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Re: 20041206: 20041203: 20041203: Gempak - Common problem with NEXR2RHI

Dear Steve,

Thanks once again for your help. I am sorry to have bothered you with such a trivial question.

Thanks again,

Unidata Support wrote:


The file you have is a standard ARCHIVE2.0 Level II file that has been gzip'd. You need to "gunzip" the file in order to view it.

This file does not contain compressed data blocks as do the
bzip2 encoded files in the LevelII IDD data stream.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

From: "Owen Doherty" <address@hidden>
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200412061908.iB6J8tlI021129

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Sorry about the confusion.

Attached please find the level II data file that you requested.

Thank you,


Actually, I meant the level II file in question to see if
something is different about this file you have, and what needs to
be done to plot it.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

From: "Owen Doherty" <address@hidden>
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200412032300.iB3N0vlI009956
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Dear Steve,

Attached please find our current version of nexr2rhi.

Thank you once more.


If you can send me a copy of the file, I'll look at it.

Steve CHiswell
Unidata User Support

From: "Owen Doherty" <address@hidden>
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200412032215.iB3MFZlI004766
Hi Steve.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

The build date of the nexr2rhi is October 4.


Can you check that the build date of your 5.7.3 nexr2rhi binary
is >> >> later than Sept 7, 2004?
The release date of 5.7.3 was Oct 4, 2004 per:
and should have had that change. But, if you had downloaded a
pre-release tarfile before the 5.7.3 release, then you might be
missing that fix.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

From: "Owen Doherty" <address@hidden>
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200412032008.iB3K8lch024682
Institution: ITPA - MSRC - SUNY @ Stony Brook
Package Version: 5.7.3
Operating System: Fedora
Hardware Information:  .
Inquiry: Hi Steve,

First thanks for your help a few months back.  We solved the
problem >> > by upgrad ing our hardware, thanks in part to your
e-mail. >> >
I have another \'problem\' for you.  While working with
nexr2rhi, >> I >> > recieved t his message (the rest of which follows
below): >> >> >
Creating process: xw for queue 163845
: No such file or directory
wsr88d_to_radar: No valid site ID info found.

I checked the message board and it seemed to sugest that the
problem >> > with byte s 21-24 had been solved with gempak 5.7.3.
However I am >> > using gempak 5.7.3 a nd having the same problem.
I am curious if there is a simple solution out there that I am
missing. >
Thanks always for your help.

Owen Doherty

Radar file:                 KOKX_19960107_0005
Vertical coordinate:       hght
Endpoints:                 @75;380>@380;75           Number of
horizontal poi nts:   460
Number of vertical points:    51
Scaling factor:        10** 0      Max:       0.000000    Min:
   0.000000 Panel:  0


LEVELS:         0.00     4.00     8.00    12.00    16.00
20.00 >> > > 24.00 COLORS:      0       26       25        4       24
    21 >> >> >     22 TYPES:      1        1        1        1
1        1 >> >>     1 >
LEVELS:        28.00    32.00    36.00    40.00    44.00
48.00 >> >> > 52.00 COLORS:     23       20       19       17       16
     13 >> >> >     15 TYPES:      1        1        1        1
1        1 >> >>     1 >
LEVELS:        56.00    60.00    64.00    68.00    72.00
COLORS:     14       12       11        1       31       29
TYPES:      1        1        1        1        1        1


****** < Unidata User Support >> UCAR >> Unidata Program <
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****** < Unidata User Support
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