RADTIME and RADDUR).
So, look there as well as the NEXRIII template which should look like:
for products named like:

(The LDM pqact.conf action I provide uses the above naming scheme
getting the N0R and FTG from the PIL identifier for the product.

Gdlist can pront out the data values. If you need to plot out
the lat/lon values, use GFUNC=mul(latr,RTD) and

Typically, you should see the program open the station table,
then for each file directory that matches the $RAD/NIDS/%SITE%/%PROD%
template, and if a product os used, you will get a status line to that
effect, or you will see a message that the product is too old.
Since you are seeing nothing (presumably you are using the 
standard nexrad station table), then it is most likely that your NEXRIII
specification is incorrect.

Steve Chiswell

>From: "Thomas L. Mote" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200211211848.gALImL429096

>I am trying to use Gempak's gdradr routine to create a radar
>composite (n0r or ncr) in a Gempak grid file format. I then 
>want to use gdlist to output data values. First, will this 
>even work? Eventually, I would like the lat/lon for each of 
>the values, so I guess I would probably want to use a CED 
>projection to simplify this. 
>However, I cannot seem to get gdradr to work as advertised. 
>I have checked the datatype.tbl to make sure my settings 
>are correct. (I can display the radar data in Garp or 
>nmap.) I tried using the settings suggested in the online 
>documentation for a 4km national mosaic. However, when I go 
>to "run" gdradr, it just returns me to a command prompt 
>with no action or error statements. Do you have any ideas 
>what I am doing wrong?
>Possibly, you can suggest a better way to approach this. I 
>got Dan Vietor's ucnids code, but I wasn't sure how to 
>compile it. Apparently it needs to link to zlib. Moreover, 
>this only uncompresses the data, but I'm not sure what I 
>would need to do afterward. If you have another suggestion 
>for approaching this problem, I would greatly appreaciate 
>your input.
>Thomas L. Mote