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Re: 20050426: Converting CPTEC ETA grib to GEMPAK


Your table had "tab" characters in it which may be confusing the fortran
read format for the table in $GEMPAK/source/gemlib/na/nartbl.f.

I modified your table and have attached it to this message. Can you
try your decoding again and see if this changes your result.
Note, that if/when you upgrade to GEMPAK5.8.1 and later,
tere will be 2 additional columns for that table which specify
interpolation flags for grids- but this is not an issue here since you
said you are running 5.7.1.

The interface to dcgrib2 is provided in the "dcgrib2 -h" output, and
otherwise, since it uses the table structure etc of the "nagrib"
program- you can obtain additional information there. The nagrib program
is capable of reading grib data from a file, while dcgrib2 was written
to allow reading from an input stream as well as do other tasks such
as stiching together grids such as the WAFS octets and using file name

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 08:50, Guilherme O. Chagas wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I've followed your instructions, but it seems like cptec's grib pds octet #4
> really is 254. I'm sending the dcgrib2 log and the screen output (log-v4.1).
> By the way, where can I find an extensive documentation about dcgrib?
> Thanks for your help.
> Best Regards,
> ___________________________
>         Guilherme O. Chagas
>                 address@hidden
> On 26 Apr 2005 14:03:30 -0600, Steve Chiswell wrote
> > Guilherme,
> > 
> > Your dcgrib2.log file shows error messages of the type [DCGRIB 3].
> > Each of these lines shows the parameter number that could not be 
> > found in your parameter tables. The problem I believe lies in how 
> > you have named your parameter tables.
> > 
> > examples of the missing parameter numbers that are in the log message
> > are:
> > 135, 136, 140, 146, 149 etc.
> > 
> > All of these parameters are listed in your cptec.table, and are
> > in your cptecgrib254.tbl- which means that the parameter should be found
> > if the table number in the GRIB pds octet #4 is "254".
> > 
> > Your other table, cptecgrib1.tbl would be used if the table number
> > specified in your GRIB pds block is "1". This table only has parameters
> > 1-127, so the identified missing parameter numbers above will not be
> > found.
> > 
> > What is the table version number your data uses?
> > If you don't know, you can run dcgrib2 with "-v 4" and you should 
> > see a line such as: PDS byte      4 (pds.version)     = that will 
> > tell you what table is expected to be open
> > 
> > Also, when you run the decoder using "-v 4", you will see the names 
> > of the tables that the decoder is opening to find the parameters,
> >  such as:
> > 
> >  Changing center table to cntrgrib1.tbl
> >  Changing vertical coord table to vcrdgrib1.tbl
> >  Changing WMO parameter table to wmogrib2.tbl
> >  Changing center parameter table to ncepgrib2.tbl
> > [9360785] 050426/1355[DCGRIB 0] grib tables [cntr 7 edtn 1 vers 2]
> > 
> > The cntrgrib1.tbl will be that table that is opeed to translate the
> > model center defined by PDS octet #5, eg:
> > PDS byte      5 (      = 
> > The number that is found in octet 5 is used to determine what model
> > center created the GRIB. I'm
> > assuming that your GRID data will define this center to be "46".
> > Then, in cntrgrib1.tbl you will have "cptec" defined as the string
> > to use when opening the center parameter table for parameter numbers
> > 128-255.
> > 
> > In the example above, for an NCEP GRIB, you see that center #7 is 
> > ncep, and the table version number is 2, so the tables that are 
> > opened are wmogrib2.tbl for parameters 1-127, and ncepgrib2.tbl for 
> > 128-255.
> > 
> > If you still have trouble, please send me the complete log output
> > for dcgrib2 using the "-v 4" logging level, including the
> > output that is written to the screen.
> > 
> > Steve Chiswell
> > Unidata User Support
> > 
> > n Mon, 2005-04-25 at 00:13, Guilherme O. Chagas wrote:
> > > Steve, 
> > > 
> > > I've been working with CPTEC, configuring and creating Gempak tables to 
> > > allow
> > > the conversion of CPTEC ETA model to gem files, focused on IDD live feeds.
> > > I've successfully converted the grib file, and implemented the CPTEC ETA 
> > > model
> > > on NMAP, allowing the user to visualize the model output. However, many 
> > > of the
> > > variables present in the original grib cant be seen on NMAP, even though 
> > > some
> > > can be displayed perfectly. The dcgrib2 conversion log shows some 
> > > information
> > > that might be errors  Im not sure -, what might indicate a wrong
> > > configuration on the conversion table. Can you point out what could be 
> > > causing
> > > such problem? Im sending the cptec tables (cptecgrib254.tbl & 
> > > cptecgrib1.tbl)
> > > generated to dcgrib2, the original grib table (cptec.table) and dcgrib2 
> > > log
> > > (dcgrib2.log) attached. 
> > > 
> > > Best Regards,
> > > ___________________________
> > >         Guilherme O. Chagas
> > >                 address@hidden
> > >
! CPTECGRIB254.TBL -- GRIB 2 parameter conversion table version 128
!ID# NAME                             UNITS                GNAM         SCALE   
128 2 metre temperature               K                    TP2M             0  
129 2 metre dewpoint temperature      K                    DP2M             0  
130 10 metre u-wind component         m s**-1              U10M             0  
131 10 metre v-wind component         m s**-1              V10M             0  
132 Topography                        m                    TOPO             0  
133 Geometric mean surface pressure   hPa                  GSFP             0  
134 Ln surface pressure               hPa                  LNSP             0  
135 Surface pressure                  hPa                  PSLC             0  
136 M S L pressure (mesinger method)  hPa                  PSLM             0  
137 Mask                              - +                  MASK             0  
138 Maximum u-wind                    m s**-1              MXWU             0  
139 Maximum v-wind                    m s**-1              MXWV             0  
140 Convective avail.      m**2 s**-2           CAPE             0  
141 Convective inhib. Energy          m**2 s**-2           CINE             0  
142 Convective latent heating         K s                  LHCV             0  
143 Convective moisture source        1 s                  MSCV             0  
144 Shallow conv. Moisture source     1 s                  SCVM             0  
145 Shallow convective heating        K s                  SCVH             0  
146 Maximum wind press. Lvl           hPa                  MXWP             0  
147 Storm motion u-component          m s**-1              USTR             0  
148 Storm motion v-component          m s**-1              VSTR             0  
149 Mean cloud cover                  0-1                  CBNT             0  
150 Pressure at cloud base            hPa                  PCBS             0  
151 Pressure at cloud top             hPa                  PCTP             0  
152 Freezing level height             m                    FZHT             0  
153 Freezing level relative humidity  %                    FZRH             0  
154 Flight levels temperature         K                    FDLT             0  
155 Flight levels u-wind              m s**-1              FDLU             0  
156 Flight levels v-wind              m s**-1              FDLV             0  
157 Tropopause pressure               hPa                  TPPP             0  
158 Tropopause temperature            K                    TPPT             0  
159 Tropopause u-wind component       m s**-1              TPPU             0  
160 Tropopause v-wind component       m s**-1              TPPV             0  
162 Gravity wave drag du/dt           m s**-2              GVDU             0  
163 Gravity wave drag dv/dt           m s**-2              GVDV             0  
164 Grav wave drag sfc zonal stress   Pa                   GVUS             0  
165 Grav wave drag sfc merid stress   Pa                   GVVS             0  
167 Divergence of specific humidity   1 s                  DVSH             0  
168 Horiz. Moisture flux conv.        1 s                  HMFC             0  
169 Vert. Integ moisture flux conv.   kg m**-2 s**-1       VMFL             0  
170 Vertical moisture advection       kg kg**-1 s**-1      VADV             0  
171 Neg. Hum. Corr. Moisture source   kg kg**-1 s**-1      NHCM             0  
172 Large scale latent heating        K s                  LGLH             0  
173 Large scale moisture source       1 s                  LGMS             0  
174 Soil moisture availability        0-1                  SMAV             0  
175 Soil temperature of root zone     K                    TGRZ             0  
176 Bare soil latent heat             Ws m**-2             BSLH             0  
177 Potential sfc evaporation         m                    EVPP             0  
178 Runoff                            kg m**-2 s**-1       RNOF             0  
179 Interception loss                 W m**-2              PITP             0  
180 Vapor press of canopy air space   mb                   VPCA             0  
181 Surface spec humidity             kg kg**-1            QSFC             0  
182 Soil wetness of surface           0-1                  USSL             0  
183 Soil wetness of root zone         0-1                  UZRS             0  
184 Soil wetness of drainage zone     0-1                  UZDS             0  
185 Storage on canopy                 m                    AMDL             0  
186 Storage on ground                 m                    AMSL             0  
187 Surface temperature               K                    TSFC             0  
188 Surface absolute temperature      K                    TEMS             0  
189 Temperature of canopy air space   K                    TCAS             0  
190 Temperature at canopy             K                    CTMP             0  
191 Ground/surface cover temperature  K                    TGSC             0  
192 Surface zonal wind (u)            m s**-1              UVES             0  
193 Surface zonal wind stress         Pa                   USST             0  
194 Surface meridional wind (v)       m s**-1              VVES             0  
195 Surface meridional wind stress    Pa                   VSST             0  
196 Surface momentum flux             W m**-2              SUVF             0  
197 Incident short wave flux          W m**-2              ISWF             0  
198 Time ave ground ht flx            W m**-2              GHFL             0  
200 Net long wave at bottom (clear)   W m**-2              LWBC             0  
201 Outgoing long wave at top (clear) W m**-2              LWTC             0  
202 Short wv absrbd by earth/atm (cl) W m**-2              SWEC             0  
203 Short wave absrbd at ground (clr) W m**-2              OCAC             0  
205 Long wave radiative heating       K s                  LWRH             0  
206 Short wave radiative heating      K s                  SWRH             0  
207 Downward long wave at bottom      W m**-2              OLIS             0  
208 Downward long wave at bottom (cl) W m**-2              OLIC             0  
209 Downward short wave at ground     W m**-2              OCIS             0  
210 Downward short wave at grd (cl)   W m**-2              OCIC             0  
211 Upward long wave at bottom        W m**-2              OLES             0  
212 Upward short wave at ground       W m**-2              OCES             0  
213 Upward short wave at ground (cl)  W m**-2              SWGC             0  
214 Upward short wave at top          W m**-2              ROCE             0  
215 Upward short wave at top (clear)  W m**-2              SWTC             0  
218 Horizontal heating diffusion      K s                  HHDF             0  
219 Horizontal moisture diffusion     1 s                  HMDF             0  
220 Horizontal divergence diffusion   1 s**-2              HDDF             0  
221 Horizontal vorticity diffusion    1 s**-2              HVDF             0  
222 Vertical diff. Moisture source    1 s                  VDMS             0  
223 Vertical diffusion du/dt          m s**-2              VDFU             0  
224 Vertical diffusion dv/dt          m s**-2              VDFV             0  
225 Vertical diffusion heating        K s                  VDFH             0  
226 Surface relative humidity         -                    UMRS             0  
227 Vertical dist total cloud cover   -                    VDCC             0  
230 Time mean surface zonal wind (u)  m s**-1              USMT             0  
231 Time mean surface merid wind (v)  m s**-1              VSMT             0  
232 Time mean surface absolute temp   K                    TSMT             0  
233 Time mean sfc relative humidity   -                    RSMT             0  
234 Time mean absolute temperature    K                    ATMT             0  
235 Time mean deep soil temperature   K                    STMT             0  
236 Time mean derived omega           Pa s**-1             OMMT             0  
237 Time mean divergence              1 s                  DVMT             0  
238 Time mean geopotential height     m                    ZHMT             0  
239 Time mean log surface pressure    ln(cbar)             LNMT             0  
240 Time mean mask                    - +                  MKMT             0  
241 Time mean meridional wind (v)     m s**-1              VVMT             0  
242 Time mean omega                   cbar s**-1           OMTM             0  
243 Time mean potential temperature   K                    PTMT             0  
244 Time mean precip. Water           kg m**-2             PCMT             0  
245 Time mean relative humidity       %                    RHMT             0  
246 Time mean sea level pressure      hPa                  MPMT             0  
247 Time mean sigmadot                1 s                  SIMT             0  
248 Time mean specific humidity       kg kg**-1            UEMT             0  
249 Time mean stream function         m**2 s**-1           FCMT             0  
250 Time mean surface pressure        hPa                  PSMT             0  
251 Time mean surface temperature     K                    TMMT             0  
252 Time mean velocity potential      m**2 s**-1           PVMT             0  
253 Time mean virtual temperature     K                    TVMT             0  
254 Time mean vorticity               1 s                  VTMT             0  
255 Time mean zonal wind (u)          m s**-1              UVMT             0  