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20011208: McIDAS vis-a-via Solaris 7/8 (cont.)

>From: "James R. Frysinger" <address@hidden>
>Organization: College of Charleston
>Keywords: 200111061842.fA6Igt112242 LDM binary install


Sorry I didn't see these a little sooner, I was relaxing rereading the
Hobbit for the umpteenth time.

re: use binary distribution
>Recall that we use Solaris 7 (sunos_5.7). Is that binary also stable 
>and OK for our use?

Use the one for Solaris SPARC 2.7:


If you look around in the pub/binary directory of anonymous FTP on our
FTP server,, you will find subdirectories for
all of the most commonly used OSes in the Unidata community.

>>From address@hidden Sat Dec  8 10:08:20 2001
>Another quick question. It would appear that if I use the binaries with 
>their statically linked libraries, that I do not need a user ldmcidas 
>(or ldm-mcidas, as written in the directions). Am I correct on that?

Absolutely correct.

>>From address@hidden Sat Dec  8 10:53:55 2001
>On the assumption that the answer to my question below would be "of 
>course!", I went through your procedure for installing the binary for 
>sunos_5.7. Geez, Loweez! You're right; that's a whole lot easier. 

Yup, sure is.

>Question remains on need for user ldmcidas on my installation.

No need for those other accounts.

>New question: Where do I go now to "make mcidas go"? Do I have to go 
>into pqact.conf and edit the decoders? Or what's left and how do I do 

You need to setup pqact.conf entries for the ldm-mcidas decoders
you will be using (pnga2area, proftomd, and nldn2md) and other
ones for McIDAS-XCD.

The example pqact.conf enties for the ldm-mcidas decoders are
available online; in a file that can be downloaded online (so that
the pqact.conf entries have all needed tabs for white space; and
also in the file included in the ldm-mcidas distribution which should
now be in:



o login as 'ldm'

o CD to ~ldm/etc and add the actions from any of the list above to
  end of pqact.conf.  After doing this, you will need to modify
  the directory into which the decoders will write their output.
  This is done by changing the value of the -d flag on each decoder
  line.  Here is one example of modifying the ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf


MCIDAS  ^pnga2area Q. (..) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
    PIPE    -close
    pnga2area -d /var/data/mcidas -r \1,\2


MCIDAS  ^pnga2area Q. (..) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
    PIPE    -close
    pnga2area -d /export/home/mcdata -r \1,\2


o while editing pqact.conf, add the exceedingly simply lines for XCD:

# Entries for XCD decoders
   xcd_run DDS
HRS     ^.* PIPE
   xcd_run HRS



  Also, make sure that there are no spaces at the beginning of any
  pqact.conf line

o after editing pqact.conf, _always_ verify its integrity using the
  ldmadmin script that is part of the LDM install:

  ldmadmin pqactcheck

After the ldm-mcidas and XCD entries are correctly in place in pqact.conf,
you are ready to start start decoding products into McIDAS-usable data

More when you get to this point.  In particular, after you start ingesting
data, you _will_ need to worry about scouring data.  This is done by
running the script from a cron entry.  This is described in
the XCD online instructions.

Got to run...
