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[McIDAS #MMD-610472]: 20140718: Problem matching projections between McIDAS and Terascan

Hi Greg,

First, I drove your email into our inquiry tracking system so that
it our exchanges can be made public so others can benefit.


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> I'm generating a mercator projection image from both Terascan and
> McIDAS for GOES-East and I'm getting very different images (see
> attached). I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to
> plot a vis image at 1km resolution centered at 39.25N 105.0W in an image
> 925 pixels high by 1050 wide (for McIDAS I did 924 x 1048). The Terascan
> image is labeled satellite.GOES-13.* while the McIDAS one is labeled
> ops.goes-13* . If I calculate where the E,W,N and S edges should be for
> a Mercator projection with the above constraints, I get:
> N:  43.2804569041693
> S:  34.9738848762491
> E: 111.08983296326
> W:  98.9101670367398
> which match very well the Terascan image but are not even close for the
> McIDAS one. Below is the IMGREMAP command I'm running:
> imgremap.k $sdset $ddset.$dpos TIME=$time LATLON=$latlon PRO=MERC 0
> RES=$res SIZE=$lin $ele SSIZE=ALL BAND=$band
> where
> $res = 1
> $latlon = 39.25 105.00
> $lin = 925
> $ele = 1050
> $band = 1
> What am I doing wrong?

Quite frankly, I don't see anything amiss right off.  It would help me
troubleshoot what is going on if I had access the original image so
I can replicate the remapping procedure.  It may well be that I already
have access to the image(s), but I wouldn't know this from the indirect
reference to the source ADDE dataset being accessed via '$sdset'.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MMD-610472
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed