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[Support #EIZ-361370]: Re: Example DataChooser plugin source code?

Hi Eric-

I've moved this over to our support system instead of my personal
e-mail so Jeff can chime in if need be.

> thank you for finding the identifying the problem. Thats a weird one.
> now I have to wonder which class I'm trying to use (directly or
> indirectly) could be referencing that class.

Looks like you've figured this out from your other message.

> I really like the idea of a dialog pane popping up. However, would it
> be possible for you to display the dependency chain? Ie, an error
> message of the form:
> Unable to resolve class XXXXX
> which was referenced by class YYYY
> which was referenced by class ZZZZ
> ...
> which was referenced by MyAmazingDataChooserClass

Right now, we list the class that was trying to load the one that
is not found.  We load each class in the JAR file at present, so
that's when the error occurs.

> Another desirable feature:
> My plug-in makes use of several other jar files (my grid.jar, the
> jdbc drivers for several different brands of databases, a common
> vector library). In the pre-plug-in era, I simply identified these in
> the class path of the jars manifest. In the plug-in era, I see two
> options currently available:
> 1) I inject the contents of any jars I depend on into my plug-in jar.
> 2) I expect users to manually copy any jars files into some
> directory used by IDV (eliminating a lot of the convenience of plug-ins).
> I went with option #1, but its not something I can easily automate on
> the windows side, and its the wrong way to do things of course.
> What would be preferable is if the plug-in manager examined the class
> path property in the plug-in's jar when the jar was registered, and
> fetched any dependent jars from the same directory/base-url. To be
> clean/safe, each plug-in's collection of jar files would need to
> stored in its own directory.
> I don't expect it in a your release two days from now :-), but offer
> the idea for the following release.

You would still  run into the same issue if you had a JAR file that
refererenced another library like the J2EE stuff you ran into.

We're going to re-examine the way we do class loading in the future
and will use your idea for fodder in that investigation.  For now,
going with option 1 is your best bet.  And it should work since we
don't bomb out any more.

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EIZ-361370
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open