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20000820: FYI: Using HP's DDE debugger

>From: "Craig Motell" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NOAA
>Keywords: 200008011056.e71AtxT06617 McIDAS-X fx mccomp HP-UX debug cursor


>Because of your last statement of confidence I have been able to get HP's
>DDE debugger to work.
>The main steps are:
>1) use "-g" to compile and link. ( I didn't bother with recompiling mcidas
>2) To start an xterm by using "!xterm &" in the McIdas Text window.
>3) To start DDE by "/opt/langtools/bin/dde -- test.k dummy_keyword=yes"
>where the -- says the program you want to debug (i.e., test.k) will have some
>keyword arguments (note the space before and after --).

OK, thanks for the information.  This will be useful to other HP-UX developers
in the future.

>The trick I found out is that by default the DDE debugger was looking for
>files of type "*.f" and not "*.for" or "*.pgm". I still can't figure out to
>stop this default so I made links like "ln -s test.pgm test.f".

Oops, I should have mentioned this, but I guess I forgot since I make
this kind of link when dugging as a matter of course.

>4) Now my only remaining problem is that to use the debugger I must move
>the cursor from the McIdas graphics window to the debuggin screen. Because
>I'm debugging information that is related to the cursor position, I have a pro
>Question: 1) Is there anyway to freeze the mcidas cursor on the McIdas frame?

Unlike the OS/2 McIDAS implementation that is now defunct, there is no way
to lock the cursor in the McIDAS frame on Unix.  This was done by design
since one must be free to move the cursor to go to other windows in a
Unix session.

There are some things you can try, however:

o move your xterm over, but not completely covering your McIDAS image window
o change your X window session so that the focus follows the mouse (i.e.,
  you don't have to click in a window to make it have the focus)
o move your cursor in the McIDAS image window to the debugging xterm window;
  McIDAS will keep thing that the cursor was at the last position it
  occupied when it left the image window and went into the xterm

        |                           |
        |    McIDAS image window    |
        |                           |
        |           +               |
        |            \              |
        |   +---------\-----------------+
        |   |          \                |
        |   |           +               |
        |   |                           |
        |   |                           |
        |   |    xterm debugging        |
        |   |    window                 |
        +---|                           |
            |                           |
            |                           |
            |                           |
            |                           |
>Thanks, Craig
