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Re: 20030324: Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) problems (cont.)

Dr. Panitz,

Thanks for the report of your experience with the
Matrox and ASUS cards.  Are you running on Windows?

Other than your report, we only have troubles with ATI cards running on Windows
with Java 1.4.1, which can cause the system to lockup. Using the
latest ATI driver fixes that.

Detailed reports such as yours are valuable in building an archive of
problems and solutions, so we appreciate your report.

Yes you can display wind vectors with little effort, if you have
u and v components of wind speed in your data set.  The IDV has to
recognize your particular parameter names for the u
and v wind speed. To do this the IDV keeps a list of parameter
name aliases. You can add your parameter names to the list.
You use the Alias editor, invoked from the main menu
with Edit->Parameter aliases.  

The Alias editor associates
a particular variable name that appears in data sets (right column)
with a canonical or IDV name or alias (left column).  To add a new
particular name to an existing alias, click in the right
column of the row for that alias. The alias name will be highlighted, 
and you can type in the right column. Enter new comma-separated 
variable names where needed.

Note that the derived quantities, such as wind vectors, computed by the IDV
are automatically offered when the IDV finds suitable data, using the parameter
names in the alias list. For example if any data set has u and v
wind components, and the data set's name for those u and v data are
in the
alias list, then the wind vector derived parameter will automatically
appear in the Data sources list when that data source is selected.

So after you add your u and v parameter names to the alias list,
then get your data set. In the Data souces window you should see
a "Wind vectors" choice under Derived. This can be for 2D or 3D grids. Then
choose display type "Vector Plan View" or "Vector Cross Sector" for 3D.

If your data grids are not oriented to true north, the wind vectors
are computed relative to each grid point and the local grid x-y
orientation there.  

To get wind vectors relative to true north from such data,
choose the derived parameter "True Wind vectors."  This takes much
longer to compute than "Wind vectors"

You may also be interested in reading about controls for wind vectors
in the User's Guide under "Display Controls -> Vector Displays."
That material is online  at
If using streamlines, use a skip interval of 0.

Please let me know if this does not work for you.

We are interested in how the IDV is being used. If you have
a web site about your project we would be glad to see it.

Stuart Wier

> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
> >From: "Dr. Hans-Juergen Panitz" <address@hidden>
> >Subject: Re: 20030320: Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) problems
> >Organization: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe - IMK
> >Keywords: 200303201445.h2KEjkB2027518 IDV display problems
> My standard graphics card is a Matrox Millenium G450 DualHead. OpenGl is
> supported. I also used a newer driver. After the installation OpenGl wasn't
> supported
> anymore.  So, I changed again to the former version of the driver that 
> supports
> OpenGl.  I reported this to Matrox but I didn't get a satisfactory answer yet.
> Then I changed the card. I installed an ASUS 7100 magic, and - voila - IDV 
> ran.
> Do you have any experience with problems of certain graphiscs cards?
> I have an additional question concerning the application of IDV.
> How can I display wind vectors? I understood from the Users Guide that I have
> to define a formula. It works for example for the windspeed, derived from the
> two wind components. But how have vectors to be defined?
> Regards
> Hans-Juergen Panitz
> ******************************************************************************
> *                                        \                                   *
> *               III  M   M  K   K         \  Dr. Hans-Juergen Panitz         *
> *                I   MM MM  K  K           \                                 *
> *                I   M M M  KKK             \  E-mail:                       *
> *                I   M   M  K  K             \  address@hidden            *
> *               III  M   M  K   K             \                              *
> * postal address:                              \                             *
> * Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe                   \   Phone:                   *
> * Institut fuer Meteorologie und Klimaforschung  \  +49-7247-82-2802         *
> * Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1                   \ Fax:                     *
> * D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen                 \  +49-7247-82-4377       *
> * Germany                                           \
> ------- End of Forwarded Message

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