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[netCDFJava #JNI-586917]: IllegalArgumentException (variable name must be unique) reading grib2

Hi Sibren:

I am incorporating this table into our library for version 4.3. The parameters 
in the local section of the table will be used.

I am sending you a report on where that table overlaps the standard WMO table. 
The CDM library does not override the standard WMO table, so any conflicts may 
be a problem, for example the units in 0.1.13. 

I would be happy to discuss this further with you or anyone else.

Thanks for your help in sending me this table!


Conflicts with WMO
this=     0.0.0                      TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M               K
 wmo=                              Temperature               K

this=     0.0.1                    SURFACE_TEMP_ON_TILES               K
 wmo=                      Virtual temperature               K

this=     0.0.2                     THETA_AFTER_TIMESTEP               K
 wmo=                    Potential temperature               K

this=     0.0.4              MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M               K
 wmo=                      Maximum temperature               K

this=     0.0.5              MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M               K
 wmo=                      Minimum temperature               K

this=     0.0.6                         DEWPOINT_AT_1.5M               T
 wmo=                    Dew-point temperature               K

this=     0.0.9              SURFACE_TEMPERATURE_ANOMALY               K
 wmo=                      Temperature anomaly               K

this=     0.1.0                SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_AT_1.5M           kg/kg
 wmo=                        Specific humidity           kg/kg

this=     0.1.1                RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_AT_1.5M               %
 wmo=                        Relative humidity               %

this=     0.1.8               TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_AMOUNT        Kg/m2/TS
 wmo=                      Total precipitation          kg.m-2

this=     0.1.9                  LARGE_SCALE_RAIN_AMOUNT        Kg/m2/TS
 wmo= Large-scale precipitation (non-convective)          kg.m-2

this=    0.1.10                   CONVECTIVE_RAIN_AMOUNT        Kg/m2/TS
 wmo=                 Convective precipitation          kg.m-2

this=    0.1.13           SNOW_AMOUNT_OVER_LAND_AFT_TSTP               m
 wmo= Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth          kg.m-2

this=    0.1.14                   CONVECTIVE_SNOW_AMOUNT        Kg/m2/TS
 wmo=                          Convective snow          kg.m-2

this=    0.1.15                  LARGE_SCALE_SNOW_AMOUNT        Kg/m2/TS
 wmo=                         Large-scale snow          kg.m-2

this=    0.1.16                    LAND_SNOW_MELT_AMOUNT        Kg/m2/TS
 wmo=                                Snow melt          kg.m-2

this=    0.1.37                 CONVECTIVE_RAINFALL_RATE         Kg/m2/S
 wmo=            Convective precipitation rate      kg.m-2.s-1

this=    0.1.52                 TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_RATE         Kg/m2/S
 wmo=                 Total precipitation rate      kg.m-2.s-1

this=    0.1.54                LARGE_SCALE_RAINFALL_RATE         Kg/m2/S
 wmo=           Large scale precipitation rate      kg.m-2.s-1

this=    0.1.58                 CONVECTIVE_SNOWFALL_RATE         Kg/m2/S
 wmo=                 Convective snowfall rate             m/s

this=    0.1.59                LARGE_SCALE_SNOWFALL_RATE         Kg/m2/S
 wmo=                Large scale snowfall rate             m/s

this=     0.2.2                U_WIND_ON_PRESSURE_LEVELS             m/s
 wmo=                      u-component of wind             m/s

this=     0.2.3                V_WIND_ON_PRESSURE_LEVELS             m/s
 wmo=                      v-component of wind             m/s

this=     0.2.9      W_COMPNT_(OF_WIND)_ON_PRESSURE_LEVS             m/s
 wmo=            Vertical velocity (geometric)             m/s

this=    0.2.14     ERTEL_POTENTIAL_VORTICITY_THETA_SURF        Km2/kg/s
 wmo=                      Potential vorticity

this=    0.2.21                        MAXIMUM_WIND_GUST             m/s
 wmo=                       Maximum wind speed             m/s

this=    0.2.22                                WIND_GUST             m/s
 wmo=                        Wind speed (gust)             m/s

this=    0.2.30                        FRICTION_VELOCITY             m/s
 wmo=                      Frictional velocity             m/s

this=    0.2.31         ADVECTED_U-COMP_OF_WIND_AFTER_TS             m/s
 wmo= Turbulent diffusion coefficient for momentum            m2/s

this=    0.2.32         ADVECTED_V-COMP_OF_WIND_AFTER_TS             m/s
 wmo=         Eta coordinate vertical velocity             1/s

this=    0.2.33         ADVECTED_W-COMP_OF_WIND_AFTER_TS             m/s
 wmo=                                 Reserved            null

this=     0.3.0          SURFACE_PRESSURE_AFTER_TIMESTEP              Pa
 wmo=                                 Pressure              Pa

this=     0.3.1               PRESSURE_AT_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL              Pa
 wmo=                  Pressure reduced to MSL              Pa

this=     0.3.5      GEOPOTENTIAL_HEIGHT_ON_P_LEV/P_GRID             gpm
 wmo=                      Geopotential height             gpm

this=     0.3.6              OROGRAPHY_(/STRAT_LOWER_BC)               m
 wmo=                         Geometric height               m

this=     0.3.7          STANDARD_DEVIATION_OF_OROGRAPHY               m
 wmo=             Standard deviation of height               m

this=    0.3.10                   DENSITY_AFTER_TIMESTEP               -
 wmo=                                  Density          kg.m-3

this=    0.3.18      BOUNDARY_LAYER_DEPTH_AFTER_TIMESTEP               m
 wmo=          Planetary boundary layer height               m

this=     0.6.2               2D_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_AMOUNT               %
 wmo=                   Convective cloud cover               %

this=     0.6.3                         LOW_CLOUD_AMOUNT               %
 wmo=                          Low cloud cover               %

this=     0.6.4                      MEDIUM_CLOUD_AMOUNT               %
 wmo=                       Medium cloud cover               %

this=     0.6.5                        HIGH_CLOUD_AMOUNT               %
 wmo=                         High cloud cover               %

this=     0.7.6        MAX_DILUTE_CONVECTIVELY_AVAIL_POT            J/Kg
 wmo=    Convective available potential energy            J/kg

this=    0.19.0                       VISIBILITY_AT_1.5M               %
 wmo=                               Visibility               m

this=   0.19.22   WAFC_MEAN_CLEAR_AIR_TURBULENCE_ON_PRES               %
 wmo=               Clear air turbulence (CAT)               %

this=   0.19.23    WAFC_MAX_CLEAR_AIR_TURBULENCE_ON_PRES               %
 wmo=    Supercooled large droplet probability               %

this=     2.0.0                            LAND_FRACTION               -
 wmo=           Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land)                

this=     2.0.1          ROUGHNESS_LENGTH_AFTER_TIMESTEP               M
 wmo=                        Surface roughness               m

this=     2.0.2          DEEP_SOIL_TEMP._AFTER_HYDROLOGY               K
 wmo=                         Soil temperature               K

this=     2.0.3                    SOIL_MOISTURE_CONTENT        Kg/m2/TS
 wmo=                    Soil moisture content          kg.m-2

> > On 2011-06-11 03:28, Sibren Loos wrote:
> > > Dear John or netcdf-support,
> > >
> > > Indeed these are the parameter tables for the KMA grib2 datasets. Is
> > > this useful to you, if not, please let me know what to supply, I am in
> > > Seoul at the moment and can ask my Korean colleagues from NIER
> > > institute for other files if needed.
> > > I am here for the whole next week.
> > > If I can help with anything I will be glad to do so.
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > > Sibren
> > >
> > >
> > > On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 11:08:57 -0600
> > >  "Unidata netCDF Java Support" <address@hidden>
> > > wrote:
> > >> are these the KMA tables or ??
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>> # match_table.tbl version 5
> > >>> ############################################################################################################################################################################
> > >>>
> > >>> #                                      ||
> > >>> UM                      ||        GRIB1        ||
> > >>> GRIB2             ||          ||          |
> > >>> #            Parameter Name            ||    Field||Processing||
> > >>> Level||     Stash||    Table|| Parameter||   Product|| Parameter||
> > >>> Parameter||   Unit   ||   Grid   |
> > >>> #                                      ||      Code||
> > >>> Code||      Type||      Item||   Version||   Number|| Disciplin||
> > >>> Category||    Number||         ||          |
> > >>> #                                      || 23(LBFC)||25(LBPROC)||
> > >>> 26(LBVC)||42(LBUSER)||  SEC 1(4)||  SEC 1(9)||  SEC 0(7)|| SEC
> > >>> 4(10)|| SEC 4(11)||         ||          |
> > >>> #                  40                  ||    12    ||   12    ||
> > >>> 12    ||    12    ||    12    ||    12   ||    12    ||    12
> > >>> ||    12    ||    12    ||   12    |
> > >>> ############################################################################################################################################################################
> > >>>
> > >>> U_COMPNT_OF_WIND_AFTER_TIMESTEP                   56
> > >>> 0          65           2         128         33
> > >>> 0           2           2        m/s          UU
> > >>> V_COMPNT_OF_WIND_AFTER_TIMESTEP                   57
> > >>> 0          65           3         128         34
> > >>> 0           2           3        m/s          VV
> > >>> U_COMPNT_OF_WIND_AFTER_TIMESTEP                   48
> > >>> 0          65           2         128         33
> > >>> 0           2           2        m/s          UU
> > >>> V_COMPNT_OF_WIND_AFTER_TIMESTEP                   49
> > >>> 0          65           3         128         34
> > >>> 0           2           3        m/s          VV
> > >>> THETA_AFTER_TIMESTEP                              19
> > >>> 0          65           4         128         13
> > >>> 0           0           2          K           -
> > >>> SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_AFTER_TIMESTEP                  95
> > >>> 0          65          10         128         51
> > >>> 0           1           0      kg/kg           -
> > >>> SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_ON_P_LEV/UV_GRID                95
> > >>> 0           8       30205         128         51
> > >>> 0           1           0      kg/kg           -
> > >>> QCF_AFTER_TIMESTEP                                78
> > >>> 0          65          12         128        129
> > >>> 0           6         202      kg/kg           -
> > >>> SNOW_AMOUNT_OVER_LAND_AFT_TSTP                    93
> > >>> 128         129          23         128         65
> > >>> 0           1          13          m           -
> > >>> SNOW_AMOUNT_OVER_LAND_AFT_TSTP                    93
> > >>> 0         129          23         128         65
> > >>> 0           1          13          m           -
> > >>> 0         129          24         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           0          K           -
> > >>> SURFACE_TEMPERATURE                               16
> > >>> 128         129          24         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           0          K           -
> > >>> SURFACE_TEMPERATURE_ANOMALY                       16
> > >>> 0         129          39         128         25
> > >>> 0           0           9          K           -
> > >>> 0           5          25         128        130
> > >>> 0           3          18          m           -
> > >>> ROUGHNESS_LENGTH_AFTER_TIMESTEP                  324
> > >>> 0         129          26         128         83
> > >>> 2           0           1          M           -
> > >>> LAND_MASK_(No_halo)(LAND=TRUE)                   395
> > >>> 0         129          30         128         81
> > >>> 2           0           0          -           -
> > >>> FRAC_OF_SEA_ICE_IN_SEA_AFTER_TSTEP                37
> > >>> 0         129          31         128        131
> > >>> 1           0         194          %           -
> > >>> OROGRAPHY_(/STRAT_LOWER_BC)                        1
> > >>> 0         129          33         128          8
> > >>> 0           3           6          m           -
> > >>> W_COMPNT_OF_WIND_AFTER_TIMESTEP                   42
> > >>> 0          65         150         128         40
> > >>> 0           2           9        m/s           -
> > >>> QCL_AFTER_TIMESTEP                                79
> > >>> 0          65         254         128        132
> > >>> 0           6         203        m/s           -
> > >>> EXNER_PRESSURE_(RHO)_AFTER_TIMESTEP                7
> > >>> 0          65         255         128        133
> > >>> 0           3         213          -           -
> > >>> SURFACE_PRESSURE_AFTER_TIMESTEP                    8
> > >>> 0         129         409         128          1
> > >>> 0           3           0         Pa           -
> > >>> NET_DOWN_SURFACE_SW_FLUX:_SW_TS_ONLY             186
> > >>> 128         129        1201         128        111
> > >>> 0           4         206       W/m2           -
> > >>> INCOMING_SW_RAD_FLUX_(TOA):_ALL_TSS              200
> > >>> 128         133        1207         128        141
> > >>> 0           4         207       W/m2           -
> > >>> OUTGOING_SW_RAD_FLUX_(TOA)                       201
> > >>> 128         133        1208         128        142
> > >>> 0           4         208       W/m2           -
> > >>> CLEAR-SKY_(II)_UPWARD_SW_FLUX_(TOA)              207
> > >>> 128         133        1209         128        143
> > >>> 0           4         209       W/m2           -
> > >>> CLEAR-SKY_(II)_DOWN_SURFACE_SW_FLUX              208
> > >>> 128         129        1210         128        144
> > >>> 0           4         210       W/m2           -
> > >>> CLEAR-SKY_(II)_UP_SURFACE_SW_FLUX                207
> > >>> 128         129        1211         128        145
> > >>> 0           4         211       W/m2           -
> > >>> DIRECT_SW_FLUX_(ON_RHO_LEVELS)                     0
> > >>> 128          65        1230         128        146
> > >>> 0           4         212       W/m2           -
> > >>> DIFFUSE_SW_FLUX_(ON_RHO_LEVELS)                    0
> > >>> 128          65        1231         128        147
> > >>> 0           4         213       W/m2           -
> > >>> TOTAL_DOWNWARD_SURFACE_SW_FLUX                   203
> > >>> 128         129        1235         128        148
> > >>> 0           4         214       W/m2           -
> > >>> NET_DOWN_SURFACE_LW_RAD_FLUX                     187
> > >>> 128         129        2201         128        112
> > >>> 0           5         198       W/m2           -
> > >>> NET_DN_LW_RAD_FLUX:OPEN_SEA                      187
> > >>> 128         129        2203         128        149
> > >>> 0           5         199       W/m2           -
> > >>> OUTGOING_LW_RAD_FLUX_(TOA)                       206
> > >>> 128         133        2205         128        150
> > >>> 0           5         200       W/m2           -
> > >>> CLEAR-SKY_(II)_UPWARD_LW_FLUX_(TOA)              210
> > >>> 128         133        2206         128        151
> > >>> 0           5         201       W/m2           -
> > >>> DOWNWARD_LW_RAD_FLUX:_SURFACE                    205
> > >>> 128         129        2207         128        152
> > >>> 0           5         202       W/m2           -
> > >>> CLEAR-SKY_(II)_DOWN_SURFACE_LW_FLUX              211
> > >>> 128         129        2208         128        153
> > >>> 0           5         203       W/m2           -
> > >>> HEAT_FLUX_THROUGH_SEAICE                         261
> > >>> 128         129        3201         128        161
> > >>> 0           0         205       W/m2           -
> > >>> HEAT_FLUX_FROM_SURF_TO_DEEP_SOIL_LEV_1           179
> > >>> 128           6        3202         128        162
> > >>> 0           0         206       W/m2           -
> > >>> LOWEST_LAYER_BULK_RICHARDSON_NO.                 181
> > >>> 128          65        3208         128        163
> > >>> 0           7         199          -           -
> > >>> 10_METRE_WIND_U-COMP                              56
> > >>> 0         105        3209         128         33
> > >>> 0           2           2        m/s          UU
> > >>> 10_METRE_WIND_V-COMP                              57
> > >>> 0         105        3210         128         34
> > >>> 0           2           3        m/s          VV
> > >>> SURFACE_HEAT_FLUX                                178
> > >>> 128         129        3217         128        164
> > >>> 0           0         207       W/m2           -
> > >>> X-COMP_OF_SURF_&_BL_WIND_STRESS                   61
> > >>> 128          65        3219         128        165
> > >>> 0           2         220       N/m2          UU
> > >>> Y-COMP_OF_SURF_&_BL_WIND_STRESS                   62
> > >>> 128          65        3220         128        166
> > >>> 0           2         221       N/m2          VV
> > >>> SURFACE_TOTAL_MOISTURE_FLUX                      184
> > >>> 128         129        3223         128        167
> > >>> 0           1         226    Kg/m2/S           -
> > >>> WIND_MIX_ENERGY_FLUX_TO_SEA                      182
> > >>> 128         129        3224         128        168
> > >>> 0           2         222       W/m2           -
> > >>> SFC_SH_FLUX_FROM_OPEN_SEA                        178
> > >>> 128         129        3228         128        169
> > >>> 0           0         208       W/m2           -
> > >>> EVAP_FROM_SOIL_SURF                              115
> > >>> 128         129        3229         128        170
> > >>> 2           0         231   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> SUBLIM._FROM_SURFACE                             107
> > >>> 128         129        3231         128        171
> > >>> 2           0         232   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >
> > >>> EVAP_FROM_OPEN_SEA                               285
> > >>> 128         129        3232         128        172
> > >>> 2           0         233    Kg/m2/S           -
> > >>> SURFACE_LATENT_HEAT_FLUX                         180
> > >>> 128         129        3234         128        121
> > >>> 0           0         209       W/m2           -
> > >>> SEAICE_TOP_MELT_LH_FLUX                          260
> > >>> 128         129        3235         128        173
> > >>> 0           0         210       W/m2           -
> > >>> TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M                               16
> > >>> 0         105        3236         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           0          K           -
> > >>> MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M                       16
> > >>> 4096         105        3236         128         15
> > >>> 0           0           4          K           -
> > >>> MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M                       16
> > >>> 8192         105        3236         128         16
> > >>> 0           0           5          K           -
> > >>> SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_AT_1.5M                         95
> > >>> 0         105        3237         128         51
> > >>> 0           1           0      kg/kg           -
> > >>> TOTAL_SURF_MOIST_FLUX_PER_TIMESTEP               184
> > >>> 128         129        3241         128        174
> > >>> 0           1         227    W/m2/TS           -
> > >>> RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_AT_1.5M                         88
> > >>> 0         105        3245         128         52
> > >>> 0           1           1          %           -
> > >>> VISIBILITY_AT_1.5M                                25
> > >>> 0         105        3247         128         20
> > >>> 0          19           0          %           -
> > >>> FOG_FRACTION_AT_1.5M                             220
> > >>> 0         105        3248         128        175
> > >>> 0          19         233          %           -
> > >>> DEWPOINT_AT_1.5M                                  17
> > >>> 0         105        3250         128        176
> > >>> 0           0           6          T           -
> > >>> PROBABILITY_OF_VIS_LESS_THAN_5KM                 173
> > >>> 0         105        3253         128        177
> > >>> 0          19         234          %           -
> > >>> TL_AT_1.5M                                        19
> > >>> 0         105        3254         128        178
> > >>> 0           0         211          -           -
> > >>> QT_AT_1.5M                                        95
> > >>> 0         105        3255         128        179
> > >>> 0           1         228          -           -
> > >>> SURFACE_SENSIBLE_HEAT_FLUX_ON_TILES             1520
> > >>> 0         129        3290         128        180
> > >>> 0           0         212       W/m2           -
> > >>> STABLE_BL_INDICATOR                             1535
> > >>> 0         129        3305         128        181
> > >>> 0           7         200          -           -
> > >>> WELL_MIXED_BL_INDICATOR                         1537
> > >>> 0         129        3307         128        182
> > >>> 0           7         201          -           -
> > >>> LAND_FRACTION                                    202
> > >>> 0         129        3395         128         81
> > >>> 2           0           0          -           -
> > >>> WIND_GUST                                       1694
> > >>> 8192           1        3463         128        183
> > >>> 0           2          22        m/s           -
> > >>> WIND_GUST                                       1694
> > >>> 0           1        3463         128        183
> > >>> 0           2          22        m/s           -
> > >>> MAXIMUM_WIND_GUST                               1694
> > >>> 8192           1        3463         128        184
> > >>> 0           2          21        m/s           -
> > >>> FRICTION_VELOCITY                               1696
> > >>> 0           1        3465         128        185
> > >>> 0           2          30        m/s           -
> > >>> LARGE_SCALE_RAIN_AMOUNT                          102
> > >>> 128         129        4201         128         62
> > >>> 0           1           9   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> LARGE_SCALE_SNOW_AMOUNT                          116
> > >>> 128         129        4202         128         79
> > >>> 0           1          15   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> LARGE_SCALE_RAINFALL_RATE                         99
> > >>> 128         129        4203         128        191
> > >>> 0           1          54    Kg/m2/S           -
> > >>> LARGE_SCALE_SNOWFALL_RATE                        118
> > >>> 128         129        4204         128        192
> > >>> 0           1          59    Kg/m2/S           -
> > >>> CONVECTIVE_RAIN_AMOUNT                            94
> > >>> 128         129        5201         128         63
> > >>> 0           1          10   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> CONVECTIVE_SNOW_AMOUNT                           117
> > >>> 128         129        5202         128         78
> > >>> 0           1          14   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> CONVECTIVE_RAINFALL_RATE                          98
> > >>> 128         129        5205         128        201
> > >>> 0           1          37    Kg/m2/S           -
> > >>> CONVECTIVE_SNOWFALL_RATE                         119
> > >>> 128         129        5206         128        202
> > >>> 0           1          58    Kg/m2/S           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_BASE                 34
> > >>> 0         138        5207         128        203
> > >>> 0           6         204         Pa           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_TOP                  34
> > >>> 0         137        5208         128        204
> > >>> 0           6         205         Pa           -
> > >>> ICAO_HT_OF_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_BASE                  34
> > >>> 0         136        5210         128        205
> > >>> 0           6         206          m           -
> > >>> ICAO_HT_OF_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_TOP                   34
> > >>> 0         135        5211         128        206
> > >>> 0           6         207          m           -
> > >>> TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_RATE                          90
> > >>> 128         129        5216         128        207
> > >>> 0           1          52    Kg/m2/S           -
> > >>> #MEAN_DILUTE_CONVECTIVELY_AVAIL_POT              213
> > >>> 128         129        5217         128        208
> > >>> 0           7           6       J/Kg           -
> > >>> MAX_DILUTE_CONVECTIVELY_AVAIL_POT                213
> > >>> 8192         129        5217         128        208
> > >>> 0           7           6       J/Kg           -
> > >>> LOWEST_CONV_CLOUD_AMOUNT_AFTER_CONV              343
> > >>> 0           0        5220         128        209
> > >>> 0           6         208          %           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_LOWEST_CONV_CLOUD_BASE               344
> > >>> 0           2        5222         128        210
> > >>> 0           6         209         Pa           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_LOWEST_CONV_CLOUD_TOP                345
> > >>> 0           3        5223         128        211
> > >>> 0           6         210         Pa           -
> > >>> ICAO_HT_OF_LOWEST_CONV_CLOUD_BASE                346
> > >>> 0         136        5224         128        212
> > >>> 0           6         211          m           -
> > >>> ICAO_HT_OF_LOWEST_CONV_CLOUD_TOP                 347
> > >>> 0         135        5225         128        213
> > >>> 0           6         212          m           -
> > >>> TOTAL_CLOUD_TOP_HEIGHT                           216
> > >>> 0           1        9223         128        219
> > >>> 0           6         219        KFT           -
> > >>> TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_AMOUNT                        77
> > >>> 128         129        5226         128         61
> > >>> 0           1           8   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> 2D_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_AMOUNT                        34
> > >>> 0           0        5262         128         72
> > >>> 0           6           2          %           -
> > >>> STANDARD_DEVIATION_OF_OROGRAPHY                  150
> > >>> 0         129        6203         128          9
> > >>> 0           3           7          m           -
> > >>> X_COMPONENT_OF_GW_SATURATION_STRESS             1588
> > >>> 0          65        6223         128        221
> > >>> 0           2         210          -          UU
> > >>> Y_COMPONENT_OF_GW_SATURATION_STRESS             1589
> > >>> 0          65        6224         128        222
> > >>> 0           2         211          -          VV
> > >>> LAND_SNOW_MELT_AMOUNT                            110
> > >>> 128         129        8201         128        223
> > >>> 0           1          16   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> SFC_RUNOFF_AMOUNT:LAND                           111
> > >>> 128         129        8204         128        224
> > >>> 2           0         237   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> SUB-SFC_RUNOFF_AMT:LAND                          112
> > >>> 128         129        8205         128        225
> > >>> 2           0         235   kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> SOIL_MOISTURE_CONTENT                            106
> > >>> 0         129        8208         128         86
> > >>> 2           0           3   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> CANOPY_WATER_CONTENT                             271
> > >>> 0         275        8209         128        226
> > >>> 2           0         236   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> SOIL_MOISTURE_CONTENT_IN_A_LAYER                 122
> > >>> 0           6        8223         128        227
> > >>> 2           0         234   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> DEEP_SOIL_TEMP._AFTER_HYDROLOGY                   23
> > >>> 0           6        8225         128         85
> > >>> 2           0           2          K           -
> > >>> LOW_CLOUD_AMOUNT                                  33
> > >>> 128           0        9203         128         73
> > >>> 0           6           3          %           -
> > >>> MEDIUM_CLOUD_AMOUNT                               32
> > >>> 128           0        9204         128         74
> > >>> 0           6           4          %           -
> > >>> HIGH_CLOUD_AMOUNT                                 31
> > >>> 128           0        9205         128         75
> > >>> 0           6           5          %           -
> > >>> LOW_CLOUD_AMOUNT                                  33
> > >>> 0           0        9203         128         73
> > >>> 0           6           3          %           -
> > >>> MEDIUM_CLOUD_AMOUNT                               32
> > >>> 0           0        9204         128         74
> > >>> 0           6           4          %           -
> > >>> HIGH_CLOUD_AMOUNT                                 31
> > >>> 0           0        9205         128         75
> > >>> 0           6           5          %           -
> > >>> CLOUD_BASE_FOR_COVER.GT.2.5_OCTA                 136
> > >>> 0           0        9210         128        231
> > >>> 0           6         213        KFT           -
> > >>> CLOUD_BASE_FOR_COVER.GT.4.5_OCTA                 136
> > >>> 0           0        9212         128        232
> > >>> 0           6         214        KFT           -
> > >>> TOTAL_CLOUD_AMOUNT_RANDOM_OVERLAP                 30
> > >>> 0           0        9216         128        233
> > >>> 0           6         215          %           -
> > >>> 0           0        9217         128        234
> > >>> 0           6         216          %           -
> > >>> WET_BULB_FREEZING_LEV_HEIGHT                     139
> > >>> 0           0        9221         128        235
> > >>> 0           6         217          m           -
> > >>> 0          19       15214         128          4
> > >>> 0           2          14   Km2/kg/s          VO
> > >>> U_WIND_AT_POTENTIAL_VORTICITY_THETA               48
> > >>> 0          19       90200         128        245
> > >>> 0           2         225        m/s          VO
> > >>> V_WIND_AT_POTENTIAL_VORTICITY_THETA               49
> > >>> 0          19       90201         128        246
> > >>> 0           2         226        m/s          VO
> > >>> 0          19       90202         128        247
> > >>> 0           2         227         pa          VO
> > >>> 0           8       15229         128          4
> > >>> 0           2          14   Km2/kg/s          VO
> > >>> 0           8       20047         128        236
> > >>> 0          19          22          %          VO
> > >>> 0           8       20048         128        237
> > >>> 0          19          23          %          VO
> > >>> W_COMPNT_(OF_WIND)_ON_PRESSURE_LEVS               42
> > >>> 0           8       15242         128         40
> > >>> 0           2           9        m/s           -
> > >>> U_WIND_ON_PRESSURE_LEVELS                         56
> > >>> 0           8       15243         128         33
> > >>> 0           2           2        m/s          UU
> > >>> V_WIND_ON_PRESSURE_LEVELS                         57
> > >>> 0           8       15244         128         34
> > >>> 0           2           3        m/s          VV
> > >>> 50_METRE_WIND_U-COMPONENT                         56
> > >>> 0           8       15245         128        241
> > >>> 0           2         223        m/s          UU
> > >>> 50_METRE_WIND_V-COMPONENT                         57
> > >>> 0           8       15246         128        242
> > >>> 0           2         224        m/s          VV
> > >>> 50_METRE_WIND_U-COMPONENT                         48
> > >>> 0           1       15245         128        241
> > >>> 0           2         223        m/s          UU
> > >>> 50_METRE_WIND_V-COMPONENT                         49
> > >>> 0           1       15246         128        242
> > >>> 0           2         224        m/s          VV
> > >>> TEMPERATURE_ON_THETA_LEVELS                       16
> > >>> 0          65       16004         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           0          K           -
> > >>> GEOPOTENTIAL_HEIGHT_ON_P_LEV/P_GRID                1
> > >>> 0           8       16202         128          7
> > >>> 0           3           5        gpm           -
> > >>> TEMPERATURE_ON_P_LEV/P_GRID                       16
> > >>> 0           8       16203         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           0          K           -
> > >>> TEMPERATURE_ON_P_LEV/UV_GRID                      16
> > >>> 0           8       30204         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           0          K           -
> > >>> RH_WRT_ICE_ON_P_LEV/P_GRID                        88
> > >>> 0           8       16204         128        243
> > >>> 0           1         229          %           -
> > >>> WET_BULB_POTENTIAL_TEMPERATURE                    22
> > >>> 0           8       16205         128        244
> > >>> 0           0         213          K           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL                         8
> > >>> 0         128       16222         128          2
> > >>> 0           3           1         Pa           -
> > >>> RH_WRT_WATER_ON_P_LEV/P_GRID                      88
> > >>> 0           8       16256         128         52
> > >>> 0           1           1          %           -
> > >>> #
> > >>> ###
> > >>> 10_METRE_WIND_U-COMP                              48
> > >>> 0           1        3209         128         33
> > >>> 0           2           2        m/s          UU
> > >>> 10_METRE_WIND_V-COMP                              49
> > >>> 0           1        3210         128         34
> > >>> 0           2           3        m/s          VV
> > >>> 10_METRE_WIND_U-COMP                              56
> > >>> 0           1        3209         128         33
> > >>> 0           2           2        m/s          UU
> > >>> 10_METRE_WIND_V-COMP                              57
> > >>> 0           1        3210         128         34
> > >>> 0           2           3        m/s          VV
> > >>> TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M                               16
> > >>> 0           1        3236         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           0          K           -
> > >>> MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M                       16
> > >>> 8192           1        3236         128         15
> > >>> 0           0           4          K           -
> > >>> MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_AT_1.5M                       16
> > >>> 4096           1        3236         128         16
> > >>> 0           0           5          K           -
> > >>> SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_AT_1.5M                         95
> > >>> 0           1        3237         128         51
> > >>> 0           1           0      kg/kg           -
> > >>> RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_AT_1.5M                         88
> > >>> 0           1        3245         128         52
> > >>> 0           1           1          %           -
> > >>> VISIBILITY_AT_1.5M                                25
> > >>> 0           1        3247         128         20
> > >>> 0          19           0          %           -
> > >>> FOG_FRACTION_AT_1.5M                             220
> > >>> 0           1        3248         128        175
> > >>> 0          19         233          %           -
> > >>> DEWPOINT_AT_1.5M                                  17
> > >>> 0           1        3250         128        176
> > >>> 0           0           6          T           -
> > >>> PROBABILITY_OF_VIS_LESS_THAN_5KM                 173
> > >>> 0           1        3253         128        177
> > >>> 0          19         234          %           -
> > >>> TL_AT_1.5M                                        19
> > >>> 0           1        3254         128        178
> > >>> 0           0         211          -           -
> > >>> QT_AT_1.5M                                        95
> > >>> 0           1        3255         128        179
> > >>> 0           1         228          -           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_LOWEST_CONV_CLOUD_BASE               344
> > >>> 0         138        5222         128        210
> > >>> 0           6         209         Pa           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_LOWEST_CONV_CLOUD_TOP                345
> > >>> 0         137        5223         128        211
> > >>> 0           6         210         Pa           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_BASE                 34
> > >>> 0         138        5207         128        203
> > >>> 0           6         204         Pa           -
> > >>> PRESSURE_AT_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_TOP                  34
> > >>> 0         137        5208         128        204
> > >>> 0           6         205         Pa           -
> > >>> CLOUD_BASE_FOR_COVER.GT.2.5_OCTA                 136
> > >>> 0          30        9210         128        231
> > >>> 0           6         213          %           -
> > >>> CLOUD_BASE_FOR_COVER.GT.4.5_OCTA                 136
> > >>> 0          30        9212         128        232
> > >>> 0           6         214          %           -
> > >>> 50_METRE_WIND_U-COMPONENT                         56
> > >>> 0           1       15245         128        241
> > >>> 0           2         223        m/s          UU
> > >>> 50_METRE_WIND_V-COMPONENT                         57
> > >>> 0           1       15246         128        242
> > >>> 0           2         224        m/s          VV
> > >>> WET_BULB_FREEZING_LEV_HEIGHT                     139
> > >>> 0         132        9221         128        235
> > >>> 0           6         217          m           -
> > >>> TOTAL_PRECIPITATION_AMOUNT                        77
> > >>> 128           0        5226         128         61
> > >>> 0           1           8   Kg/m2/TS           -
> > >>> 0          19       15214         128          4
> > >>> 0           2          14   Km2/kg/s          VO
> > >>> 0           0       15214         128          4
> > >>> 0           2          14   Km2/kg/s          VO
> > >>> U_WIND_ON_PRESSURE_LEVELS                         48
> > >>> 0           8       15243         128         33
> > >>> 0           2           2        m/s          UU
> > >>> V_WIND_ON_PRESSURE_LEVELS                         49
> > >>> 0           8       15244         128         34
> > >>> 0           2           3        m/s          VV
> > >>> ADVECTED_U-COMP_OF_WIND_AFTER_TS                  56
> > >>> 0          65         256         128        186
> > >>> 0           2          31        m/s           -
> > >>> ADVECTED_V-COMP_OF_WIND_AFTER_TS                  57
> > >>> 0          65         257         128        187
> > >>> 0           2          32        m/s           -
> > >>> ADVECTED_W-COMP_OF_WIND_AFTER_TS                  42
> > >>> 0          65         258         128        188
> > >>> 0           2          33        m/s           -
> > >>> DENSITY_AFTER_TIMESTEP                             0
> > >>> 0          65         253         128         89
> > >>> 0           3          10          -           -
> > >>> #
> > >>> ###
> > >>> SURFACE_TEMP_ON_TILES                           1510
> > >>> 0         129        3316         128         11
> > >>> 0           0           1          K           -
> > >>> ROUGHNESS_LENGTH_ON_TILES                       1511
> > >>> 0         129        3324         128         83
> > >>> 0           0         212          M           -
> > >>> SURFACE_LATENT_HEAT_FLUX_ON_TILES                180
> > >>> 0         129        3330         128        121
> > >>> 0           0         212       W/m2           -
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
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> > >>> receipt and/or content of this e-mail.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Ticket Details
> > >> ===================
> > >> Ticket ID: JNI-586917
> > >> Department: Support netCDF Java
> > >> Priority: Normal
> > >> Status: Open
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
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> > > The foundation 'Stichting Deltares', which has its seat at Delft, The
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> > The foundation 'Stichting Deltares', which has its seat at Delft, The 
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> >
> >
> >

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JNI-586917
Department: Support netCDF Java
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed