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[McIDAS #CYB-444461]: McIDAS-X installation on Ubuntu 16.04

Hi Sohail,

> I tried to get the data from MYDATA/IMAGES, and it was working fine
> for me. Below is an image attached.

Very good.

> As you see i treat the MYDATA as a dataset and check for the description
> and it shows IMAGES group there. But when i tried to IMGLIST MYDATA/IMAGES
> i cant see all the images i saved.

Please use the built in HELP in McIDAS or refer to the Unidata McIDAS-X User's
Guide to get more information on how to run IMGLIST:

IMGLIST -- Lists image directory information

   IMGLIST dataset epos <keywords>
   dataset | ADDE dataset name and position; specify as alias.position or
             group/descriptor.position where the position "ALL" represents
             all positions in the dataset, a position number greater than
             zero represents an absolute position in the dataset, and zero
             or a negative number represents a relative position in the
             dataset based on image time, with 0 being the most recent,
             -1 the second most recent, etc; to use the default position,
             either enter its value or omit the .position portion
             (no def for group/descriptor or alias, def=0 for position)
   epos | ending absolute position number of data on server; must be
          greater than 0; valid only if the position number specified in
          the dataset parameter is greater than 0
   BANd=bband eband | list only the specified range of bands; uses BAND
                      as the default for the FORM keyword
       =ALL         | list all bands; uses default for FORM keyword (def)
   DAY=bday eday | list only images within the specified range of dates
                   (no def for bday, eday def=bday)
   FORm=AUDIT | list default output plus audit trail
       =BAND  | list default output plus band information
       =ALL   | list BAND output plus expanded image directory
       =MEMO  | list OPS output plus memo field and creation information
       =OPS   | list image directory information in LA command format
                (def=list standard 1-line summary of image directory)
   ID=station | list only images with the specified NEXRAD
                station ID, e.g., MKX
     =LIST    | list the most recent image for all NEXRAD stations
   SS= | list only images with the specified sensor source number
   TIMe=btime etime | list only images within the specified range of times
                      (no def for btime, etime def=btime)
   WL=bwl ewl | list all bands with image wavelengths in the range bwl
                to ewl; uses FORM=BAND as the default output format; valid
                only with high spectral resolution data, e.g., Aqua AIRS
   WN=bwn ewn | list all bands with image wave numbers in the range bwn
                to ewn; uses FORM=BAND as the default output format; valid
                only with high spectral resolution data, e.g., Aqua AIRS
   If a negative position is specified in 'dataset', all images from that
   position to the most recent are listed. For example, if you specify
   position -5, the six most recent images (positions 0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5)
   are listed.

   When using FORM=BAND or FORM=ALL, the latitude and longitude resolution
   values listed with each band are for the image's center point. The line
   and element resolution factors (where "1" equals the base resolution
   factor of the instrument) are listed in the last line of the FORM=ALL
   output. If there are multiple bands with different resolutions, the
   resolution factors in the last line are for the band(s) with the lowest

The section on 'dataset' in the HELP explains how to list out all of the
elements in a dataset.  For instance:


> I tried to use IMGDISP command with the images i saved like
> IMGDISP MYDATA/IMAGES.3000 BAND=4, the image displayed. So i am a bit
> surprised how to see the images i copied in the MYDATA dataset.

The Training workshop materials and Learning Guide are good resources
for learning more about how to run McIDAS commands.  For instance, each
of them explains that inclusion of keywords on McIDAS commands
refines the requests that are being made.  Here is an example that I
included in an earlier email:

Image file directory listing for:GINIALL/GPN8KIR
Pos Satellite/ Date Time Center Band(s)
sensor Lat Lon
--- ------------- ------------ -------- ---- ---- ------------
39 G-13 IMG 7 SEP 17250 11:00:18 28 66 4
40 G-13 IMG 7 SEP 17250 11:15:18 28 66 4
41 G-13 IMG 7 SEP 17250 11:30:17 28 66 4
42 G-13 IMG 7 SEP 17250 11:45:18 28 66 4
43 G-13 IMG 7 SEP 17250 12:15:18 28 66 4
44 G-13 IMG 7 SEP 17250 12:30:17 28 66 4
45 G-13 IMG 7 SEP 17250 12:45:18 28 66 4

The 'ALL' portion of the dataset name says to list all of the images
in GINIALL/GPN8KIR, and the DAY=2017250 keyword sequence says to limit
the listing to images from Julian day 250 of the year 2017, and the
TIME=11 13 keyword sequence refines the request just list all of the
images from DAY 2017250 in the time range from 11 to 13 UTC.

As you use McIDAS-X more, these sorts of things will get easier and
easier to understand and use.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage             

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CYB-444461
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
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