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[McIDAS #GKV-544185]: CMAN buoys

Hi Don,

> There's a ticket from Walt McCall about some missing AK CMAN buoys.  I
> see that you added in the SM and SS indices for ISHPDEC.CFG (thanks,
> that sorta slipped off my plate) and was wondering if we could add
> another as well.  It looks like these CMAN stations that Walt is looking
> for are under SXUS.  Looking at the code in m0dcinfo.for, it looks like
> the index could be a 4 char instead of just 2, so I think we could add
> SXUS to filter it down some more:
> c---                    get the value from the config file
> ok = mcgtcstr(config , 'INDEX' , numidx + 1 , ctemp , cerror)
> if (ok .ge. 0)then
> numidx = numidx + 1
> c---                    make certain there is no array overwrite
> if (numidx .gt. maxidx)then
> m0dcinfo = -5
> goto 999
> endif
> idxnam(numidx) = ctemp(1:4)
> goto 65
> endif

OK, sounds good.  I think adding this first on yakov for testing would
be a good idea.  I will make the change and restart the data monitor
immediately after finishing this reply.

> We could just use SX, but there are a whole lot of other things (e.g.
> SXXX) which are not ship/buoy  reports.  However, the decoder should
> just skip over these, but it does require some processing to determine
> if it should.

I will try SXUS first and drop back to SX if I see any problems.

> Thanks.

No worries.

> Hope you are enjoying Spain.

I head to Spain at 13:30 today.  Before that, I have a couple of short meetings
at EUMETSAT, and then Volker and I will take a taxi to the Frankfurt airport
to catch our plane.

By the way, the visit to EUMETSAT has gone _very_ well so far.  I gave a talk
on Monday afternoon to a full house (no seats were free).  Several folks
remarked that this is the first time they had seen the conference room we
were in filled to capacity!  The best part of the talk (from my perspective)
was the live demonstration of IDV+RAMADDA.  The audience was wowed by the

Please tell Jeff that RAMADDA was/is a BIG hit here.  Peter MIU has already
taken a look and installed it on an internal machine that is already running
THREDDS for testing.

Also, after the talk, I had several people come up and ask for meetings 
Unidata and our offerings.  I helped 4 people install the IDV on their laptops,
and I installed the LDM on a machine for them to play with (its working is 
on their opening port 388 on their firewall, and this may take quite some time).

EUMETSAT is very encouraging of a potential partnership between Unidata and a
company in Spain called GBH (can't remember what this stands for right now).
The reason is that a tender for bid is going out for a visualization package
_soon_, and they would love for the IDV to be part of the winning bid.  The
tender is only open to European companies, so that is why/how GBH comes into
the picture.  They are also ready to commit to adoption of netCDF as the format
for the next generation Meteosat's data, but they said that they need 
of support.  I pointed out that the decision has been made to store GOES-R
data in netCDF, and that efforts are needed to define how a CF standard for
the data storage.  I believe that at least one EUMETSAT person will be 
the CF group to find out how they can participate.  At least, that is what I
was recommending as the first step. More on this when I return in the beginning
of April.

Marianne, Volker, HP and Peter send along their best wishes to you, Jeff
and the rest of Unidata staff.  Volker has been the one spearheading efforts to
get people in EUMETSAT to kick the tires on things that we offer.

Time to head back to EUMETSAT...


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GKV-544185
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed