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Hi Mike,

> I updated to v2017c a little bit ago and wanted to give you my feedback.


> First FWIW, I updated via the mcupdate method.  It shouldn't make a
> difference other than this is the first time I've done that since your
> update to the mcupdate script in December.  As far as I can tell, all went
> according to plan.

Very good.  The two files that were modified for ADDE support of SCMI
imagery were:


> I know you said you saw no effect but I believe I do.  A very minor
> movement of the imagery seems to have occurred relative to any mapping
> being done, and even the mapping features have adjusted slightly in places
> too.  The movement is very small, on the order of 1-3 pixels or so.  I
> noticed it when I was sliding back and forth between images on our page
> actively looking for small differences like this.  I made the update at
> about 18:22Z today, so if you go to our page and look around that time you
> can probably see what I'm talking about.  It's most noticeable on local
> sectors and near coastlines, but I think I see it everywhere to some degree.

There should have been no change for Full Disk images.  I am assuming that
you are talking about CONUS which is in Lambert Conformal (TANC in McIDAS
terms), but I want to be sure.

> To be clear, this looks to me like a positive change.  I've noticed before
> places where a coastline on the imagery seemed slightly displaced from the
> map of that coastline, and with this update things seemed to have snapped
> more into place.

Actually, this is what I found as well.  My previous formulation of the
TANC navigation parameters was missing a subtle scaling factor that is
now included.  I just displayed the latest band 1 (0.47 um vis) CONUS
image loaded with no blow-down over Baja and Miami, and I think that the
registration of the map over visible landmarks is good... now.

> However, I'm also noticing a small sliver of the R & G channels missing on
> my full disk true-color RGB image, so a sliver of just the B, on the
> far-west side.

I don't understand this one as nothing I did in the navigation mods that
are the entire purpose for the v2017c release should have had _anything_
to do with the full image being accessible.

> I'm mentioning it here because it's correlated with the
> timing of the update.  But I'm scratching my head on this one though, no
> other product shows any similar issue there.  All of the base ABI bands
> appear fine, and the rest of my RGB products appear fine, just that one
> thing.  There are more than a few steps involved with making that product
> so I'm not sure which one(s) faulting, but if I find anything noteworthy
> I'll let you know.

OK, sound good.


Ryan got back to me yesterday to say thanks for the alert.  He will try
to get to fixing the problem in the next few days.

However, the thing that struck me (as I was taking my morning shower) was
that it might be preferable to label the coverage ECONUS instead of
CONUS.  This would then match the value of the netCDF-4 file global
attribute 'product_name" for mode 3 and 4 scanning strategies:

mode 3 products filed under CONUS/Channelxx

:product_name = "ECONUS-020-B12-M3C13" ;

mode 4 products filed under ECONUS/Channelxx

:product_name = "ECONUS-020-B12-M4C13" ;

Part of my musing is the guess that the CONUS sector for GOES-S will be
named WCONUS.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JGN-249914
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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