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[IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files

Hi Jim,

> Here is what LDM has been using in the pqact.conf to retrieve GOES-E (and 
> previously)
> GOES-W AREA files:
> # McIDAS Actions for PNG
> UNIWISC pnga2area Q. (..) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
> PIPE    -close
> pnga2area -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log -d /sdata/mcidas-c -r \1,\2
> #

This action matches the old GOES-East images that are still in the UNIWISC
feed.  It does not match the new images since their Product IDs, the thing
that this actions extended regular expression is matching, were deliberately
changed so they would more easily convey information about each image
(the information I am referring to is coverage and wavelength channel).
The change to the Product ID was necessary since the same wavelength channel
is sent in all coverages, CONUS, FullDisk, Mesoscale-1 and Mesoscale-2, and
the old formalism did not support the change easily.

> The files written have filenames like AREA015? in the /sdata/mcidas-c 
> directory for
> GOES-E IR, etc.

Yes.  The action you show above uses the McIDAS routing table to control the
output name space.  Non-McIDAS users of the UNIWISC feed products found this
to be clunky at best.

> I have another script that copies these files over to another directory
> with filenames yymmddhhMM.sir, etc.

OK.  One could construct LDM pattern-action file actions that would do the
filing in the desired output directly using the desired names directly.

> When GOES-16 went online, no changes were made in
> pqact.conf and I thought that nothing had changed in the domain, but this 
> image will
> show the extent of the IR, VIS, and WV files that we have been receiving for 

Yup, this is the coverage of the old GOES-East products in the UNIWISC feed.
In the revamped/updated/enhanced feed, there are individual CONUS, FullDisk,
and two different Mesoscale coverages.  These products are actually different
from one another - GOES-R/S scanning included these coverages directly, and
those scans are on different timescales: in operating mode 6 (which is the
standard operating mode for both GOES-16 and -17 now), a CONUS scan is made
every 5 minutes; a FullDisk scan is made every 10 minutes, and each of the
Mesoscale scans is made every 1 minute unless there is a desire for rapid
scanning.  During rapid scanning, there could either be one Mesoscale scan
every 30 seconds, or each Mesoscale image would be over the exact same
area and done every minute, but the scans would be offset by 30 seconds
from each other.

> I never realized that the domain had expanded except for the times when we 
> were
> occasionally receiving South American coverage.

There was an attempt to always include South America scans in the old GOES-East
images.  Most of the time there was scan information that was included, but
sometimes the South America scan was not available, so the southern portion of
the image would be blank.  When GOES-16 came online, there was no need to
composite together northern and southern scans into a single view since the
satellite was/is doing full disk scans on usable time frames (GOES-East GVAR
(GOES-13) would do a full disk scan every three hours; GOES-16 started out 
in mode 3, and in mode 3, there are FullDisk scans every 15 minutes along with
5 minute CONUS scans and 1 minute or 30 second Mesoscale scans just like in
mode 6))

To complicate things even more, GOES-R/S can be operated in a third scanning
mode, mode 4.  In mode 4, there is a FullDisk scan every 5 minutes, but
NO CONUS or Mesoscale scans.

As you can see, there was a challenge in updating the UNIWISC content.  It
was my decision that the best way to transition users was to continue to
include the old image scans when available, while adding the new imagery,
and the easiest/best way to do this was to change the Product IDs of the
new images to not match those of the old images.  The next job is to help
the end-users transition to the use of the new imagery.

> We never had to make any changes
> in LDM or my satellite display scripts when GOES-16 became operational, since 
> you
> were sending out the files in the old AREA file formats.

Yes, this was by design.  You may not recall, but GOES-16 became GOES-East on
the Monday morning of the AMS Annual Meeting a couple of years ago.  At the
same time that GOES-16 became GOES-East, GOES-13 was turned off and drifted
eastward to a parking orbit.  I had to pull an all nighter to get GOES-16
imagery remapped into GOES-13 projections in a way that the images' Product IDs
did not change so that end users, a LOT of which were at the Annual Meeting,
did not have to scramble to make changes.

> WXP is displaying the above as the satellite projection, but can also do 
> mercator, lat-
> lon, lambert conformal, polar sterographic, and XY projections.

OK, interesting.

I hope that you saw my previous comment that your old McIDAS-X installation
does NOT support GOES-R/S imagery, so it will need to be upgraded to a
current release.  Without the upgrade, you will not be able to remap
the current GOES-East/West (16/17) imagery into the old GOES-GVAR (13/15)


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SET-184160
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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