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Re: [IDV #FAV-932592]: IDV install

Some issues with the sample files:


1. need global attribute Conventions = "CF-1.0"

2. variable lev formula_terms = "p0:p0 lev:lev"; should be formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: lev";

variable ilev formula_terms = "p0:p0 ilev:ilev"; should be formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: ilev";

variable mlev formula_terms = "p0:p0 mlev:mlev"; should be formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: mlev";

variable imlev formula_terms = "p0:p0 imlev:imlev"; should be formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: imlev";

Ben, can these be fixed?

Ben Foster wrote:
Yes, I got it to build and run on a local Linux box here at
hao. It read a tiegcm history file, and stopped with the expected
error saying it did not understand the vertical coordinate array.

In the meantime, the new dimensionless vertical coordinate has
been approved by the CF group (including Jonathan Gregory and
Brian Eaton), and added to Appendix D of the CF document:

Atmosphere natural log pressure coordinate

standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate"


p(k) = p0 * exp(-lev(k))

where p(k) is the pressure at gridpoint (k), p0 is a reference pressure, lev(k) is the dimensionless coordinate at vertical gridpoint (k).

The format for the formula_terms attribute is

formula_terms = "p0: var1 lev: var2"

The only change from the original proposal is the use of "ln" in the
standard name instead of "log".  I will fix our code and write some
sample history files with this change, and give them to you.  I presume
the next step is to add the necessary code to IDV to allow it to accept
this new coordinate.  Let me know if there is anything else I can do to
help. Thanks,


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To: address@hidden
Subject: [IDV #FAV-932592]: IDV install
X-Priority: 3
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 15:08:40 -0700
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Hi Ben-

Jeff and I have been in and out of town over the past few weeks.  Did
you get anywhere with this?


Hi Ben-

I installed IDV on one of our Linux systems using install-anywhere.
It installed without error, but when I attempted to run it by
executing runIDV, I got the following error message:

(callisto) IDV_1.3B1 : runIDV
Failed to make directory /home/foster/.metapps/DefaultIdv/plugins
Failed to make directory /home/foster/.metapps/DefaultIdv/extensions
Failed to make directory /home/foster/.metapps/DefaultIdv/datacache
Failed to make directory /home/foster/.metapps/DefaultIdv/tmp
Failed to make directory /home/foster/.metapps/DefaultIdv/tmp/nj22
Failed to make directory /home/foster/.metapps/jython
*sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir,
Failed to make directory /home/foster/.metapps/DefaultIdv/tmp
ERROR: An error has occurred:
Initializing the IDV






at ucar.unidata.util.Misc$

The system uname -a for callisto is as follows:

Linux callisto 2.6.12-1.1381_FC3 #1 Fri Oct 21 03:46:55 EDT 2005 i686
i686 i386

Since I don't have root, I installed on a local disk that I own
(not under my home).

It did make the directory /home/foster/.metapps/DefaultIdv, but the
only file in it is idv.rbi and it is an empty file. I have no idea
why it could not make subdirs under ~/.metapps/DefaultIdv. Can you help?

I'm stumped on this one.  I would say it's either a permission problem
or a disk space problem.  Since it created the .metapps/DefaultIdv
directory, it should have been able to create the subdirectories (which
are empty).  The idv.rbi file should be more than an empty file.

Can you do:

cd /home/foster
ls -lg .metapps
cd .metapps
ls -l
cd DefaultIdv
ls -l

and send the output to me.  Also, could you check to make sure there's
enough disk space on /home/foster?



Don, thanks for the fast reply, here's the info. Permissions
on the dirs look ok, and if I interpret df -k correctly, I have
about 3.5 GB remaining under my home:

(callisto) foster : ls -lg .metapps
total 1
drwxrwsr-x  2 tgcm 512 Mar  2 16:10 DefaultIdv/
(callisto) foster : cd .metapps

(callisto) .metapps : ls -l
total 1
drwxrwsr-x  2 foster tgcm 512 Mar  2 16:10 DefaultIdv/
(callisto) .metapps : cd DefaultIdv

(callisto) DefaultIdv : ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r--  1 foster tgcm 0 Mar  2 16:10 idv.rbi
(callisto) DefaultIdv :

(callisto) DefaultIdv : df -k /home/foster
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
25557120  21800160   3501376  87% /home/foster
(callisto) DefaultIdv :


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FAV-932592
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open

Ben Foster                      High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
address@hidden                  phone: 303-497-1595  fax: 303-497-1589
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res.     P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FAV-932592
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

Ben Foster                      High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
address@hidden phone: 303-497-1595 fax: 303-497-1589 Nat. Center for Atmos. Res. P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA