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[IDV #WBJ-941344]: Problems with runIDV under Mac OS X v.10.8.6


Thanks as always for the bug report. At the end of the start script, please 

${java} -Djava.ext.dirs="jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/" -Xdock:name=IDV 
-Xmx${idv_memory}m -XX:PermSize=${idv_maxpermgensize}m 
-XX:MaxPermSize=${idv_maxpermgensize}m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC 
-Didv.enableStereo=false -jar ${dirname}/idv.jar $*


${java} -Djava.ext.dirs="${dirname}/jre.bundle/Contents/Home/jre/lib/ext/" 
-Xdock:name=IDV -Xmx${idv_memory}m -XX:PermSize=${idv_maxpermgensize}m 
-XX:MaxPermSize=${idv_maxpermgensize}m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC 
-Didv.enableStereo=false -jar ${dirname}/idv.jar $*

I will also change the code so that this fix should appear in the nightly build

Thanks again.


Unidata IDV Support

> IDV support,
> I’m running IDV v.5.0u1 and v5.0u2 (the Oct. 28 nightly build) under Mac OS X 
> v.10.8.6.
> Starting the IDV by double-clicking the icon works. Changing 
> directory to the IDV installation directory and running “runIDV" works. (“./“ 
> is the first directory listed in my PATH environment variable.) However, 
> running “runIDV" from the command line from any other directory fails. 
> (/Applications/IDV_5.0u1 and /Applications/IDV_5.0u2 are both specified in my 
> PATH variable, too, so there’s no problem finding runIDV when I run it from 
> the command line.)
> Running runIDV from the command line in any directory other than the 
> installation directory produces the following:
> ldm_virga% /Applications/IDV_5.0u1/runIDV
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> javax/media/j3d/SceneGraphObject
> at visad.util.Util.<clinit>(
> at 
> ucar.unidata.idv.IntegratedDataViewer.checkSystem(
> at ucar.unidata.idv.IntegratedDataViewer.<init>(
> at ucar.unidata.idv.IntegratedDataViewer.<init>(
> at ucar.unidata.idv.DefaultIdv.<init>(
> at ucar.unidata.idv.DefaultIdv.main(
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> at$
> at$
> at Method)
> at
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> ... 6 more
> Based on the fact that running “runIDV” from the command line works if I’m in 
> the IDV installation directory, I found that I can solve this problem by 
> editing “runIDV" and changing the line:
> dirname=`dirname $0`
> to
> dirname=`dirname $0`
> cd $dirname
> dirname=`dirname $0`
> However, when I do this and try to put a local ISL script on the runIDV 
> command line, then runIDV can’t find the ISL script. (The “cd” command that I 
> added means that the ISL script is no longer local.)
> If I attach an absolute path to the ISL script on the runIDV command line, 
> then runIDV successfully reads the IDV script, but it can’t find the local 
> IDV bundle that the ISL script invokes. (Again, the “cd” command added to 
> runIDV means that the local IDV bundle isn’t local any more.)
> If I edit the ISL script to include a full path to the IDV bundle, then 
> runIDV successfully reads the bundle and generates a GIF image (as instructed 
> by the ISL script). However, the account that from which I’m running “runIDV" 
> doesn’t have permission to save the GIF image in the runIDV installation 
> directory (which is now the local directory), so this fails.
> If I attach an absolute path to the GIF image in the ISL script, then 
> everything works as intended.
> However, all of those absolute paths shouldn’t be necessary (and they weren’t 
> necessary when I developed the ISL script and the IDV bundle in the first 
> place last spring); something seems to have changed since May or June. 
> Editing the runIDV script as I did shouldn’t be necessary either, of course. 
> If runIDV would work when run from any directory besides the IDV installation 
> directory, then all those absolute paths to ISL scripts and IDV bundles and 
> GIF output files wouldn’t be necessary.
> I wouldn’t be surprised if you need more diagnostic info than I’ve been able 
> to provide above. If so, let me know what else might help.
> — Dave
> ***************************************************************
> * Dr. Dave Dempsey, Chair           |       ^    ___    \|/   *
> * Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences |  )   ^   /||_||\ —-0—-  *
> * San Francisco State University    | )  )    / ||_|| \ /|\   *
> * 1600 Holloway Ave.                |  )  )  /  ||_||  \      *
> * San Francisco, CA   94132         |  )  ) /   ||_||   \  ^  *
> *                                   | )  )  )   ||_||    \    *
> * Phone:  (415) 338-7716            |  )  )  )~~||~||~~~~~\~~ *
> * FAX:      (415) 338-7705          | )  )  )  ) ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *
> * Email:   address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>         |  )  )   )  ) ) ~ ~ 
>  ~ ~ *
> ***************************************************************

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WBJ-941344
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed