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[LDM #JMJ-890556]: pnga2area errors


Does the pnga2area(1) log file "logs/ldm-mcidas.log" indicate anything?

> LDM support,
> I’m running LDM v.6.11.6 under Mac OS X v.10.8.6.
> My ldmd.log files are showing repeated errors like the ones below (for all of 
> the satellite image types that we receive via the UNIWISC feed), and probably 
> have been for several months at least:
> Oct 31 12:28:48 virga pqact[382] ERRO]: pipe_prodput: trying again:  1480762 
> 20141031192825.414 UNIWISC 000  pnga2area Q1 UV 143 GOES-13_IMG 0.63um 4km 
> 20141031 1915
> Oct 31 12:28:48 virga pqact[36998] ERRO]: [filel.c:1417] Couldn't execute 
> decoder "pnga2area"
> Oct 31 12:28:48 virga pqact[382] ERRO]: pbuf_flush(): fd=6, cmd=(-close 
> pnga2area -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND 
> data/mcidas/gevis/1410311900_sve.mca): Broken pipe
> Oct 31 12:28:48 virga pqact[382] ERRO]: pipe_put(): write error: pid=36998, 
> cmd=(-close pnga2area -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND 
> data/mcidas/gevis/1410311900_sve.mca)
> Oct 31 12:28:48 virga pqact[382] ERRO]: [filel.c:305] Deleting failed PIPE 
> entry: pid=36998, cmd="-close pnga2area -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log -a 
> etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND data/mcidas/gevis/1410311900_sve.mca”
> The pqact.conf entry corresponding to the messages above is:
> # GOES-East visible images.
> #
> UNIWISC   pnga2area Q1 UV .* 4km 20(......) (..)15
> PIPE -close
> pnga2area -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log
> -a etc/SATANNOT
> -b etc/SATBAND
> data/mcidas/gevis/\1\200_sve.mca
> (Similar entries apply to the other satellite images types. There are tabs at 
> the start of each line except UNIWISC, and there are tab s preceding 
> “pnga2area” and “-close”.)
> The SATANNOT and SATBAND files exist where they are supposed to:
> ldm_virga% ls -l ~/etc/SAT*
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm  staff   11204 Aug  7  2012 /Users/ldm/etc/SATANNOT
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm  staff  251084 Aug  7  2012 /Users/ldm/etc/SATBAND
> The pnga2area program is in the search path of the ldm account (which is 
> running the LDM), and the ldm account has permission to execute pnga2area:
> ldm_virga% which pnga2area
> /usr/local/bin/pnga2area
> ldm_virga% echo $PATH
> ./:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/unidata/ldm/decoders:/usr/local/unidata/ldm/util:/usr/local/unidata/ldm/bin:/usr/local/unidata/ldm/scripts:/usr/local/unidata/scripts_isl:/usr/local/unidata/wxp/bin:/usr/local/unidata/wxp/scripts:/usr/local/unidata/scripts_m100:/usr/local/unidata/bin:/usr/local/unidata/ldm/ramadda/:/Applications/IDV
> ldm_virga% ls -l `which pnga2area`
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 admin  staff  258448 Jun 27  2013 /usr/local/bin/pnga2area*
> Any ideas?
> — Dave
> ***************************************************************
> * Dr. Dave Dempsey, Chair           |       ^    ___    \|/   *
> * Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences |  )   ^   /||_||\ —-0—-  *
> * San Francisco State University    | )  )    / ||_|| \ /|\   *
> * 1600 Holloway Ave.                |  )  )  /  ||_||  \      *
> * San Francisco, CA   94132         |  )  ) /   ||_||   \  ^  *
> *                                   | )  )  )   ||_||    \    *
> * Phone:  (415) 338-7716            |  )  )  )~~||~||~~~~~\~~ *
> * FAX:      (415) 338-7705          | )  )  )  ) ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *
> * Email:   address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>         |  )  )   )  ) ) ~ ~ 
>  ~ ~ *
> ***************************************************************
> LDM support,
> I forgot to mention that I have no problems using pnga2area to decode 
> satellite images downloaded from motherlode to replace the ones received via 
> the UNIWISC feed but that pnga2area fails to decode. That is, for images 
> downloaded from motherlode, the following command works fine:
> pnga2area -vl ${ldmhome}/logs/ldm-mcidas.log \
> -a ${ldmhome}/etc/SATANNOT -b ${ldmhome}/etc/SATBAND \
> ${plttime}${MMext}_${ext} < $fname
> where:
> ldmhome = /Users/ldm
> ${plttime}${MMext}_${ext} is the name assigned to the decoded satellite image.
> ${fname} is the name of the file downloaded from motherlode.
> This is basically the same command that the LDM executes when it receives 
> images via the UNIWISC feed.
> — Dave
> ***************************************************************
> * Dr. Dave Dempsey, Chair           |       ^    ___    \|/   *
> * Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences |  )   ^   /||_||\ —-0—-  *
> * San Francisco State University    | )  )    / ||_|| \ /|\   *
> * 1600 Holloway Ave.                |  )  )  /  ||_||  \      *
> * San Francisco, CA   94132         |  )  ) /   ||_||   \  ^  *
> *                                   | )  )  )   ||_||    \    *
> * Phone:  (415) 338-7716            |  )  )  )~~||~||~~~~~\~~ *
> * FAX:      (415) 338-7705          | )  )  )  ) ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *
> * Email:   address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>         |  )  )   )  ) ) ~ ~ 
>  ~ ~ *
> ***************************************************************

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JMJ-890556
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed