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[LDM #KSK-757114]: GOES-16 GRB has partially stopped

Hi Art,

> Yes, I heard about the platform issue regarding the IR channels.  I guess
> it's supposed to be a problem mostly during the daytime when it receives
> the most solar heating...?

Actually, it is the exact opposite - the noise in the IR channels comes
at night.  This snippit from a GOES-R website may be of interest:   at News and Events

"July 27, 2018: Experts Make Progress on Resolving GOES-17 ABI Issue
NOAA has shared new information on efforts to resolve the technical
issues impacting the performance of the GOES-17 Advanced Baseline Imager
(ABI), predicting all of the ABI spectral channels will be available for 
the majority of the day. The ABI, the primary instrument onboard the 
satellite, has experienced trouble with its cooling system during the 
rbital check-out phase of GOES-17's six instruments. The other five 
instruments are performing normally.

The cooling system of the ABI is not functioning properly. Currently the 
loop heat pipe subsystem, which transfers heat from the ABI electronics 
to the radiator, is malfunctioning. This is preventing adequate cooling 
for some of the infrared (IR) channels on the instrument during parts of 
the day, leading to partial loss of ABI imagery.

Experts have identified four likely causes for the issue and have recommended 
a set of ground tests to further isolate the specific root cause. Based on 
these initial findings, NOAA and NASA are evaluating design modifications 
for the ABI that would fly on GOES-T and GOES-U. The team of experts have 
also pinpointed different operating procedures to improve the availability 
of the IR channels. This will allow the ABI spectral channels to be available 
for the majority of the day.

The availability of the imagery will vary during different times of the year. 
Initial estimates predict that 13 of the 16 channels will be available the full 
24 hours during "cool seasons" (near the summer and winter solstice), with the 
other three channels available for 20 hours. During "warm seasons" (before 
the vernal and autumnal equinox), they estimate 10 channels will be available 
for 24 hours, another 3 will be available for 20 hours, and 3 will be available 
for approximately 12 hours. Through adjustments in operating procedures and 
software and algorithm changes, experts hope to revise these estimates as we 
head into the fall "warm season" for the satellite. After operation through 
the hot season, estimates of channel availability will be finalized.

NOAA’s operational geostationary constellation -- GOES-16, operating as 
GOES-15, operating as GOES-West and GOES-14, operating as the on-orbit spare -- 
continues to remain healthy and monitoring weather across the nation each day."

Also, from the July 24th post:

"We still plan to move GOES-17 into operational service in late 2018. Even 
the checkout phase, GOES-17 is observing with more channels at a higher 
with more rapid refresh than what we have with the current GOES-West satellite. 
Listen to audio from the July 24, 2018, GOES-17 ABI media call."

> At least the visible imagery should still be awesome.

Both the VIS and IR images are awesome, and a lot has been done to minimize
the periods of degradation in the IR channels.  (I'm looking at mostly
GOES-17 imagery every day to keep an eye on how it is doing.)


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KSK-757114
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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