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Re: tigge config


You have a very good understanding of the software.  A cluster
director does do TCP proxying, and it is usually more complex than
the TCP proxy software I'm using on ultrazone (called Balance);


In building a real cluster, I'd recommend LVS for load balancing
and Heartbeat for high availability/failure detection;


The only change I've made on your system so far is to the ldmd.conf
file by changing to and
restarting your LDM with "ldmadmin restart".  I've also built
balance in /usr/local/ldm01/tmp ans started it running;

$ ps -ef | grep balance | grep 8080
ldm01  18415  1  0 Mar30 ?     00:00:00 ./balance 8080 localhost:388

Can you ask your network people to open port 8080 on your system
so ECMWF and NCAR can connect to port 8080 on

In the long run, will it be simpler to use port 8080 or find out
where and why the LDM port 388 is being throttled?

Best Regards,


On Apr 1,  1:24pm, <address@hidden> wrote:
> Subject: Re: Re: tigge config
>Hi, Mike,
>  From: Mike Schmidt
>  Date: 2007-03-30 22:54:09
>  To: address@hidden
>  Cc:
>  Subject: Re: tigge config
>>The TCP Proxy software could be used to create a cluster environment, but
>>is probably not the recommended way to implement a cluster.  If you plan
>>on building a cluster, there's better software to use which I can recommend.
>I'd like to know that software, please tell me something about it. I have read
>the chapter "LDM Cluster" when I was studying LDM, you said "TCP Proxy" which
>remind me of the Director Servr which I guess has proxy software running on
>maybe they are different softwares, I did not understand it well.
>>I've had an email discussion with Doug Schuster yesterday, and I have the
>>approval to make the required changes on ultrazone.
>>One we confirm (or disprove) the changes will work, we'll request the
>>necessary changes at ECMWF as well.
>>Do I have your permission to make minor changes to the ldmd.conf and
>>restart the LDM with "ldmadmin restart"?
>Yes, please, and thank you. Just let me know some important part of these
>changes if it will not take you much time.
>Best Regards,
>Apr 1st.