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Re: [netcdf-java] Announcing Netcdf-Java / CDM version 4.3.8 BETA and emergency shutdown procedures

Hi all:

Comments are below

On 2/10/2012 3:10 PM, Don Murray wrote:
Hi John-

On 2/10/12 1:02 PM, John Caron wrote:
- you say that the variable names have changed between 4.2 and 4.3 for
GRIB files. What is the extent of these changes and when do you expect
these will be used in the TDS? The IDV relies on the variable names to
look up parameters in bundles, to associate user preferences for
displays (color table, units, contouring information) and the variable
name is encoded in bundles to they always get the same data. So, if
the variable names are different than before, that will mean that IDV
bundles accessing TDS servers using the 4.3 library will be broken.
That would be a major problem for the IDV community.

the names have to change for lots of reasons. some background is here:

the previous algorithm tried to modify the names based on what other
variables with the same parameter exists in the same file. but this
breaks aggregation and has other, subtle effects that are not
maintainable. plus there are lots of errors in 4.2 tables. plus
intervals were ignored, and statistical types not always handled well,
etc. The previous GRIB handling is flawed enough that I think that users
need to repick which variables they really want. I think the IDV is
going to have to develop a graceful way to allow bundles to evolve.

Adding some feature to the IDV to do a table lookup between old and new names would be one way to handle this. The problem is one of timing. On the day that the motherlode TDS server switches to use the 4.3 library, every IDV user will need to have whatever mechanism is developed to handle the new names. Many bundles are stored on servers or encoded in JNLP files (like the Millersville LEAD project bundles), so it's not just a matter of saving a new bundle locally.

bundles referencing motherlode could only do so using the "latest" resolver, and im not sure how extensive that is, but we could look at the motherlode logs. seems like local GRIB files are where the pain will be.

we can try to help the user choose new variable names, but the original bundle has to be able to change, or else its going to be useless eventually. Might as well do the right thing now, and add some UI to help evolve the bundle.

Also, how will you handle the FMRC stuff where older files were indexed with the old names. Does 4.3 still read the old index files?

Im not sure what you mean by the index files here? Do you mean gbx8? Or the cached xml files? In both cases, those are no longer used, and new indexed files (gbx9 and ncx) are created.

however, im not particular happy with the what i have. for one thing,
tables get tweaked, eg by the WMO. Also, we may realize that some
obscure field in the PDS must be added to the name. ugh.

its possible that an opaque id is a better idea, with all semantics in
the long name. Another alternative is what NCL does with their encoding,

im open to other suggestions.

It seems like adding attributes to handle changes is better than constantly changing the variable names. However, one thing the netCDF-Java library has over NCL is that it provides human readable names. For example, here's a comparison of NCL and netCDF-Java 4.2 names that I've been using for my work with GFS Reforecast GRIB files:

"TMP_SFC"    : {"TMP_P0_L1_GGA0"        :  "Temperature_surface"},
"HGT_HYBR"   : {"HGT_P0_L105_GGA0"      :  "Geopotential_height_hybrid"},
"PVORT_ISEN" : {"PVORT_P0_L107_GGA0"    :  "Potential_vorticity"},
"TMP_PVOR" : {"TMP_P0_L109_GGA0" : "Temperature_potential_vorticity_surface"},
"VOGRD_HGT"  : {"VOGRD_P0_L103_GGA0"    :  "V-component_of_current"},
"WEASD_SFC" : {"WEASD_P0_L1_GGA0" : "Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth"},
"LHTFL_SFC"  : {"LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg"  :  "Latent_heat_net_flux"},
"PRES_SFC"   : {"PRES_P0_L1_GGA0"       :  "Pressure_surface"},
"PRES_PVOR" : {"PRES_P0_L109_GGA0" : "Pressure_potential_vorticity_surface"},
"VGRD_HYBR"  : {"VGRD_P0_L105_GGA0"     :  "V-component_of_wind_hybrid"},
"SOILW_BGRND": {"SOILW_P0_2L106_GGA0" : "Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content"}, "TMP_BGRND" : {"TMP_P0_2L106_GGA0" : "Temperature_depth_below_surface_layer"}, "TCOLC_EATM" : {"TCOLC_P0_L200_GGA0" : "Total_Column-Integrated_Condensate"},
"UGRD_PRES"  : {"UGRD_P0_L100_GGA0"     :  "U-component_of_wind"},
"WATR_SFC"   : {"WATR_P8_L1_GGA0_acc"   :  "Water_runoff"},
"VGRD_HGT" : {"VGRD_P0_L103_GGA0" : "V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground"},
"PWAT_EATM"  : {"PWAT_P0_L200_GGA0"     :  "Precipitable_water"},
"VGRD_PRES"  : {"VGRD_P0_L100_GGA0"     :  "V-component_of_wind"},
"PRES_MSL"   : {"PRES_P0_L101_GGA0"     :  "Pressure"},
"DSWRF_SFC" : {"DSWRF_P8_L1_GGA0_avg" : "Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux"}, "TMP_HGT" : {"TMP_P0_L103_GGA0" : "Temperature_height_above_ground"},
"TMP_PRES"   : {"TMP_P0_L100_GGA0"      :  "Temperature"},
"APCP_SFC"   : {"APCP_P8_L1_GGA0_acc"   :  "Total_precipitation"},
"TMIN_HGT"   : {"TMIN_P8_L103_GGA0"     :  "Minimum_temperature"},
"ULWRF_TATM" : {"ULWRF_P8_L8_GGA0_avg"  :  "Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux"},
"ULWRF_SFC" : {"ULWRF_P8_L1_GGA0_avg" : "Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface"},
"TCDC_EATM"  : {"TCDC_P0_L200_GGA0"     :  "Total_cloud_cover"},
"VVEL_PRSS"  : {"VVEL_P0_L100_GGA0"     :  "Vertical_velocity_pressure"},
"CAPE_SFC" : {"CAPE_P0_L1_GGA0" : "Convective_available_potential_energy"},
"CIN_SFC"    : {"CIN_P0_L1_GGA0"        :  "Convective_inhibition"},
"SHTFL_SFC"  : {"SHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg"  :  "Sensible_heat_net_flux"},
"GFLUX_SFC"  : {"GFLUX_P8_L1_GGA0_avg"  :  "Ground_Heat_Flux"},
"UGRD_HYBR"  : {"UGRD_P0_L105_GGA0"     :  "U-component_of_wind_hybrid"},
"SPFH_HGT" : {"SPFH_P0_L103_GGA0" : "Specific_humidity_height_above_ground"}, "UGRD_PVOR" : {"UGRD_P0_L109_GGA0" : "U-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface"},
"UOGRD_HGT"  : {"UOGRD_P0_L103_GGA0"    :  "U-component_of_current"},
"USWRF_SFC"  : {"USWRF_P8_L1_GGA0_avg"  :  "Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux"},
"UGRD_HGT" : {"UGRD_P0_L103_GGA0" : "U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground"},
"SPFH_PRES"  : {"SPFH_P0_L100_GGA0"     :  "Specific_humidity"},
"WMIXE_HGT"  : {"WMIXE_P0_L103_GGA0"    :  "Wind_mixing_energy"},
"TMAX_HGT"   : {"TMAX_P8_L103_GGA0"     :  "Maximum_temperature"},
"DLWRF_SFC" : {"DLWRF_P8_L1_GGA0_avg" : "Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux"}, "VGRD_PVOR" : {"VGRD_P0_L109_GGA0" : "V-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface"},
"HGT_PRES"   : {"HGT_P0_L100_GGA0"      :  "Geopotential_height"},
"SUNS_SFC"   : {"SUNS_P0_L1_GGA0"       :  "Sunshine"}


The first column is a combination of the wgrib2/NCEP standard variable name (from NCEP Table 4.2 - with a level type (that I made up based on GEMPAK level names) (var_lev). The second column is the NCL name, and the last column is the netCDF-Java name (some have been slightly modified).

The NCL names change depending on the forecast hour to indicate the time averaging (e.g. LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg at forecast hour 0 and LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg6h at fhour 12) which would be a nightmare for aggregation. Lat/lon grids have different variable names than gaussian grids (LL vs. GG). I would avoid using their whole naming convention.

In the end, we need something simple and unique for the variable name and let the details be handled in the attributes. Here's a sample NCL set of attributes:

        float LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg(lat_0, lon_0) ;
LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:initial_time = "01/01/2007 (00:00)" ;
                LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:forecast_time_units = "hours" ;
                LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:forecast_time = 3 ;
LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:statistical_process_duration = "initial time to forecast time" ; LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:type_of_statistical_processing = "Average" ;
                LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:level = 0.f ;
LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:level_type = "Ground or water surface" ;

LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:parameter_template_discipline_category_number = 8, 0, 0, 10 ; LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:parameter_discipline_and_category = "Meteorological products, Temperature" ; LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:grid_type = "Gaussian latitude/longitude" ;
                LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
                LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:units = "W m-2" ;
                LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:long_name = "Latent heat net flux" ;
LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:production_status = "Operational products" ; LHTFL_P8_L1_GGA0_avg:center = "US National Weather Service - NCEP (WMC)" ;

which encapsulate a lot of the ancillary PDS parameters.

One thing that would help is to generate a list of 4.2 variable names with the corresponding 4.3 names for all the GRIB datasets on motherlode. That could be used by the IDV for the lookup table.

unfortunately, the problem with using the human names is that they keep getting tweaked (because the tables keep getting tweaked) by WMO and especially NCEP. So they will just break again whenever that happens. Im leaning towards an NCL-like variable name that will be much more stable (though not guaranteed if we discover we are doing things wrong). The implication is that an application will want to use the description when letting users choose from a list, and the variable name when talking to the API. I think IDV is already doing this?

The NCL-like syntax (still evolving) is:

      L = level type
      S = stat type
      D = derived type

So its differrent from NCL in not using the time coordinate in the name.

Im attaching two lists, both are maps from old names to new names. the first list uses a "human readable" name constructed from the latest GRIB tables, the second uses the NCL-like syntax. (neither are complete or authoritative yet, and are only for GRIB-2). Ive included the grid description on the second list, so the mappings make more sense.

one thing to note is that the mapping is dataset dependent 15-20% of the time.

I will probably release the next CDM version using the NCL-syntax variable names in order to get feedback from the broader community.

 OLD Absolute_vorticity
 NEW Absolute_vorticity_Pressure

 OLD Albedo
 NEW Albedo_Surface
 NEW Albedo_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Albedo_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Base_reflectivity
 NEW Base_reflectivity_Surface

 OLD Baseflow-Groundwater_Runoff
 NEW Baseflow-Groundwater_Runoff_Depth_below_surface
 NEW Baseflow-Groundwater_Runoff_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Best_Lifted_Index
 NEW Best_4_layer_Lifted_Index_Pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Best_4_layer_Lifted_Index_Surface

 OLD Best_lifted_index_to_500_hPa
 NEW Best_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_Surface

 OLD Blackadars_Mixing_Length_Scale
 NEW Blackadars_Mixing_Length_Scale_Hybrid

 OLD Brightness_temperature
 NEW Brightness_temperature_Atmosphere_top

 OLD Canopy_Conductance
 NEW Canopy_Conductance_Surface

 OLD Canopy_water_evaporation
 NEW Canopy_water_evaporation_Surface

 OLD Categorical_Freezing_Rain
 NEW Categorical_Freezing_Rain_Surface
 NEW Categorical_Freezing_Rain_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Categorical_Freezing_Rain_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Categorical_Ice_Pellets
 NEW Categorical_Ice_Pellets_Surface
 NEW Categorical_Ice_Pellets_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Categorical_Ice_Pellets_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Categorical_Rain
 NEW Categorical_Rain_Surface
 NEW Categorical_Rain_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Categorical_Rain_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average
 NEW Weather_string_Surface

 OLD Categorical_Snow
 NEW Categorical_Snow_Surface
 NEW Categorical_Snow_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Categorical_Snow_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Clear_Sky_Downward_Solar_Flux
 NEW Clear_Sky_Downward_Solar_Flux_Surface

 OLD Cloud_Ice
 NEW Cloud_ice_Pressure

 OLD Cloud_Ice_hybrid
 NEW Cloud_ice_Hybrid

 OLD Cloud_Work_Function
 NEW Cloud_Work_Function_Entire_atmosphere_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Cloud_Work_Function_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Cloud_mixing_ratio
 NEW Cloud_mixing_ratio_Hybrid
 NEW Cloud_mixing_ratio_Pressure

 OLD Cloud_mixing_ratio_hybrid
 NEW Cloud_mixing_ratio_Hybrid

 OLD Cloud_water
 NEW Cloud_water_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Convective_Cloud_Efficiency
 NEW Convective_Cloud_Efficiency_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Convective_Precipitation_Rate
 NEW Convective_Precipitation_Rate_Surface
 NEW Convective_Precipitation_Rate_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Convective_Precipitation_Rate_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy
 NEW Convective_available_potential_energy_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_surface
 NEW Convective_available_potential_energy_Surface

 OLD Convective_cloud_cover
 NEW Convective_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere
 NEW Convective_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Convective_cloud_cover_Average
 NEW Convective_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Convective_inhibition
 NEW Convective_inhibition_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Convective_inhibition_surface
 NEW Convective_inhibition_Surface

 OLD Convective_precipitation
 NEW Convective_precipitation_Surface_12_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Convective_precipitation_Surface_3_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Convective_precipitation_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Deep_Convective_Heat_rate
 NEW Deep_Convective_Heating_Rate_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Density
 NEW Density_Depth_below_surface

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity
 NEW Reflectivity_Height_above_ground

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_ice
 NEW Equivalent_radar_reflectivity_factor_for_snow_Height_above_ground

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_ice_entire_atmosphere
 NEW Equivalent_radar_reflectivity_factor_for_snow_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_parameterized_convection


 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_rain
 NEW Equivalent_radar_reflectivity_factor_for_rain_Height_above_ground

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_rain_entire_atmosphere
 NEW Equivalent_radar_reflectivity_factor_for_rain_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_hybrid
 NEW Reflectivity_Hybrid

 OLD Dew_point_depression_or_deficit
 NEW Dew-point_depression_or_deficit_Height_above_ground

 OLD Dew_point_temperature
 NEW Dew-point_temperature_Height_above_ground
 NEW Dew-point_temperature_Pressure
 NEW Dew-point_temperature_Surface

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_error
 NEW Dew-point_temperature_error_Height_above_ground

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_height_above_ground
 NEW Dew-point_temperature_Height_above_ground

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_hybrid
 NEW Dew-point_temperature_Hybrid

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Dew-point_temperature_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Direct_Evaporation_Cease_soil_moisture
 NEW Direct_Evaporation_Cease_soil_moisture_Surface

 OLD Direct_evaporation_from_bare_soil
 NEW Direct_evaporation_from_bare_soil_Surface

 OLD Direction_of_swell_waves

 OLD Direction_of_wind_waves
 NEW Direction_of_wind_waves_degree_true_Surface

 OLD Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW Downward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface
 NEW Downward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Downward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average
 NEW Downward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface
 NEW Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average
 NEW Downward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Drag_Coefficient
 NEW Drag_Coefficient_Surface

 OLD East_longitude_0_-_360
 NEW East_Longitude_0_to_360_Surface

 OLD Evaporation
 NEW Evaporation_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Exchange_Coefficient
 NEW Exchange_Coefficient_Surface

 OLD Field_Capacity
 NEW Field_Capacity_Surface

 OLD Frictional_Velocity
 NEW Frictional_Velocity_Surface

 OLD Geometric_height
 NEW Geometric_height_Cloud_base

 OLD Geometric_height_cloud_tops
 NEW Geometric_height_Cloud_tops

 OLD Geopotential_height
 NEW Geopotential_height_Adiabatic_condensation_lifted
 NEW Geopotential_height_Hybrid
 NEW Geopotential_height_Pressure
 NEW Geopotential_height_Surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_adiabatic_condensation_lifted
 NEW Geopotential_height_Adiabatic_condensation_lifted

 OLD Geopotential_height_anomaly
 NEW Geopotential_height_anomaly_Pressure

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_base
 NEW Geopotential_height_Cloud_base

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_ceiling
 NEW Geopotential_height_Cloud_ceiling

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_tops
 NEW Geopotential_height_Cloud_tops

 OLD Geopotential_height_convective_cloud_top
 NEW Geopotential_height_Convective_cloud_top

 OLD Geopotential_height_equilibrium
 NEW Geopotential_height_Equilibrium

 OLD Geopotential_height_highest_level_water_layer
 NEW Geopotential_height_Highest_level_water_layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_highest_tropospheric_freezing
 NEW Geopotential_height_Highest_tropospheric_freezing

 OLD Geopotential_height_hybrid
 NEW Geopotential_height_Hybrid

 OLD Geopotential_height_lowest_level_of_the_wet_bulb_zero
 NEW Geopotential_height_Lowest_level_of_the_wet_bulb_zero

 OLD Geopotential_height_lowest_level_water_layer
 NEW Geopotential_height_Lowest_level_water_layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_maximum_wind
 NEW Geopotential_height_Maximum_wind

 OLD Geopotential_height_planetary_boundary
 NEW Geopotential_height_Planetary_boundary

 OLD Geopotential_height_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW Geopotential_height_Potential_vorticity_surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_pressure_layer_stdDev
 NEW Geopotential_height_Pressure_layer_Standard_deviation

 OLD Geopotential_height_pressure_layer_weightedMean
 NEW Geopotential_height_Pressure_layer_Weighted_mean

 OLD Geopotential_height_stdDev
 NEW Geopotential_height_Pressure_Standard_deviation

 OLD Geopotential_height_surface
 NEW Geopotential_height_Surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_tropopause
 NEW Geopotential_height_Tropopause

 OLD Geopotential_height_weightedMean
 NEW Geopotential_height_Pressure_Weighted_mean

 OLD Geopotential_height_zeroDegC_isotherm
 NEW Geopotential_height_ZeroDegC_isotherm

 OLD Graupel_snow_pellets
 NEW Graupel_snow_pellets_Hybrid

 OLD Ground_Heat_Flux
 NEW Ground_Heat_Flux_Surface
 NEW Ground_Heat_Flux_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Ground_Heat_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Ground_Heat_Flux_Average
 NEW Ground_Heat_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD High_cloud_cover
 NEW High_cloud_cover_High_cloud

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence
 NEW Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_Entire_atmosphere
 NEW Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_Pressure
 NEW Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_entire_atmosphere
 NEW Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_sigma_layer
 NEW Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_Sigma_layer

 OLD Humidity_mixing_ratio
 NEW Humidity_mixing_ratio_Hybrid

 OLD Humidity_mixing_ratio_height_above_ground
 NEW Humidity_mixing_ratio_Height_above_ground

 OLD Humidity_mixing_ratio_surface
 NEW Humidity_mixing_ratio_Surface

 OLD Humidity_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW Humidity_parameter_in_canopy_conductance_Surface

 OLD ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height
 NEW ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height_Maximum_wind

 OLD ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height_tropopause
 NEW ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height_Tropopause

 OLD Ice_cover_Proportion
 NEW Ice_cover_Surface

 OLD Ice_water_mixing_ratio
 NEW Ice_water_mixing_ratio_Hybrid

 OLD Land_Surface_Precipitation_Accumulation

 OLD Land_cover_1land_2sea
 NEW Land_cover_0__sea_1__land_Surface

 OLD Large_Scale_Condensate_Heat_rate

 OLD Large_scale_precipitation_non-convective

 OLD Latent_heat_net_flux
 NEW Latent_heat_net_flux_Surface
 NEW Latent_heat_net_flux_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Latent_heat_net_flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Latent_heat_net_flux_Average
 NEW Latent_heat_net_flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Latitude_-90_-_+90
 NEW Latitude_-90_to_90_Surface

 OLD Lightning
 NEW Lightning_Surface

 OLD Liquid_Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_non_frozen
 NEW Liquid_Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_non_Frozen_Depth_below_surface_layer

 OLD Long-Wave_Radiative_Heating_Rate
 NEW Long-Wave_Radiative_Heating_Rate_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Low_cloud_cover
 NEW Low_cloud_cover_Low_cloud

 OLD MSLP_Eta_Reduction
 NEW MSLP_Eta_model_reduction_Msl

 OLD MSLP_MAPS_System_Reduction
 NEW MSLP_MAPS_System_Reduction_Msl

 OLD MaximumComposite_radar_reflectivity
 NEW Composite_reflectivity_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Maximum_Snow_Albedo
 NEW Maximum_Snow_Albedo_Surface

 OLD Maximum_relative_humidity
 NEW Maximum_relative_humidity_Height_above_ground_1_Hour_Interval

 OLD Maximum_temperature
 NEW Maximum_temperature_Height_above_ground
 NEW Maximum_temperature_Height_above_ground_12_Hour_Interval
 NEW Maximum_temperature_Height_above_ground_12_Hour_Maximum
 NEW Maximum_temperature_Height_above_ground_1_Hour_Interval
 NEW Maximum_temperature_Height_above_ground_Mixed_intervals_Interval
 NEW Maximum_temperature_Surface_12_Hour_Maximum

 OLD Mean_period_of_swell_waves

 OLD Mean_period_of_wind_waves
 NEW Mean_period_of_wind_waves_Surface

 OLD Medium_cloud_cover
 NEW Medium_cloud_cover_Middle_cloud

 OLD Meridional_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress
 NEW Meridional_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Meridional_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Minimal_Stomatal_Resistance
 NEW Minimal_Stomatal_Resistance_Surface

 OLD Minimum_Relative_Humidity
 NEW Minimum_Relative_Humidity_Height_above_ground_1_Hour_Interval

 OLD Minimum_temperature
 NEW Minimum_temperature_Height_above_ground
 NEW Minimum_temperature_Height_above_ground_12_Hour_Interval
 NEW Minimum_temperature_Height_above_ground_12_Hour_Minimum
 NEW Minimum_temperature_Height_above_ground_1_Hour_Interval
 NEW Minimum_temperature_Height_above_ground_Mixed_intervals_Interval
 NEW Minimum_temperature_Surface_12_Hour_Minimum

 OLD Moisture_Availability
 NEW Moisture_Availability_Depth_below_surface_layer
 NEW Moisture_Availability_Surface

 OLD Momentum_flux_u_component
 NEW Momentum_flux_u-component_Surface
 NEW Momentum_flux_u-component_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Momentum_flux_u-component_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Momentum_flux_v_component
 NEW Momentum_flux_v-component_Surface
 NEW Momentum_flux_v-component_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Momentum_flux_v-component_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD N5-Wave_Geopotential_Height
 NEW 5-Wave_Geopotential_Height_Pressure

 OLD N5-Wave_Geopotential_Height_Anomaly
 NEW 5-Wave_Geopotential_Height_Anomaly_Pressure

 OLD Net_long_wave_radiation_flux_surface
 NEW Net_long-wave_radiation_flux_surface_Surface

 OLD Net_short-wave_radiation_flux_surface
 NEW Net_short-wave_radiation_flux_surface_Surface

 OLD Non-Convective_Cloud_Cover
 NEW Non-Convective_Cloud_Cover_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Number_concentration_for_ice_particles
 NEW Number_concentration_for_ice_particles_Hybrid

 OLD Number_of_Soil_Layers_in_Root_Zone
 NEW Number_of_Soil_Layers_in_Root_Zone_Surface

 OLD Ozone_Mixing_Ratio
 NEW Ozone_Mixing_Ratio_Pressure

 OLD Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa
 NEW Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Planetary_Boundary_Layer_Height
 NEW Planetary_Boundary_Layer_Height_Surface

 OLD Planetary_boundary_layer_regime
 NEW Planetary_boundary-layer_regime_Surface

 OLD Plant_Canopy_Surface_Water
 NEW Plant_Canopy_Surface_Water_Surface

 OLD Potential_Evaporation
 NEW Potential_Evaporation_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Potential_Evaporation_Rate
 NEW Potential_Evaporation_Rate_Surface

 OLD Potential_temperature
 NEW Potential_temperature_Height_above_ground
 NEW Potential_temperature_Hybrid
 NEW Potential_temperature_Pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Potential_temperature_Sigma
 NEW Potential_temperature_Tropopause

 OLD Potential_temperature_height_above_ground
 NEW Potential_temperature_Height_above_ground

 OLD Potential_temperature_hybrid
 NEW Potential_temperature_Hybrid

 OLD Potential_temperature_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Potential_temperature_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Potential_temperature_surface
 NEW Potential_temperature_Surface

 OLD Potential_temperature_tropopause
 NEW Potential_temperature_Tropopause

 OLD Precipitable_water
 NEW Precipitable_water_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Precipitable_water_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Precipitable_water_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Precipitable_water_sigma_layer
 NEW Precipitable_water_Sigma_layer

 OLD Precipitation_rate
 NEW Precipitation_rate_Surface
 NEW Precipitation_rate_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Precipitation_rate_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Pressure
 NEW Pressure_Cloud_base
 NEW Pressure_Highest_tropospheric_freezing
 NEW Pressure_Hybrid
 NEW Pressure_Maximum_wind
 NEW Pressure_Potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW Pressure_Pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Pressure_Surface

 OLD Pressure_adiabatic_condensation_lifted
 NEW Pressure_Adiabatic_condensation_lifted

 OLD Pressure_atmosphere_top
 NEW Pressure_Atmosphere_top

 OLD Pressure_cloud_base
 NEW Pressure_Cloud_base

 OLD Pressure_cloud_tops
 NEW Pressure_Cloud_tops

 OLD Pressure_convective_cloud_bottom
 NEW Pressure_Convective_cloud_bottom

 OLD Pressure_convective_cloud_top
 NEW Pressure_Convective_cloud_top

 OLD Pressure_deep_convective_cloud_bottom
 NEW Pressure_Deep_convective_cloud_bottom

 OLD Pressure_deep_convective_cloud_top
 NEW Pressure_Deep_convective_cloud_top

 OLD Pressure_error
 NEW Pressure_error_Surface

 OLD Pressure_grid_scale_cloud_bottom
 NEW Pressure_Grid_scale_cloud_bottom

 OLD Pressure_grid_scale_cloud_top
 NEW Pressure_Grid_scale_cloud_top

 OLD Pressure_high_cloud_bottom
 NEW Pressure_High_cloud_bottom_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Pressure_High_cloud_bottom_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Pressure_high_cloud_top
 NEW Pressure_High_cloud_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Pressure_High_cloud_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Pressure_hybrid
 NEW Pressure_Hybrid

 OLD Pressure_low_cloud_bottom
 NEW Pressure_Low_cloud_bottom_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Pressure_Low_cloud_bottom_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Pressure_low_cloud_top
 NEW Pressure_Low_cloud_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Pressure_Low_cloud_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Pressure_maximum_equivalent_potential_temperature
 NEW Pressure_Maximum_equivalent_potential_temperature

 OLD Pressure_maximum_wind
 NEW Pressure_Maximum_wind

 OLD Pressure_middle_cloud_bottom
 NEW Pressure_Middle_cloud_bottom_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Pressure_Middle_cloud_bottom_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Pressure_middle_cloud_top
 NEW Pressure_Middle_cloud_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Pressure_Middle_cloud_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Pressure_of_level_from_which_parcel_was_lifted
 NEW Pressure_of_level_from_which_parcel_was_lifted_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Pressure_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Pressure_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Pressure_reduced_to_MSL
 NEW Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_Msl

 OLD Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_stdDev
 NEW Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_Msl_Standard_deviation

 OLD Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_weightedMean
 NEW Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_Msl_Weighted_mean

 OLD Pressure_shallow_convective_cloud_bottom
 NEW Pressure_Shallow_convective_cloud_bottom

 OLD Pressure_shallow_convective_cloud_top
 NEW Pressure_Shallow_convective_cloud_top

 OLD Pressure_sigma
 NEW Pressure_Sigma

 OLD Pressure_surface
 NEW Pressure_Surface

 OLD Pressure_tendency
 NEW Pressure_tendency_Surface

 OLD Pressure_tropopause
 NEW Pressure_Tropopause

 OLD Pressure_zeroDegC_isotherm
 NEW Pressure_ZeroDegC_isotherm

 OLD Primary_wave_direction
 NEW Primary_wave_direction_degree_true_Surface

 OLD Primary_wave_mean_period
 NEW Primary_wave_mean_period_Surface

 OLD Probability_of_0p01_inch_Precipitation
 NEW Probability_of_0p01_inch_of_precipitation_POP_Surface_layer_12_Hour_Average

 OLD Probability_of_freezing_Precipitation
 NEW Probability_of_Freezing_Precipitation_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Probability_of_frozen_Precipitation
 NEW Probability_of_Frozen_Precipitation_Surface
 NEW Probability_of_Frozen_Precipitation_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Pseudo-adiabatic_potential_temperature

 OLD Radar_Echo_Top_18p3_DBZ
 NEW Echo_Top_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Rain_mixing_ratio
 NEW Rain_mixing_ratio_Hybrid
 NEW Rain_mixing_ratio_Pressure

 OLD Rain_mixing_ratio_hybrid
 NEW Rain_mixing_ratio_Hybrid

 OLD Rate_of_water_dropping_from_canopy_to_ground
 NEW Rate_of_water_dropping_from_canopy_to_ground_Surface

 OLD Relative_humidity
 NEW Relative_humidity_Pressure
 NEW Relative_humidity_Pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Relative_humidity_Surface

 OLD Relative_humidity_entire_atmosphere
 NEW Relative_humidity_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Relative_humidity_height_above_ground
 NEW Relative_humidity_Height_above_ground

 OLD Relative_humidity_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW Relative_humidity_Height_above_ground_Standard_deviation

 OLD Relative_humidity_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW Relative_humidity_Height_above_ground_Weighted_mean

 OLD Relative_humidity_highest_tropospheric_freezing
 NEW Relative_humidity_Highest_tropospheric_freezing

 OLD Relative_humidity_hybrid
 NEW Relative_humidity_Hybrid

 OLD Relative_humidity_pressure
 NEW Relative_humidity_Pressure

 OLD Relative_humidity_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Relative_humidity_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Relative_humidity_sigma
 NEW Relative_humidity_Sigma

 OLD Relative_humidity_sigma_layer
 NEW Relative_humidity_Sigma_layer

 OLD Relative_humidity_stdDev
 NEW Relative_humidity_Pressure_Standard_deviation

 OLD Relative_humidity_weightedMean
 NEW Relative_humidity_Pressure_Weighted_mean

 OLD Relative_humidity_zeroDegC_isotherm
 NEW Relative_humidity_ZeroDegC_isotherm

 OLD Rime_Factor
 NEW Rime_Factor_Hybrid
 NEW Rime_Factor_Pressure

 OLD Rime_Factor_hybrid
 NEW Rime_Factor_Hybrid

 OLD Sensible_heat_net_flux
 NEW Sensible_heat_net_flux_Surface
 NEW Sensible_heat_net_flux_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Sensible_heat_net_flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Sensible_heat_net_flux_Average
 NEW Sensible_heat_net_flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Significant_height_of_combined_wind_waves_and_swell
 NEW Significant_height_of_combined_wind_waves_and_swell_Surface

 OLD Significant_height_of_swell_waves

 OLD Significant_height_of_wind_waves
 NEW Significant_height_of_wind_waves_Surface

 OLD Slight_risk_convective_outlook
 NEW Convective_Hazard_Outlook_Surface_24_Hour_Average

 OLD Snow-Free_Albedo
 NEW Snow-Free_Albedo_Surface

 OLD Snow_Cover
 NEW Snow_Cover_Surface

 OLD Snow_Phase_Change_Heat_Flux
 NEW Snow_Phase_Change_Heat_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Snow_depth
 NEW Snow_depth_Surface

 OLD Snow_melt
 NEW Snow_melt_Surface_1_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Snow_melt_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Snow_mixing_ratio
 NEW Snow_mixing_ratio_Hybrid
 NEW Snow_mixing_ratio_Pressure

 OLD Snow_mixing_ratio_hybrid
 NEW Snow_mixing_ratio_Hybrid

 OLD Snow_temperature
 NEW Snow_temperature_Depth_below_surface

 OLD Soil_Porosity
 NEW Soil_Porosity_Surface

 OLD Soil_moisture_content
 NEW Soil_moisture_content_Depth_below_surface_layer

 OLD Soil_moisture_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW Soil_moisture_parameter_in_canopy_conductance_Surface

 OLD Soil_temperature
 NEW Soil_temperature_Depth_below_surface
 NEW Soil_temperature_Depth_below_surface_layer

 OLD Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface
 NEW Soil_temperature_Depth_below_surface

 OLD Soil_temperature_surface
 NEW Soil_temperature_Surface

 OLD Soil_type_as_in_Zobler
 NEW Soil_type_Surface

 OLD Solar_Radiative_Heating_Rate
 NEW Solar_Radiative_Heating_Rate_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Solar_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW Solar_parameter_in_canopy_conductance_Surface

 OLD Specific_humidity
 NEW Specific_humidity_Height_above_ground
 NEW Specific_humidity_Pressure

 OLD Specific_humidity_height_above_ground
 NEW Specific_humidity_Height_above_ground

 OLD Specific_humidity_hybrid
 NEW Specific_humidity_Hybrid

 OLD Specific_humidity_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Specific_humidity_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Specific_humidity_sigma
 NEW Specific_humidity_Sigma

 OLD Specific_humidity_surface
 NEW Specific_humidity_Surface

 OLD Storm_Surface_Runoff
 NEW Storm_Surface_Runoff_Surface
 NEW Storm_Surface_Runoff_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Storm_relative_helicity
 NEW Storm_relative_helicity_Height_above_ground_layer
 NEW Storm_relative_helicity_Surface

 OLD Storm_relative_helicity_surface
 NEW Storm_relative_helicity_Surface

 OLD Stream_function
 NEW Stream_function_Pressure

 OLD Sunshine_Duration
 NEW Sunshine_Duration_Surface

 OLD Surface_Lifted_Index
 NEW Surface_Lifted_Index_Pressure_layer
 NEW Surface_Lifted_Index_Surface

 OLD Surface_Slope_Type
 NEW Surface_Slope_Type_Surface

 OLD Surface_roughness
 NEW Surface_roughness_Surface

 OLD Temperature
 NEW Temperature_Height_above_ground
 NEW Temperature_Pressure
 NEW Temperature_Pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Temperature_Surface

 OLD Temperature_altitude_above_msl
 NEW Temperature_Altitude_above_msl

 OLD Temperature_cloud_tops
 NEW Temperature_Cloud_tops

 OLD Temperature_depth_below_surface_layer
 NEW Temperature_Depth_below_surface_layer

 OLD Temperature_error
 NEW Temperature_error_Height_above_ground

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground
 NEW Temperature_Height_above_ground

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground_probability_below_273000
 NEW Temperature_Height_above_ground_Prob_below_273

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW Temperature_Height_above_ground_Standard_deviation

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW Temperature_Height_above_ground_Weighted_mean

 OLD Temperature_high_cloud_top
 NEW Temperature_High_cloud_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Temperature_High_cloud_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Temperature_hybrid
 NEW Temperature_Hybrid

 OLD Temperature_low_cloud_top
 NEW Temperature_Low_cloud_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Temperature_Low_cloud_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Temperature_maximum_wind
 NEW Temperature_Maximum_wind

 OLD Temperature_middle_cloud_top
 NEW Temperature_Middle_cloud_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Temperature_Middle_cloud_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Temperature_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW Temperature_parameter_in_canopy_conductance_Surface

 OLD Temperature_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW Temperature_Potential_vorticity_surface

 OLD Temperature_pressure
 NEW Temperature_Pressure
 NEW Temperature_Pressure_Prob_below_273

 OLD Temperature_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Temperature_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Temperature_sigma
 NEW Temperature_Sigma

 OLD Temperature_stdDev
 NEW Temperature_Pressure_Standard_deviation

 OLD Temperature_surface
 NEW Temperature_Surface

 OLD Temperature_tendency_by_all_radiation
 NEW Apparent_Temperature_Surface

 OLD Temperature_tropopause
 NEW Temperature_Tropopause

 OLD Temperature_weightedMean
 NEW Temperature_Pressure_Weighted_mean

 OLD Thunderstorm_probability
 NEW Thunderstorm_probability_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Total_Column-Integrated_Cloud_Ice
 NEW Total_Column-Integrated_Cloud_Ice_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_Column-Integrated_Cloud_Water
 NEW Total_Column-Integrated_Cloud_Water_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_Column-Integrated_Condensate
 NEW Total_Column-Integrated_Condensate_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_Column_Integrated_Rain
 NEW Total_Column_Integrated_Rain_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_Column_Integrated_Snow
 NEW Total_Column_Integrated_Snow_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_Condensate
 NEW Total_Condensate_Hybrid

 OLD Total_cloud_cover
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Boundary_layer_cloud_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Boundary_layer_cloud_Mixed_intervals_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_layer
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Hybrid
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Surface

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_convective_cloud
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Convective_cloud

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Entire_atmosphere_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_high_cloud
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_High_cloud_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_High_cloud_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_low_cloud
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Low_cloud_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Low_cloud_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_middle_cloud
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Middle_cloud_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Total_cloud_cover_Middle_cloud_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Total_column-integrated_melting_ice
 NEW Total_column-integrated_melting_ice_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_column-integrated_supercooled_liquid_water
 NEW Total_column-integrated_supercooled_liquid_water_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_ozone
 NEW Total_ozone_Entire_atmosphere

 OLD Total_precipitation
 NEW Total_precipitation_Surface_12_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Total_precipitation_Surface_1_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Total_precipitation_Surface_3_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Total_precipitation_Surface_6_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Total_precipitation_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation
 NEW Total_precipitation_Surface_6_Hour_Accumulation

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_0p254
 NEW Total_precipitation_Surface_12_Hour_Accumulation_Prob_above_0p254

 OLD Total_snowfall
 NEW Total_snowfall_Surface_6_Hour_Accumulation

 OLD Transpiration
 NEW Transpiration_Surface

 OLD Transpiration_Stress-onset_soil_moisture
 NEW Transpiration_Stress-onset_soil_moisture_Surface

 OLD Turbulent_kinetic_energy
 NEW Turbulent_kinetic_energy_Hybrid
 NEW Turbulent_kinetic_energy_Pressure

 OLD Turbulent_kinetic_energy_hybrid
 NEW Turbulent_kinetic_energy_Hybrid

 OLD U-Component_Storm_Motion
 NEW U-Component_Storm_Motion_Height_above_ground_layer
 NEW U-Component_Storm_Motion_Surface

 OLD U-component_of_wind
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Hybrid
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Pressure
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Pressure_difference_layer
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Surface

 OLD U-component_of_wind_altitude_above_msl
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Altitude_above_msl

 OLD U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground

 OLD U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground_Standard_deviation

 OLD U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground_Weighted_mean

 OLD U-component_of_wind_hybrid
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Hybrid

 OLD U-component_of_wind_maximum_wind
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Maximum_wind

 OLD U-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Planetary_boundary

 OLD U-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Potential_vorticity_surface

 OLD U-component_of_wind_pressure
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Pressure

 OLD U-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD U-component_of_wind_sigma
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Sigma

 OLD U-component_of_wind_stdDev
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Pressure_Standard_deviation

 OLD U-component_of_wind_tropopause
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Tropopause

 OLD U-component_of_wind_weightedMean
 NEW u-component_of_wind_Pressure_Weighted_mean

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C16_198

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_220

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_221

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_222

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_223

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_224
 NEW Ventilation_Rate_Planetary_boundary

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C7_199

 OLD UnknownParameter_D2_C4_3
 NEW Haines_Index_Surface

 OLD Updraft_Helicity
 NEW Updraft_Helicity_Height_above_ground_layer

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Atmosphere_top
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Atmosphere_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Atmosphere_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Atmosphere_top_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface_Average
 NEW Upward_Long-Wave_Radp_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Atmosphere_top_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Atmosphere_top_Mixed_intervals_Average
 NEW Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface
 NEW Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface
 NEW Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface_Average
 NEW Upward_Short-Wave_Radiation_Flux_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD V-Component_Storm_Motion
 NEW V-Component_Storm_Motion_Height_above_ground_layer
 NEW V-Component_Storm_Motion_Surface

 OLD V-component_of_wind
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Hybrid
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Pressure
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Pressure_difference_layer
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Surface

 OLD V-component_of_wind_altitude_above_msl
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Altitude_above_msl

 OLD V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground

 OLD V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground_Standard_deviation

 OLD V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Height_above_ground_Weighted_mean

 OLD V-component_of_wind_hybrid
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Hybrid

 OLD V-component_of_wind_maximum_wind
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Maximum_wind

 OLD V-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Planetary_boundary

 OLD V-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Potential_vorticity_surface

 OLD V-component_of_wind_pressure
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Pressure

 OLD V-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD V-component_of_wind_sigma
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Sigma

 OLD V-component_of_wind_stdDev
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Pressure_Standard_deviation

 OLD V-component_of_wind_tropopause
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Tropopause

 OLD V-component_of_wind_weightedMean
 NEW v-component_of_wind_Pressure_Weighted_mean

 OLD Vegetation
 NEW Vegetation_Surface

 OLD Vegetation_Type
 NEW Vegetation_Type_Surface

 OLD Vertical_speed_sheer
 NEW Vertical_Speed_Shear_Potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW Vertical_Speed_Shear_Tropopause

 OLD Vertical_speed_sheer_tropopause
 NEW Vertical_Speed_Shear_Tropopause

 OLD Vertical_velocity_geometric
 NEW Vertical_velocity_geometric_Pressure

 OLD Vertical_velocity_geometric_hybrid
 NEW Vertical_velocity_geometric_Hybrid

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure
 NEW Vertical_velocity_pressure_Hybrid
 NEW Vertical_velocity_pressure_Pressure

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_hybrid
 NEW Vertical_velocity_pressure_Hybrid

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW Vertical_velocity_pressure_Pressure_difference_layer

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_sigma
 NEW Vertical_velocity_pressure_Sigma

 OLD Virtual_potential_temperature
 NEW Virtual_potential_temperature_Hybrid

 OLD Visibility
 NEW Visibility_Surface

 OLD Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content
 NEW Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_Depth_below_surface
 NEW Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_Depth_below_surface_layer

 OLD Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_surface
 NEW Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_Surface

 OLD Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth
 NEW Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_Surface

 OLD Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_Accumulation
 NEW Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_Surface_1_Hour_Accumulation

 OLD Water_runoff
 NEW Water_runoff_Surface_12_Hour_Accumulation
 NEW Water_runoff_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation

 OLD Water_temperature
 NEW Water_temperature_Surface

 OLD Wave_Steepness
 NEW Wave_Steepness_Surface

 OLD Wilting_Point
 NEW Wilting_Point_Surface

 OLD Wind_direction_from_which_blowing
 NEW Wind_direction_from_which_blowing_degree_true_Height_above_ground
 NEW Wind_direction_from_which_blowing_degree_true_Surface

 OLD Wind_direction_from_which_blowing_error
 NEW Wind_direction_from_which_blowing_degree_true_error_Height_above_ground

 OLD Wind_speed
 NEW Wind_speed_Height_above_ground
 NEW Wind_speed_Surface

 OLD Wind_speed_error
 NEW Wind_speed_error_Height_above_ground

 OLD Wind_speed_gust
 NEW Wind_speed_gust_Surface

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_probability_above_12p89
 NEW Wind_speed_Height_above_ground_Prob_above_12p89

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_probability_above_17p5
 NEW Wind_speed_Height_above_ground_Prob_above_17p5

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_probability_above_25p78
 NEW Wind_speed_Height_above_ground_Prob_above_25p78

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW Wind_speed_Height_above_ground_Standard_deviation

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW Wind_speed_Height_above_ground_Weighted_mean

 OLD Wind_speed_stdDev
 NEW Wind_speed_Pressure_Standard_deviation

 OLD Wind_speed_surface
 NEW Wind_speed_Surface

 OLD Wind_speed_weightedMean
 NEW Wind_speed_Pressure_Weighted_mean

 OLD Zonal_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress
 NEW Zonal_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress_Surface_12_Hour_Average
 NEW Zonal_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress_Surface_Mixed_intervals_Average

 OLD mixed_layer_depth
 NEW Mixed_layer_depth_Surface

Number with more than one map=76 total=381
 OLD Absolute_vorticity
 NEW VAR_0-2-10_L100 == Absolute vorticity @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Albedo
 NEW VAR_0-19-1_L1 == Albedo @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-19-1_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Albedo (12_Hour Average) @ Ground or water 
 NEW VAR_0-19-1_L1_Imixed_S0 == Albedo (Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD Baseflow-Groundwater_Runoff
 NEW VAR_1-0-192_L106 == Baseflow-Groundwater Runoff @ Depth below land surface
 NEW VAR_1-0-192_L1_Imixed_S1 == Baseflow-Groundwater Runoff (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Best_Lifted_Index
 NEW VAR_0-7-193_L1 == Best (4 layer) Lifted Index @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-7-193_L108_layer == Best (4 layer) Lifted Index @ Level at specified 
pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Best_lifted_index_to_500_hPa
 NEW VAR_0-7-1_L1 == Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Blackadars_Mixing_Length_Scale
 NEW VAR_2-0-197_L105 == Blackadars Mixing Length Scale @ Hybrid level

 OLD Brightness_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-4-4_L8 == Brightness temperature @ Nominal top of the atmosphere

 OLD Canopy_Conductance
 NEW VAR_2-0-199_L1 == Canopy Conductance @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Canopy_water_evaporation
 NEW VAR_2-0-229_L1 == Canopy water evaporation @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Freezing_Rain
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Rain equals_1 
Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1 == Categorical Freezing Rain @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Categorical Freezing Rain (12_Hour Average) 
@ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_I6_Hour_S0 == Categorical Freezing Rain (6_Hour Average) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Categorical Freezing Rain (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Freezing_Rain_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Categorical Freezing Rain (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Categorical_Freezing_Rain_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Categorical Freezing Rain (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Freezing_Rain_probability_between_10_1
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Rain equals_1 
Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Freezing_Rain_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_D1 == Categorical Freezing Rain (Weighted mean of all 
members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Ice_Pellets
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Freezing Rain 
equals_1 Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1 == Categorical Ice Pellets @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Categorical Ice Pellets (12_Hour Average) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_I6_Hour_S0 == Categorical Ice Pellets (6_Hour Average) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_Imixed_S0 == Categorical Ice Pellets (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Ice_Pellets_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Categorical Ice Pellets (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Categorical_Ice_Pellets_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Categorical Ice Pellets (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Ice_Pellets_probability_between_10_1
 NEW VAR_0-1-193_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Freezing Rain 
equals_1 Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Ice_Pellets_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_D1 == Categorical Ice Pellets (Weighted mean of all 
members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Rain
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1 == Categorical Rain @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1 == Weather string @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Categorical Rain (12_Hour Average) @ Ground 
or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_I6_Hour_S0 == Categorical Rain (6_Hour Average) @ Ground or 
water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_Imixed_S0 == Categorical Rain (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Snow equals_1 
Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Rain_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Categorical Rain (Mixed_intervals Average) 
(Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Rain_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Categorical Rain (Mixed_intervals Average) 
(Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Rain_probability_between_10_1
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Snow equals_1 
Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Rain_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-192_L1_D1 == Categorical Rain (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Snow
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Ice Pellets 
equals_1 Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1 == Categorical Snow @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Categorical Snow (12_Hour Average) @ Ground 
or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_I6_Hour_S0 == Categorical Snow (6_Hour Average) @ Ground or 
water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_Imixed_S0 == Categorical Snow (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Snow_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Categorical Snow (Mixed_intervals Average) 
(Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Snow_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Categorical Snow (Mixed_intervals Average) 
(Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Snow_probability_between_10_1
 NEW VAR_0-1-194_L1_Prob_equals_1 == Probability Categorical Ice Pellets 
equals_1 Code.table.4.222 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Categorical_Snow_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-195_L1_D1 == Categorical Snow (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Clear_Sky_Downward_Solar_Flux
 NEW VAR_0-4-196_L1 == Clear Sky Downward Solar Flux @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Cloud_Ice
 NEW VAR_0-6-0_L100 == Cloud ice @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Cloud_Ice_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-6-0_L105 == Cloud ice @ Hybrid level

 OLD Cloud_Work_Function
 NEW VAR_0-6-193_L200_I12_Hour_S0 == Cloud Work Function (12_Hour Average) @ 
Entire atmosphere layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-193_L200_Imixed_S0 == Cloud Work Function (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Cloud_mixing_ratio
 NEW VAR_0-1-22_L100 == Cloud mixing ratio @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-22_L105 == Cloud mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Cloud_mixing_ratio_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-1-22_L105 == Cloud mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Cloud_water
 NEW VAR_0-6-6_L200 == Cloud water @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Convective_Cloud_Efficiency
 NEW VAR_0-6-194_L200 == Convective Cloud Efficiency @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Convective_Precipitation_Rate
 NEW VAR_0-1-196_L1 == Convective Precipitation Rate @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-196_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Convective Precipitation Rate (12_Hour 
Average) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-196_L1_Imixed_S0 == Convective Precipitation Rate (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L108_layer == Convective available potential energy @ Level at 
specified pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_probability_above_1000
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L1_Prob_above_1000 == Probability Convective available potential 
energy above_1000 J/kg @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_probability_above_2000
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L1_Prob_above_2000 == Probability Convective available potential 
energy above_2000 J/kg @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_probability_above_3000
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L1_Prob_above_3000 == Probability Convective available potential 
energy above_3000 J/kg @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_probability_above_4000
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L1_Prob_above_4000 == Probability Convective available potential 
energy above_4000 J/kg @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_probability_above_500
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L1_Prob_above_500 == Probability Convective available potential 
energy above_500 J/kg @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L108_layer_D2 == Convective available potential energy (Standard 
deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_surface
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L1 == Convective available potential energy @ Ground or water 

 OLD Convective_available_potential_energy_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-7-6_L108_layer_D0 == Convective available potential energy 
(Unweighted mean of all members) @ Level at specified pressure difference from 
ground to level layer

 OLD Convective_cloud_cover
 NEW VAR_0-6-2_L200 == Convective cloud cover @ Entire atmosphere layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-2_L200_Imixed_S0 == Convective cloud cover (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Convective_cloud_cover_Average
 NEW VAR_0-6-2_L200_Imixed_S0 == Convective cloud cover (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Convective_inhibition
 NEW VAR_0-7-7_L108_layer == Convective inhibition @ Level at specified 
pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Convective_inhibition_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-7-7_L108_layer_D2 == Convective inhibition (Standard deviation with 
respect to cluster mean) @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground 
to level layer

 OLD Convective_inhibition_surface
 NEW VAR_0-7-7_L1 == Convective inhibition @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Convective_inhibition_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-7-7_L108_layer_D0 == Convective inhibition (Unweighted mean of all 
members) @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Convective_precipitation
 NEW VAR_0-1-10_L1_I12_Hour_S1 == Convective precipitation (12_Hour 
Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-10_L1_I3_Hour_S1 == Convective precipitation (3_Hour Accumulation) 
@ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-10_L1_Imixed_S1 == Convective precipitation (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Deep_Convective_Heat_rate
 NEW VAR_0-0-196_L200_Imixed_S0 == Deep Convective Heating Rate 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Density
 NEW VAR_0-3-10_L106 == Density @ Depth below land surface

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity
 NEW VAR_0-16-195_L103 == Reflectivity @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_ice
 NEW VAR_0-16-193_L103 == Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_ice_entire_atmosphere
 NEW VAR_0-16-193_L200 == Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for snow @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_parameterized_convection
 NEW VAR_0-16-194_L103 == Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for 
parameterized convection @ Specified height level above ground

 NEW VAR_0-16-194_L200 == Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for 
parameterized convection @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_rain
 NEW VAR_0-16-192_L103 == Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_backscatter_from_rain_entire_atmosphere
 NEW VAR_0-16-192_L200 == Equivalent radar reflectivity factor for rain @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Derived_radar_reflectivity_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-16-195_L105 == Reflectivity @ Hybrid level

 OLD Dew_point_depression_or_deficit
 NEW VAR_0-0-7_L103 == Dew-point depression (or deficit) @ Specified height 
level above ground

 OLD Dew_point_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L1 == Dew-point temperature @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L100 == Dew-point temperature @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L103 == Dew-point temperature @ Specified height level above 

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_error
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_error_L103 == Dew-point temperature error @ Specified height 
level above ground

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L103 == Dew-point temperature @ Specified height level above 

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L103_D2 == Dew-point temperature (Standard deviation with 
respect to cluster mean) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L103_D1 == Dew-point temperature (Weighted mean of all members) 
@ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L105 == Dew-point temperature @ Hybrid level

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L108_layer == Dew-point temperature @ Level at specified 
pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L100_D2 == Dew-point temperature (Standard deviation with 
respect to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Dew_point_temperature_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-6_L100_D1 == Dew-point temperature (Weighted mean of all members) 
@ Isobaric surface

 OLD Direct_Evaporation_Cease_soil_moisture
 NEW VAR_2-3-196_L1 == Direct Evaporation Cease (soil moisture) @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD Direct_evaporation_from_bare_soil
 NEW VAR_2-3-198_L1 == Direct evaporation from bare soil @ Ground or water 

 OLD Direction_of_swell_waves

 OLD Direction_of_wind_waves
 NEW VAR_10-0-4_L1 == Direction of wind waves (degree true) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW VAR_0-5-192_L1 == Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-5-192_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (12_Hour 
Average) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-5-192_L1_Imixed_S0 == Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average
 NEW VAR_0-5-192_L1_Imixed_S0 == Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-5-192_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Downward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-5-192_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW VAR_0-4-192_L1 == Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux @ Ground or water 
 NEW VAR_0-4-192_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux (12_Hour 
Average) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-4-192_L1_Imixed_S0 == Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average
 NEW VAR_0-4-192_L1_Imixed_S0 == Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-4-192_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Downward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-4-192_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Drag_Coefficient
 NEW VAR_0-2-196_L1 == Drag Coefficient @ Ground or water surface

 OLD East_longitude_0_-_360
 NEW VAR_0-191-193_L1 == East Longitude (0 to 360) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Evaporation
 NEW VAR_0-1-6_L1_Imixed_S1 == Evaporation (Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Exchange_Coefficient
 NEW VAR_2-0-195_L1 == Exchange Coefficient @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Field_Capacity
 NEW VAR_2-3-203_L1 == Field Capacity @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Frictional_Velocity
 NEW VAR_0-2-197_L1 == Frictional Velocity @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Geometric_height
 NEW VAR_0-3-6_L2 == Geometric height @ Cloud base level

 OLD Geometric_height_cloud_tops
 NEW VAR_0-3-6_L3 == Geometric height @ Level of cloud tops

 OLD Geopotential_height
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L1 == Geopotential height @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100 == Geopotential height @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_D1 == Geopotential height (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L105 == Geopotential height @ Hybrid level
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L5 == Geopotential height @ Level of adiabatic condensation 
lifted from the surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_adiabatic_condensation_lifted
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L5 == Geopotential height @ Level of adiabatic condensation 
lifted from the surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_anomaly
 NEW VAR_0-3-9_L100 == Geopotential height anomaly @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_base
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L2 == Geopotential height @ Cloud base level

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_ceiling
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L215 == Geopotential height @ Cloud ceiling

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_ceiling_probability_below_152500
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L215_Prob_below_152p5 == Probability Geopotential height 
below_152.5 gpm @ Cloud ceiling

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_ceiling_probability_below_305000
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L215_Prob_below_305 == Probability Geopotential height below_305 
gpm @ Cloud ceiling

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_ceiling_probability_below_914600
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L215_Prob_below_914p6 == Probability Geopotential height 
below_914.6 gpm @ Cloud ceiling

 OLD Geopotential_height_cloud_tops
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L3 == Geopotential height @ Level of cloud tops

 OLD Geopotential_height_convective_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L243 == Geopotential height @ Convective cloud top level

 OLD Geopotential_height_equilibrium
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L247 == Geopotential height @ Equilibrium level

 OLD Geopotential_height_highest_level_water_layer
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L254 == Geopotential height @ Highest top level of supercooled 
liquid water layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_highest_tropospheric_freezing
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L204 == Geopotential height @ Highest tropospheric freezing level

 OLD Geopotential_height_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L105 == Geopotential height @ Hybrid level

 OLD Geopotential_height_lowest_level_of_the_wet_bulb_zero
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L245 == Geopotential height @ Lowest level of the wet bulb zero

 OLD Geopotential_height_lowest_level_water_layer
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L253 == Geopotential height @ Lowest bottom level of supercooled 
liquid water layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_maximum_wind
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L6 == Geopotential height @ Maximum wind level

 OLD Geopotential_height_planetary_boundary
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L220 == Geopotential height @ Planetary Boundary Layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L109 == Geopotential height @ Potential vorticity surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_pressure
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_D2 == Geopotential height (Standard deviation with respect 
to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_pressure_layer
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_layer_D2 == Geopotential height (Standard deviation with 
respect to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_pressure_layer_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_layer_D2 == Geopotential height (Standard deviation with 
respect to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_pressure_layer_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_layer_D1 == Geopotential height (Weighted mean of all 
members) @ Isobaric surface layer

 OLD Geopotential_height_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_D2 == Geopotential height (Standard deviation with respect 
to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L1 == Geopotential height @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_surface_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L1_D2 == Geopotential height (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_surface_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L1_D0 == Geopotential height (Unweighted mean of all members) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L7 == Geopotential height @ Tropopause

 OLD Geopotential_height_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_D0 == Geopotential height (Unweighted mean of all members) 
@ Isobaric surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L100_D1 == Geopotential height (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface

 OLD Geopotential_height_zeroDegC_isotherm
 NEW VAR_0-3-5_L4 == Geopotential height @ Level of 0°C isotherm

 OLD Graupel_snow_pellets
 NEW VAR_0-1-32_L105 == Graupel (snow pellets) @ Hybrid level

 OLD Ground_Heat_Flux
 NEW VAR_2-0-193_L1 == Ground Heat Flux @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-193_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Ground Heat Flux (12_Hour Average) @ Ground 
or water surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Ground Heat Flux (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Ground_Heat_Flux_Average
 NEW VAR_2-0-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Ground Heat Flux (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD High_cloud_cover
 NEW VAR_0-6-5_L234 == High cloud cover @ High cloud layer

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence
 NEW VAR_0-1-197_L100 == Horizontal Moisture Divergence @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-197_L108_layer == Horizontal Moisture Divergence @ Level at 
specified pressure difference from ground to level layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-197_L200 == Horizontal Moisture Divergence @ Entire atmosphere 

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_entire_atmosphere
 NEW VAR_0-1-197_L200 == Horizontal Moisture Divergence @ Entire atmosphere 

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-197_L108_layer == Horizontal Moisture Divergence @ Level at 
specified pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Horizontal_Moisture_Divergence_sigma_layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-197_L104_layer == Horizontal Moisture Divergence @ Sigma level 

 OLD Humidity_mixing_ratio
 NEW VAR_0-1-2_L105 == Humidity mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Humidity_mixing_ratio_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-1-2_L103 == Humidity mixing ratio @ Specified height level above 

 OLD Humidity_mixing_ratio_surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-2_L1 == Humidity mixing ratio @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Humidity_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW VAR_2-0-204_L1 == Humidity parameter in canopy conductance @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height
 NEW VAR_0-3-3_L6 == ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height @ Maximum wind 

 OLD ICAO_Standard_Atmosphere_Reference_Height_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-3-3_L7 == ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height @ Tropopause

 OLD Ice_cover_Proportion
 NEW VAR_10-2-0_L1 == Ice cover @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Ice_water_mixing_ratio
 NEW VAR_0-1-23_L105 == Ice water mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Land_Surface_Precipitation_Accumulation
 NEW VAR_2-3-199_L1_Imixed_S1 == Land Surface Precipitation Accumulation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Land_cover_1land_2sea
 NEW VAR_2-0-0_L1 == Land cover (0 = sea, 1 = land) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_Scale_Condensate_Heat_rate
 NEW VAR_0-0-195_L200_Imixed_S0 == Large Scale Condensate Heating Rate 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Large_scale_precipitation_non-convective
 NEW VAR_0-1-9_L1_Imixed_S1 == Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_101p60000000000001
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_101p6 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_101.6 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_152p4
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_152p4 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_152.4 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_190p5
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_190p5 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_190.5 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_203p20000000000002
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_203p2 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_203.2 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_254
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_254 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_254 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_25p400000000000002
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_25p4 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_25.4 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_304p8
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_304p8 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_304.8 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_406p40000000000003
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_406p4 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_406.4 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_50p800000000000004
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_50p8 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_50.8 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_probability_above_609p4
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_609p4 == Probability Large-scale snow 
(12_Hour Accumulation) above_609.4 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_D2 == Large-scale snow (12_Hour Accumulation) 
(Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Large_scale_snow_Accumulation_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-15_L1_I12_Hour_S1_D1 == Large-scale snow (12_Hour Accumulation) 
(Weighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Latent_heat_net_flux
 NEW VAR_0-0-10_L1 == Latent heat net flux @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-10_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Latent heat net flux (12_Hour Average) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-10_L1_Imixed_S0 == Latent heat net flux (Mixed_intervals Average) 
@ Ground or water surface

 OLD Latent_heat_net_flux_Average
 NEW VAR_0-0-10_L1_Imixed_S0 == Latent heat net flux (Mixed_intervals Average) 
@ Ground or water surface

 OLD Latent_heat_net_flux_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-10_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Latent heat net flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Latent_heat_net_flux_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-10_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Latent heat net flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Latitude_-90_-_+90
 NEW VAR_0-191-192_L1 == Latitude (-90 to 90) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Lightning
 NEW VAR_0-17-192_L1 == Lightning @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Liquid_Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_non_frozen
 NEW VAR_2-3-192_L106_layer == Liquid Volumetric Soil Moisture (non Frozen) @ 
Depth below land surface layer

 OLD Long-Wave_Radiative_Heating_Rate
 NEW VAR_0-5-194_L200 == Long-Wave Radiative Heating Rate @ Entire atmosphere 

 OLD Low_cloud_cover
 NEW VAR_0-6-3_L214 == Low cloud cover @ Low cloud layer

 OLD MSLP_Eta_Reduction
 NEW VAR_0-3-192_L101 == MSLP (Eta model reduction) @ Mean sea level

 OLD MSLP_MAPS_System_Reduction
 NEW VAR_0-3-198_L101 == MSLP (MAPS System Reduction) @ Mean sea level

 OLD MaximumComposite_radar_reflectivity
 NEW VAR_0-16-196_L200 == Composite reflectivity @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Maximum_Snow_Albedo
 NEW VAR_0-19-192_L1 == Maximum Snow Albedo @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Maximum_relative_humidity
 NEW VAR_0-1-27_L103_I1_Hour_S255 == Maximum relative humidity (1_Hour 
Interval) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Maximum_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103 == Maximum temperature @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103_I12_Hour_S2 == Maximum temperature (12_Hour Maximum) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103_I12_Hour_S255 == Maximum temperature (12_Hour Interval) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103_I1_Hour_S255 == Maximum temperature (1_Hour Interval) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103_I6_Hour_S2 == Maximum temperature (6_Hour Maximum) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103_Imixed_S255 == Maximum temperature (Mixed_intervals 
Interval) @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L1_I12_Hour_S2 == Maximum temperature (12_Hour Maximum) @ Ground 
or water surface

 OLD Maximum_temperature_Maximum_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103_I6_Hour_S2_D2 == Maximum temperature (6_Hour Maximum) 
(Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Specified height level 
above ground

 OLD Maximum_temperature_Maximum_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-4_L103_I6_Hour_S2_D0 == Maximum temperature (6_Hour Maximum) 
(Unweighted mean of all members) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Mean_period_of_swell_waves

 OLD Mean_period_of_wind_waves
 NEW VAR_10-0-6_L1 == Mean period of wind waves @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Medium_cloud_cover
 NEW VAR_0-6-4_L224 == Medium cloud cover @ Middle cloud layer

 OLD Meridional_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress
 NEW VAR_0-3-195_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Meridional Flux of Gravity Wave Stress 
(12_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-195_L1_Imixed_S0 == Meridional Flux of Gravity Wave Stress 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Minimal_Stomatal_Resistance
 NEW VAR_2-0-200_L1 == Minimal Stomatal Resistance @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Minimum_Relative_Humidity
 NEW VAR_0-1-198_L103_I1_Hour_S255 == Minimum Relative Humidity (1_Hour 
Interval) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Minimum_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103 == Minimum temperature @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103_I12_Hour_S255 == Minimum temperature (12_Hour Interval) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103_I12_Hour_S3 == Minimum temperature (12_Hour Minimum) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103_I1_Hour_S255 == Minimum temperature (1_Hour Interval) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103_I6_Hour_S3 == Minimum temperature (6_Hour Minimum) @ 
Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103_Imixed_S255 == Minimum temperature (Mixed_intervals 
Interval) @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L1_I12_Hour_S3 == Minimum temperature (12_Hour Minimum) @ Ground 
or water surface

 OLD Minimum_temperature_Minimum_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103_I6_Hour_S3_D2 == Minimum temperature (6_Hour Minimum) 
(Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Specified height level 
above ground

 OLD Minimum_temperature_Minimum_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-5_L103_I6_Hour_S3_D0 == Minimum temperature (6_Hour Minimum) 
(Unweighted mean of all members) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Moisture_Availability
 NEW VAR_2-0-194_L1 == Moisture Availability @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-194_L106_layer == Moisture Availability @ Depth below land surface 

 OLD Momentum_flux_u_component
 NEW VAR_0-2-17_L1 == Momentum flux, u-component @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-17_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Momentum flux, u-component (12_Hour Average) 
@ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-17_L1_Imixed_S0 == Momentum flux, u-component (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Momentum_flux_v_component
 NEW VAR_0-2-18_L1 == Momentum flux, v-component @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-18_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Momentum flux, v-component (12_Hour Average) 
@ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-18_L1_Imixed_S0 == Momentum flux, v-component (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD N5-Wave_Geopotential_Height
 NEW VAR_0-3-193_L100 == 5-Wave Geopotential Height @ Isobaric surface

 OLD N5-Wave_Geopotential_Height_Anomaly
 NEW VAR_0-3-197_L100 == 5-Wave Geopotential Height Anomaly @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Net_long_wave_radiation_flux_surface
 NEW VAR_0-5-0_L1 == Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Net_short-wave_radiation_flux_surface
 NEW VAR_0-4-0_L1 == Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Non-Convective_Cloud_Cover
 NEW VAR_0-6-192_L200_Imixed_S0 == Non-Convective Cloud Cover (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Number_concentration_for_ice_particles
 NEW VAR_0-1-207_L105 == Number concentration for ice particles @ Hybrid level

 OLD Number_of_Soil_Layers_in_Root_Zone
 NEW VAR_2-3-193_L1 == Number of Soil Layers in Root Zone @ Ground or water 

 OLD Ozone_Mixing_Ratio
 NEW VAR_0-14-192_L100 == Ozone Mixing Ratio @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa
 NEW VAR_0-7-0_L108_layer == Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) @ Level at 
specified pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_probability_below_-2000
 NEW VAR_0-7-0_L108_layer_Prob_below_-2 == Probability Parcel lifted index (to 
500 hPa) below_-2 K @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to 
level layer

 OLD Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_probability_below_-4000
 NEW VAR_0-7-0_L108_layer_Prob_below_-4 == Probability Parcel lifted index (to 
500 hPa) below_-4 K @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to 
level layer

 OLD Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_probability_below_-6000
 NEW VAR_0-7-0_L108_layer_Prob_below_-6 == Probability Parcel lifted index (to 
500 hPa) below_-6 K @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to 
level layer

 OLD Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_probability_below_-8000
 NEW VAR_0-7-0_L108_layer_Prob_below_-8 == Probability Parcel lifted index (to 
500 hPa) below_-8 K @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to 
level layer

 OLD Parcel_lifted_index_to_500_hPa_probability_below_0
 NEW VAR_0-7-0_L108_layer_Prob_below_0 == Probability Parcel lifted index (to 
500 hPa) below_0 K @ Level at specified pressure difference from ground to 
level layer

 OLD Planetary_Boundary_Layer_Height
 NEW VAR_0-3-196_L1 == Planetary Boundary Layer Height @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Planetary_boundary_layer_regime
 NEW VAR_0-19-12_L1 == Planetary boundary-layer regime @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Plant_Canopy_Surface_Water
 NEW VAR_2-0-196_L1 == Plant Canopy Surface Water @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Potential_Evaporation
 NEW VAR_0-1-199_L1_Imixed_S1 == Potential Evaporation (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Potential_Evaporation_Rate
 NEW VAR_0-1-200_L1 == Potential Evaporation Rate @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Potential_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L103 == Potential temperature @ Specified height level above 
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L104 == Potential temperature @ Sigma level
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L105 == Potential temperature @ Hybrid level
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L108_layer == Potential temperature @ Level at specified 
pressure difference from ground to level layer
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L7 == Potential temperature @ Tropopause

 OLD Potential_temperature_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L103 == Potential temperature @ Specified height level above 

 OLD Potential_temperature_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L105 == Potential temperature @ Hybrid level

 OLD Potential_temperature_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L108_layer == Potential temperature @ Level at specified 
pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Potential_temperature_surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L1 == Potential temperature @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Potential_temperature_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-0-2_L7 == Potential temperature @ Tropopause

 OLD Precipitable_water
 NEW VAR_0-1-3_L200 == Precipitable water @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Precipitable_water_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-3_L108_layer == Precipitable water @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Precipitable_water_sigma_layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-3_L104_layer == Precipitable water @ Sigma level layer

 OLD Precipitable_water_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-3_L200_D2 == Precipitable water (Standard deviation with respect 
to cluster mean) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Precipitable_water_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-3_L200_D0 == Precipitable water (Unweighted mean of all members) @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Precipitable_water_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-3_L200_D1 == Precipitable water (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Precipitation_rate
 NEW VAR_0-1-7_L1 == Precipitation rate @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-7_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Precipitation rate (12_Hour Average) @ Ground 
or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-7_L1_Imixed_S0 == Precipitation rate (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Pressure
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L1 == Pressure @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L105 == Pressure @ Hybrid level
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L108_layer == Pressure @ Level at specified pressure difference 
from ground to level layer
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L109 == Pressure @ Potential vorticity surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L2 == Pressure @ Cloud base level
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L204 == Pressure @ Highest tropospheric freezing level
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L6 == Pressure @ Maximum wind level

 OLD Pressure_adiabatic_condensation_lifted
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L5 == Pressure @ Level of adiabatic condensation lifted from the 

 OLD Pressure_atmosphere_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L8 == Pressure @ Nominal top of the atmosphere

 OLD Pressure_cloud_base
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L2 == Pressure @ Cloud base level

 OLD Pressure_cloud_tops
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L3 == Pressure @ Level of cloud tops

 OLD Pressure_convective_cloud_bottom
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L242 == Pressure @ Convective cloud bottom level

 OLD Pressure_convective_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L243 == Pressure @ Convective cloud top level

 OLD Pressure_deep_convective_cloud_bottom
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L251 == Pressure @ Deep convective cloud bottom level

 OLD Pressure_deep_convective_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L252 == Pressure @ Deep convective cloud top level

 OLD Pressure_error
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_error_L1 == Pressure error @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Pressure_grid_scale_cloud_bottom
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L206 == Pressure @ Grid scale cloud bottom level

 OLD Pressure_grid_scale_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L207 == Pressure @ Grid scale cloud top level

 OLD Pressure_high_cloud_bottom
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L232_I12_Hour_S0 == Pressure (12_Hour Average) @ High cloud 
bottom level
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L232_Imixed_S0 == Pressure (Mixed_intervals Average) @ High 
cloud bottom level

 OLD Pressure_high_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L233_I12_Hour_S0 == Pressure (12_Hour Average) @ High cloud top 
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L233_Imixed_S0 == Pressure (Mixed_intervals Average) @ High 
cloud top level

 OLD Pressure_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L105 == Pressure @ Hybrid level

 OLD Pressure_low_cloud_bottom
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L212_I12_Hour_S0 == Pressure (12_Hour Average) @ Low cloud 
bottom level
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L212_Imixed_S0 == Pressure (Mixed_intervals Average) @ Low cloud 
bottom level

 OLD Pressure_low_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L213_I12_Hour_S0 == Pressure (12_Hour Average) @ Low cloud top 
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L213_Imixed_S0 == Pressure (Mixed_intervals Average) @ Low cloud 
top level

 OLD Pressure_maximum_equivalent_potential_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L246 == Pressure @ Maximum equivalent potential temperature level

 OLD Pressure_maximum_wind
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L6 == Pressure @ Maximum wind level

 OLD Pressure_middle_cloud_bottom
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L222_I12_Hour_S0 == Pressure (12_Hour Average) @ Middle cloud 
bottom level
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L222_Imixed_S0 == Pressure (Mixed_intervals Average) @ Middle 
cloud bottom level

 OLD Pressure_middle_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L223_I12_Hour_S0 == Pressure (12_Hour Average) @ Middle cloud 
top level
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L223_Imixed_S0 == Pressure (Mixed_intervals Average) @ Middle 
cloud top level

 OLD Pressure_of_level_from_which_parcel_was_lifted
 NEW VAR_0-3-200_L108_layer == Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted @ 
Level at specified pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Pressure_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L108_layer == Pressure @ Level at specified pressure difference 
from ground to level layer

 OLD Pressure_reduced_to_MSL
 NEW VAR_0-3-1_L101 == Pressure reduced to MSL @ Mean sea level

 OLD Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-3-1_L101_D2 == Pressure reduced to MSL (Standard deviation with 
respect to cluster mean) @ Mean sea level

 OLD Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-3-1_L101_D0 == Pressure reduced to MSL (Unweighted mean of all 
members) @ Mean sea level

 OLD Pressure_reduced_to_MSL_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-3-1_L101_D1 == Pressure reduced to MSL (Weighted mean of all 
members) @ Mean sea level

 OLD Pressure_shallow_convective_cloud_bottom
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L248 == Pressure @ Shallow convective cloud bottom level

 OLD Pressure_shallow_convective_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L249 == Pressure @ Shallow convective cloud top level

 OLD Pressure_sigma
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L104 == Pressure @ Sigma level

 OLD Pressure_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L1_D2 == Pressure (Standard deviation with respect to cluster 
mean) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Pressure_surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L1 == Pressure @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Pressure_tendency
 NEW VAR_0-3-2_L1 == Pressure tendency @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Pressure_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L7 == Pressure @ Tropopause

 OLD Pressure_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L1_D0 == Pressure (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD Pressure_zeroDegC_isotherm
 NEW VAR_0-3-0_L4 == Pressure @ Level of 0°C isotherm

 OLD Primary_wave_direction
 NEW VAR_10-0-10_L1 == Primary wave direction (degree true) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Primary_wave_mean_period
 NEW VAR_10-0-11_L1 == Primary wave mean period @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Probability_of_0p01_inch_Precipitation
 NEW VAR_1-1-2_L1_Imixed_S1 == Probability of 0.01 inch of precipitation (POP) 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_1-1-2_L1_layer_I12_Hour_S0 == Probability of 0.01 inch of 
precipitation (POP) (12_Hour Average) @ Ground or water surface layer

 OLD Probability_of_freezing_Precipitation
 NEW VAR_1-1-192_L1_Imixed_S1 == Probability of Freezing Precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Probability_of_frozen_Precipitation
 NEW VAR_1-1-193_L1 == Probability of Frozen Precipitation @ Ground or water 
 NEW VAR_1-1-193_L1_Imixed_S1 == Probability of Frozen Precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Pseudo-adiabatic_potential_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-0-3_L1 == Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature or equivalent 
potential temperature @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Radar_Echo_Top_18p3_DBZ
 NEW VAR_0-16-197_L200 == Echo Top (See Note 1) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Rain_mixing_ratio
 NEW VAR_0-1-24_L100 == Rain mixing ratio @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-24_L105 == Rain mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Rain_mixing_ratio_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-1-24_L105 == Rain mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Rate_of_water_dropping_from_canopy_to_ground
 NEW VAR_2-0-206_L1 == Rate of water dropping from canopy to ground @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD Relative_humidity
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L1 == Relative humidity @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L100 == Relative humidity @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L108_layer == Relative humidity @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Relative_humidity_entire_atmosphere
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L200 == Relative humidity @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Relative_humidity_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L103 == Relative humidity @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Relative_humidity_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L103_D2 == Relative humidity (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Relative_humidity_height_above_ground_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L103_D0 == Relative humidity (Unweighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Relative_humidity_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L103_D1 == Relative humidity (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Relative_humidity_highest_tropospheric_freezing
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L204 == Relative humidity @ Highest tropospheric freezing level

 OLD Relative_humidity_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L105 == Relative humidity @ Hybrid level

 OLD Relative_humidity_pressure
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L100 == Relative humidity @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Relative_humidity_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L108_layer == Relative humidity @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Relative_humidity_sigma
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L104 == Relative humidity @ Sigma level

 OLD Relative_humidity_sigma_layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L104_layer == Relative humidity @ Sigma level layer

 OLD Relative_humidity_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L100_D2 == Relative humidity (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Relative_humidity_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L100_D0 == Relative humidity (Unweighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface

 OLD Relative_humidity_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L100_D1 == Relative humidity (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface

 OLD Relative_humidity_zeroDegC_isotherm
 NEW VAR_0-1-1_L4 == Relative humidity @ Level of 0°C isotherm

 OLD Rime_Factor
 NEW VAR_0-1-203_L100 == Rime Factor @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-203_L105 == Rime Factor @ Hybrid level

 OLD Rime_Factor_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-1-203_L105 == Rime Factor @ Hybrid level

 OLD Sensible_heat_net_flux
 NEW VAR_0-0-11_L1 == Sensible heat net flux @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-11_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Sensible heat net flux (12_Hour Average) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-11_L1_Imixed_S0 == Sensible heat net flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Sensible_heat_net_flux_Average
 NEW VAR_0-0-11_L1_Imixed_S0 == Sensible heat net flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Sensible_heat_net_flux_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-11_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Sensible heat net flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Sensible_heat_net_flux_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-11_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Sensible heat net flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Significant_height_of_combined_wind_waves_and_swell
 NEW VAR_10-0-3_L1 == Significant height of combined wind waves and swell @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Significant_height_of_swell_waves

 OLD Significant_height_of_wind_waves
 NEW VAR_10-0-5_L1 == Significant height of wind waves @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Slight_risk_convective_outlook
 NEW VAR_0-19-194_L1_I24_Hour_S0 == Convective Hazard Outlook (24_Hour Average) 
@ Ground or water surface

 OLD Snow-Free_Albedo
 NEW VAR_0-19-193_L1 == Snow-Free Albedo @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Snow_Cover
 NEW VAR_0-1-201_L1 == Snow Cover @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Snow_Phase_Change_Heat_Flux
 NEW VAR_0-0-192_L1_Imixed_S0 == Snow Phase Change Heat Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Snow_depth
 NEW VAR_0-1-11_L1 == Snow depth @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Snow_depth_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-11_L1_D2 == Snow depth (Standard deviation with respect to cluster 
mean) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Snow_depth_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-11_L1_D0 == Snow depth (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground 
or water surface

 OLD Snow_melt
 NEW VAR_0-1-16_L1_I1_Hour_S1 == Snow melt (1_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or 
water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-16_L1_Imixed_S1 == Snow melt (Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Snow_mixing_ratio
 NEW VAR_0-1-25_L100 == Snow mixing ratio @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-25_L105 == Snow mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Snow_mixing_ratio_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-1-25_L105 == Snow mixing ratio @ Hybrid level

 OLD Snow_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-1-208_L106 == Snow temperature @ Depth below land surface

 OLD Soil_Porosity
 NEW VAR_2-3-197_L1 == Soil Porosity @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Soil_moisture_content
 NEW VAR_2-0-3_L106_layer == Soil moisture content @ Depth below land surface 

 OLD Soil_moisture_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW VAR_2-0-205_L1 == Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance @ Ground 
or water surface

 OLD Soil_temperature
 NEW VAR_2-0-2_L106 == Soil temperature @ Depth below land surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-2_L106_layer == Soil temperature @ Depth below land surface layer

 OLD Soil_temperature_depth_below_surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-2_L106 == Soil temperature @ Depth below land surface

 OLD Soil_temperature_surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-2_L1 == Soil temperature @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Soil_type_as_in_Zobler
 NEW VAR_2-3-0_L1 == Soil type @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Solar_Radiative_Heating_Rate
 NEW VAR_0-4-197_L200 == Solar Radiative Heating Rate @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Solar_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW VAR_2-0-202_L1 == Solar parameter in canopy conductance @ Ground or water 

 OLD Specific_humidity
 NEW VAR_0-1-0_L100 == Specific humidity @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-0_L103 == Specific humidity @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Specific_humidity_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-1-0_L103 == Specific humidity @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Specific_humidity_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-1-0_L105 == Specific humidity @ Hybrid level

 OLD Specific_humidity_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-1-0_L108_layer == Specific humidity @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Specific_humidity_sigma
 NEW VAR_0-1-0_L104 == Specific humidity @ Sigma level

 OLD Specific_humidity_surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-0_L1 == Specific humidity @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Storm_Surface_Runoff
 NEW VAR_1-0-193_L1 == Storm Surface Runoff @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_1-0-193_L1_Imixed_S1 == Storm Surface Runoff (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Storm_relative_helicity
 NEW VAR_0-7-8_L1 == Storm relative helicity @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-7-8_L103_layer == Storm relative helicity @ Specified height level 
above ground layer

 OLD Storm_relative_helicity_surface
 NEW VAR_0-7-8_L1 == Storm relative helicity @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Stream_function
 NEW VAR_0-2-4_L100 == Stream function @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Sunshine_Duration
 NEW VAR_0-6-201_L1 == Sunshine Duration @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Surface_Lifted_Index
 NEW VAR_0-7-192_L1 == Surface Lifted Index @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-7-192_L100_layer == Surface Lifted Index @ Isobaric surface layer

 OLD Surface_Slope_Type
 NEW VAR_2-3-194_L1 == Surface Slope Type @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Surface_roughness
 NEW VAR_2-0-1_L1 == Surface roughness @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Temperature
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L1 == Temperature @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L100 == Temperature @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L103 == Temperature @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L108_layer == Temperature @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Temperature_altitude_above_msl
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L102 == Temperature @ Specific altitude above mean sea level

 OLD Temperature_cloud_tops
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L3 == Temperature @ Level of cloud tops

 OLD Temperature_depth_below_surface_layer
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L106_layer == Temperature @ Depth below land surface layer

 OLD Temperature_depth_below_surface_layer_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L106_layer_D2 == Temperature (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Depth below land surface layer

 OLD Temperature_depth_below_surface_layer_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L106_layer_D0 == Temperature (Unweighted mean of all members) @ 
Depth below land surface layer

 OLD Temperature_error
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_error_L103 == Temperature error @ Specified height level above 

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L103 == Temperature @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground_probability_below_273000
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L103_Prob_below_273 == Probability Temperature below_273 K @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L103_D2 == Temperature (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L103_D0 == Temperature (Unweighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Temperature_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L103_D1 == Temperature (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Temperature_high_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L233_I12_Hour_S0 == Temperature (12_Hour Average) @ High cloud 
top level
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L233_Imixed_S0 == Temperature (Mixed_intervals Average) @ High 
cloud top level

 OLD Temperature_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L105 == Temperature @ Hybrid level

 OLD Temperature_low_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L213_I12_Hour_S0 == Temperature (12_Hour Average) @ Low cloud 
top level
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L213_Imixed_S0 == Temperature (Mixed_intervals Average) @ Low 
cloud top level

 OLD Temperature_maximum_wind
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L6 == Temperature @ Maximum wind level

 OLD Temperature_middle_cloud_top
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L223_I12_Hour_S0 == Temperature (12_Hour Average) @ Middle cloud 
top level
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L223_Imixed_S0 == Temperature (Mixed_intervals Average) @ Middle 
cloud top level

 OLD Temperature_parameter_in_canopy_conductance
 NEW VAR_2-0-203_L1 == Temperature parameter in canopy conductance @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD Temperature_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L109 == Temperature @ Potential vorticity surface

 OLD Temperature_pressure
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L100 == Temperature @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L100_Prob_below_273 == Probability Temperature below_273 K @ 
Isobaric surface

 OLD Temperature_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L108_layer == Temperature @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Temperature_sigma
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L104 == Temperature @ Sigma level

 OLD Temperature_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L100_D2 == Temperature (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Temperature_surface
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L1 == Temperature @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Temperature_tendency_by_all_radiation
 NEW VAR_0-0-193_L1 == Apparent Temperature @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Temperature_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L7 == Temperature @ Tropopause

 OLD Temperature_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L100_D0 == Temperature (Unweighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface

 OLD Temperature_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-0-0_L100_D1 == Temperature (Weighted mean of all members) @ Isobaric 

 OLD Thunderstorm_probability
 NEW VAR_0-19-2_L1_Imixed_S1 == Thunderstorm probability (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_Column-Integrated_Cloud_Ice
 NEW VAR_0-6-197_L200 == Total Column-Integrated Cloud Ice @ Entire atmosphere 

 OLD Total_Column-Integrated_Cloud_Water
 NEW VAR_0-6-196_L200 == Total Column-Integrated Cloud Water @ Entire 
atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_Column-Integrated_Condensate
 NEW VAR_0-6-198_L200 == Total Column-Integrated Condensate @ Entire atmosphere 

 OLD Total_Column_Integrated_Rain
 NEW VAR_0-1-204_L200 == Total Column Integrated Rain @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_Column_Integrated_Snow
 NEW VAR_0-1-205_L200 == Total Column Integrated Snow @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_Condensate
 NEW VAR_0-6-195_L105 == Total Condensate @ Hybrid level

 OLD Total_cloud_cover
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L1 == Total cloud cover @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L105 == Total cloud cover @ Hybrid level
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200 == Total cloud cover @ Entire atmosphere layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Entire atmosphere layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_layer == Total cloud cover @ Entire atmosphere layer layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L211_I12_Hour_S0 == Total cloud cover (12_Hour Average) @ 
Boundary layer cloud layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L211_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Boundary layer cloud layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_Average
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_Imixed_S0_D2 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) 
(Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_Imixed_S0_D0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) 
(Unweighted mean of all members) @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_convective_cloud
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L244 == Total cloud cover @ Convective cloud layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200 == Total cloud cover @ Entire atmosphere layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_I12_Hour_S0 == Total cloud cover (12_Hour Average) @ Entire 
atmosphere layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_entire_atmosphere_Average
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L200_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_high_cloud
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L234_I12_Hour_S0 == Total cloud cover (12_Hour Average) @ High 
cloud layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L234_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
High cloud layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_low_cloud
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L214_I12_Hour_S0 == Total cloud cover (12_Hour Average) @ Low 
cloud layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L214_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Low cloud layer

 OLD Total_cloud_cover_middle_cloud
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L224_I12_Hour_S0 == Total cloud cover (12_Hour Average) @ Middle 
cloud layer
 NEW VAR_0-6-1_L224_Imixed_S0 == Total cloud cover (Mixed_intervals Average) @ 
Middle cloud layer

 OLD Total_column-integrated_melting_ice
 NEW VAR_0-1-210_L200 == Total column-integrated melting ice @ Entire 
atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_column-integrated_supercooled_liquid_water
 NEW VAR_0-1-209_L200 == Total column-integrated supercooled liquid water @ 
Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_ozone
 NEW VAR_0-14-0_L200 == Total ozone @ Entire atmosphere layer

 OLD Total_precipitation
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_I12_Hour_S1 == Total precipitation (12_Hour Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_I1_Hour_S1 == Total precipitation (1_Hour Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_I3_Hour_S1 == Total precipitation (3_Hour Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_I6_Hour_S1 == Total precipitation (6_Hour Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1 == Total precipitation (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_I6_Hour_S1 == Total precipitation (6_Hour Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_0p25
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_0p25 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_0.25 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_0p254
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_I12_Hour_S1_Prob_above_0p254 == Probability Total 
precipitation (12_Hour Accumulation) above_0.254 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water 

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_12p700000000000001
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_12p7 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_12.7 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_1p27
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_1p27 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_1.27 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_25p400000000000002
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_25p4 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_25.4 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_2p54
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_2p54 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_2.54 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_38p1
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_38p1 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_38.1 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_50p800000000000004
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_50p8 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_50.8 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_probability_above_6p3500000000000005
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_6p35 == Probability Total precipitation 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_6.35 kg.m-2 @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_D2 == Total precipitation (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_D0 == Total precipitation (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_precipitation_Accumulation_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-8_L1_Imixed_S1_D1 == Total precipitation (Mixed_intervals 
Accumulation) (Weighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Total_snowfall
 NEW VAR_0-1-29_L1_I6_Hour_S1 == Total snowfall (6_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground 
or water surface

 OLD Transpiration
 NEW VAR_2-0-230_L1 == Transpiration @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Transpiration_Stress-onset_soil_moisture
 NEW VAR_2-3-195_L1 == Transpiration Stress-onset (soil moisture) @ Ground or 
water surface

 OLD Turbulent_kinetic_energy
 NEW VAR_0-19-11_L100 == Turbulent kinetic energy @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-19-11_L105 == Turbulent kinetic energy @ Hybrid level

 OLD Turbulent_kinetic_energy_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-19-11_L105 == Turbulent kinetic energy @ Hybrid level

 OLD U-Component_Storm_Motion
 NEW VAR_0-2-194_L1 == U-Component Storm Motion @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-194_L103_layer == U-Component Storm Motion @ Specified height 
level above ground layer

 OLD U-component_of_wind
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L1 == u-component of wind @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L100 == u-component of wind @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L100_D1 == u-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L103 == u-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L105 == u-component of wind @ Hybrid level
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L108_layer == u-component of wind @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD U-component_of_wind_altitude_above_msl
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L102 == u-component of wind @ Specific altitude above mean sea 

 OLD U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L103 == u-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L103_D1 == u-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L103_D2 == u-component of wind (Standard deviation with respect 
to cluster mean) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L103_D0 == u-component of wind (Unweighted mean of all members) 
@ Specified height level above ground

 OLD U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L103_D1 == u-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD U-component_of_wind_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L105 == u-component of wind @ Hybrid level

 OLD U-component_of_wind_maximum_wind
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L6 == u-component of wind @ Maximum wind level

 OLD U-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L220 == u-component of wind @ Planetary Boundary Layer

 OLD U-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L109 == u-component of wind @ Potential vorticity surface

 OLD U-component_of_wind_pressure
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L100 == u-component of wind @ Isobaric surface

 OLD U-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L108_layer == u-component of wind @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD U-component_of_wind_sigma
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L104 == u-component of wind @ Sigma level

 OLD U-component_of_wind_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L100_D2 == u-component of wind (Standard deviation with respect 
to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD U-component_of_wind_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L7 == u-component of wind @ Tropopause

 OLD U-component_of_wind_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L100_D0 == u-component of wind (Unweighted mean of all members) 
@ Isobaric surface

 OLD U-component_of_wind_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-2_L100_D1 == u-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C16_198
 NEW VAR_0-16-198_L103_I1_Hour_S2 == Hourly Maximum of Simulated Reflectivity 
at 1 km AGL (1_Hour Maximum) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_220
 NEW VAR_0-2-220_L100_layer_I1_Hour_S2 == Hourly Maximum of Upward Vertical 
Velocity in the lowest 400hPa (1_Hour Maximum) @ Isobaric surface layer

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_221
 NEW VAR_0-2-221_L100_layer_I1_Hour_S2 == Hourly Maximum of Downward Vertical 
Velocity in the lowest 400hPa (1_Hour Maximum) @ Isobaric surface layer

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_222
 NEW VAR_0-2-222_L103_I1_Hour_S2 == U Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind 
Speed (1_Hour Maximum) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_223
 NEW VAR_0-2-223_L103_I1_Hour_S2 == V Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind 
Speed (1_Hour Maximum) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C2_224
 NEW VAR_0-2-224_L220 == Ventilation Rate @ Planetary Boundary Layer

 OLD UnknownParameter_D0_C7_199
 NEW VAR_0-7-199_L103_layer_I1_Hour_S2 == Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity 
over Layer 2km to 5 km AGL (1_Hour Maximum) @ Specified height level above 
ground layer

 OLD UnknownParameter_D2_C4_3
 NEW VAR_2-4-3_L1 == Haines Index @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Updraft_Helicity
 NEW VAR_0-7-197_L103_layer == Updraft Helicity @ Specified height level above 
ground layer

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L8 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux @ Nominal top of the 
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L8_I12_Hour_S0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (12_Hour Average) 
@ Nominal top of the atmosphere
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L8_Imixed_S0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Nominal top of the atmosphere

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L8_Imixed_S0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Nominal top of the atmosphere

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L8_Imixed_S0_D2 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Nominal top of the 

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L8_Imixed_S0_D0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Nominal top of the atmosphere

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L1 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (12_Hour Average) 
@ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface_Average
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Upward_Long-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-5-193_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux (Mixed_intervals 
Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux @ Ground or water 
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L8_I12_Hour_S0 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux (12_Hour 
Average) @ Nominal top of the atmosphere
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L8_Imixed_S0 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Nominal top of the atmosphere

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1_Imixed_S0_D2 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) (Standard deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_Average_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1_Imixed_S0_D0 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) (Unweighted mean of all members) @ Ground or water 

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux @ Ground or water 
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux (12_Hour 
Average) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Upward_Short-Wave_Rad_Flux_surface_Average
 NEW VAR_0-4-193_L1_Imixed_S0 == Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD V-Component_Storm_Motion
 NEW VAR_0-2-195_L1 == V-Component Storm Motion @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-195_L103_layer == V-Component Storm Motion @ Specified height 
level above ground layer

 OLD V-component_of_wind
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L1 == v-component of wind @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L100 == v-component of wind @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L100_D1 == v-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L103 == v-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L105 == v-component of wind @ Hybrid level
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L108_layer == v-component of wind @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD V-component_of_wind_altitude_above_msl
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L102 == v-component of wind @ Specific altitude above mean sea 

 OLD V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L103 == v-component of wind @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L103_D1 == v-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L103_D2 == v-component of wind (Standard deviation with respect 
to cluster mean) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L103_D0 == v-component of wind (Unweighted mean of all members) 
@ Specified height level above ground

 OLD V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L103_D1 == v-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD V-component_of_wind_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L105 == v-component of wind @ Hybrid level

 OLD V-component_of_wind_maximum_wind
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L6 == v-component of wind @ Maximum wind level

 OLD V-component_of_wind_planetary_boundary
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L220 == v-component of wind @ Planetary Boundary Layer

 OLD V-component_of_wind_potential_vorticity_surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L109 == v-component of wind @ Potential vorticity surface

 OLD V-component_of_wind_pressure
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L100 == v-component of wind @ Isobaric surface

 OLD V-component_of_wind_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L108_layer == v-component of wind @ Level at specified pressure 
difference from ground to level layer

 OLD V-component_of_wind_sigma
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L104 == v-component of wind @ Sigma level

 OLD V-component_of_wind_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L100_D2 == v-component of wind (Standard deviation with respect 
to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD V-component_of_wind_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L7 == v-component of wind @ Tropopause

 OLD V-component_of_wind_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L100_D0 == v-component of wind (Unweighted mean of all members) 
@ Isobaric surface

 OLD V-component_of_wind_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-3_L100_D1 == v-component of wind (Weighted mean of all members) @ 
Isobaric surface

 OLD Vegetation
 NEW VAR_2-0-4_L1 == Vegetation @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Vegetation_Type
 NEW VAR_2-0-198_L1 == Vegetation Type @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Vertical_speed_sheer
 NEW VAR_0-2-192_L109 == Vertical Speed Shear @ Potential vorticity surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-192_L7 == Vertical Speed Shear @ Tropopause

 OLD Vertical_speed_sheer_tropopause
 NEW VAR_0-2-192_L7 == Vertical Speed Shear @ Tropopause

 OLD Vertical_velocity_geometric
 NEW VAR_0-2-9_L100 == Vertical velocity (geometric) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Vertical_velocity_geometric_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-2-9_L105 == Vertical velocity (geometric) @ Hybrid level

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure
 NEW VAR_0-2-8_L100 == Vertical velocity (pressure) @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-8_L105 == Vertical velocity (pressure) @ Hybrid level

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_hybrid
 NEW VAR_0-2-8_L105 == Vertical velocity (pressure) @ Hybrid level

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_pressure_difference_layer
 NEW VAR_0-2-8_L108_layer == Vertical velocity (pressure) @ Level at specified 
pressure difference from ground to level layer

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_sigma
 NEW VAR_0-2-8_L104 == Vertical velocity (pressure) @ Sigma level

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-2-8_L100_D2 == Vertical velocity (pressure) (Standard deviation with 
respect to cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Vertical_velocity_pressure_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-8_L100_D0 == Vertical velocity (pressure) (Unweighted mean of all 
members) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Virtual_potential_temperature
 NEW VAR_0-0-15_L105 == Virtual potential temperature @ Hybrid level

 OLD Visibility
 NEW VAR_0-19-0_L1 == Visibility @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Visibility_probability_below_1609000
 NEW VAR_0-19-0_L1_Prob_below_1609 == Probability Visibility below_1609 m @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Visibility_probability_below_4827000
 NEW VAR_0-19-0_L1_Prob_below_4827 == Probability Visibility below_4827 m @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content
 NEW VAR_2-0-192_L106 == Volumetric Soil Moisture Content @ Depth below land 
 NEW VAR_2-0-192_L106_layer == Volumetric Soil Moisture Content @ Depth below 
land surface layer

 OLD Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_stdDev
 NEW VAR_2-0-192_L106_layer_D2 == Volumetric Soil Moisture Content (Standard 
deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Depth below land surface layer

 OLD Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-192_L1 == Volumetric Soil Moisture Content @ Ground or water 

 OLD Volumetric_Soil_Moisture_Content_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_2-0-192_L106_layer_D0 == Volumetric Soil Moisture Content (Unweighted 
mean of all members) @ Depth below land surface layer

 OLD Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth
 NEW VAR_0-1-13_L1 == Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth @ Ground or 
water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-13_L1_Imixed_S1 == Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_Accumulation
 NEW VAR_0-1-13_L1_I1_Hour_S1 == Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth 
(1_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-1-13_L1_Imixed_S1 == Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-1-13_L1_D2 == Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (Standard 
deviation with respect to cluster mean) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth_unweightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-1-13_L1_D0 == Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth (Unweighted 
mean of all members) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Water_runoff
 NEW VAR_2-0-5_L1_I12_Hour_S1 == Water runoff (12_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground 
or water surface
 NEW VAR_2-0-5_L1_Imixed_S1 == Water runoff (Mixed_intervals Accumulation) @ 
Ground or water surface

 OLD Water_temperature
 NEW VAR_10-3-0_L1 == Water temperature @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Wave_Steepness
 NEW VAR_10-0-192_L1 == Wave Steepness @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Wilting_Point
 NEW VAR_2-0-201_L1 == Wilting Point @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Wind_direction_from_which_blowing
 NEW VAR_0-2-0_L1 == Wind direction (from which blowing) (degree true) @ Ground 
or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-0_L103 == Wind direction (from which blowing) (degree true) @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Wind_direction_from_which_blowing_error
 NEW VAR_0-2-0_error_L103 == Wind direction (from which blowing) (degree true) 
error @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Wind_speed
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L1 == Wind speed @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L100_D2 == Wind speed (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103 == Wind speed @ Specified height level above ground
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103_Imixed_S1_Prob_above_32p924 == Probability Wind speed 
(Mixed_intervals Accumulation) above_32.924 m/s @ Specified height level above 

 OLD Wind_speed_error
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_error_L103 == Wind speed error @ Specified height level above 

 OLD Wind_speed_gust
 NEW VAR_0-2-22_L1 == Wind speed (gust) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_probability_above_12p89
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103_Prob_above_12p89 == Probability Wind speed above_12.89 m/s 
@ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_probability_above_17p5
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103_Prob_above_17p5 == Probability Wind speed above_17.5 m/s @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_probability_above_25
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103_Prob_above_25 == Probability Wind speed above_25 m/s @ 
Specified height level above ground

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_probability_above_25p78
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103_Prob_above_25p78 == Probability Wind speed above_25.78 m/s 
@ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103_D2 == Wind speed (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Specified height level above ground

 OLD Wind_speed_height_above_ground_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L103_D1 == Wind speed (Weighted mean of all members) @ Specified 
height level above ground

 OLD Wind_speed_stdDev
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L100_D2 == Wind speed (Standard deviation with respect to 
cluster mean) @ Isobaric surface

 OLD Wind_speed_surface
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L1 == Wind speed @ Ground or water surface

 OLD Wind_speed_weightedMean
 NEW VAR_0-2-1_L100_D1 == Wind speed (Weighted mean of all members) @ Isobaric 

 OLD Zonal_Flux_of_Gravity_Wave_Stress
 NEW VAR_0-3-194_L1_I12_Hour_S0 == Zonal Flux of Gravity Wave Stress (12_Hour 
Average) @ Ground or water surface
 NEW VAR_0-3-194_L1_Imixed_S0 == Zonal Flux of Gravity Wave Stress 
(Mixed_intervals Average) @ Ground or water surface

 OLD mixed_layer_depth
 NEW VAR_0-19-3_L1 == Mixed layer depth @ Ground or water surface

Number with more than one map=78 total=492