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20040331: LDM-McIDAS Decoders - RedHat 9 - configure/load problem

>From: "John Hobbie" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 200403311654.i2VGslIh011217 ldm-mcidas RedHat 9 Linux

Hi John,

>Institution: National Scientific Balloon Facility / Meteorology Dept.
>Package Version: 2003
>Operating System: RedHat 9
>Hardware Information: Dell i686 dual processor

>Inquiry: I am doing a clean install on a new machine, and am having
>problems with ldm-mcidas.  There appear to be several problems.  One
>had to do with X11 libraries.  I redirected the stdout to a file,
>configure.out, and you can see at the bottom where it is missing an
>environmental directive, LD-X11.

The log files you meant to send never made it to us.

>I added it to the cshrc file
>(cshrc.vis  -- commented out here) and it still had trouble finding X11
>libraries.  I also noted that it referenced X11R5, whereas X11R6
>appears to contain the X11 libraries.
>The other problem appears to be problems with locating certain standard
>c headers.  Again look at my configure.out, and the file, config.log,
>generated by the ./configure command.
>I was trying several variants of that environmental variable, but I am
>not that familiar with the ld command syntax and function.
>Thanks in advance for any help and/or suggestions.

Even though building the ldm-mcidas decoders from source is possible,
the easiest thing for you to do is use a binary distribution of the
ldm-mcidas decoders.  RedHat 9 can use the binary decoders built on
RedHat 8.  You can get this distribution using anonymous FTP
from our FTP server,

<login as 'ldm'>
mkdir ldm-mcidas
cd ldm-mcidas

  <user> anonymous
  <pass> address@hidden
  cd pub/binary/linux8_2.4-i686
  get ldm-mcidas-2003.tar.Z

tar xvzf ldm-mcidas-2003.tar.Z

Then do the following:

- copy the decoders you need/want from the ~ldm/ldm-mcidas/ldm-mcidas-2003/bin
  directory to ~ldm/decoders

- copy the files SATANNOT and SATBAND from the
  ~ldm/ldm-mcidas/ldm-mcidas-2003/etc directory to ~ldm/etc

- integrate the decoding actions you need from those contained in:

into your ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf file.

I pointed you to the online example copy of ldm-mcidas decoders (the
URL above) since the ones in the binary ldm-mcidas distribution are
not as uptodate as they should be.

By the way, the complete set of instructions for getting a binary
ldm-mcidas distribution; installing it; and configuring it can be
found in our LDM-MCIDAS web pages:

Please let me know if you would like guidance on the setting up of your
pqact.conf entries.


NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publically available
through the web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made
available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.

>From address@hidden  Wed Mar 31 14:11:03 2004

Tom --

Thanks for the help.  Worked just fine.  I wasn't sure if there were
some RH 8 vs 9 issues so I had decided to use the source code.

Don't know what happened to the attachments, but I will attach them to
this and you can evaluate them to see if a change is necessary ref. the
X11 libraries as well as not picking up some standard c headers.

Thanks again,