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Re: 20040838: netCDF, Windows XP, Compac Visual Fortran 6.6: please help!

Elizabeth North <address@hidden> writes:

> Dear Ed,
>   Thank you very much for your rapid response! My answers to your
> helpful questions are below.
> Regards,
> Elizabeth
> On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Ed Hartnett wrote:
> > Unidata Support <address@hidden> writes:
> >
> > > ------- Forwarded Message
> > >
> > > >To: address@hidden
> > > >From: Elizabeth North <address@hidden>
> > > >Subject: netCDF, Windows XP, Compac Visual Fortran 6.6: please help!
> > > >Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> > > >Keywords: 200408281910.i7SJAc8E002365
> > >
> > >
> > > Dear netCDF support,
> > >   I am using Compac Visual Fortran 6.6 and would like create a program
> > > that reads in a series of large (1.7 GB) netCDF files that were created by
> > > the ROMS circulation model. I have attempted to follow the directions
> > > in the WIN32_README.TXT. I am having trouble with both the pre-built
> > > binaries AND with building the libraries, and have questions that
> > > I hope you would help me with.
> >
> > What version of visual studio are you using?
> >
>   I think it is Visual Studio 6.0
> > Also, what version of the netCDF dll are you using?
>   I used the netCDF.dll that was unpacked with the NetCDF 3.5.0 download.
> > >
> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > 1. If I want to create a Fortran program that reads in .nc files, can I
> > > use pre-built binaries?
> > >
> > >   Well, I tried it. I placed:
> > >   in d:/program files/microsoft visual studios/df98/include
> > >
> > > netcdfs.lib in d:/program files/microsoft visual studios/df98/lib
> > >
> > > ncgens.exe in d:/program files/microsoft visual studios/df98/bin
> > > ncdumps.exe in in d:/program files/microsoft visual studios/df98/bin
> > >   which are in my system's PATH
> > >
> > >   I also put in d:/oyster/  and tried to run this simple
> > > program (d:/oyster/test.f):
> > >
> > >         program main
> > >   include ""
> > >   write(*,*) 'Run nccre'
> > >   ncid = nccre('',NCCLOB,iret)
> > >   write(*,*) ncid
> > >   end
> > >
> > > It compiled, but did not link. Here is the error message:
> > >
> > >    test.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _NCCRE@16
> > >    Debug/test.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
> > >    Error executing link.exe.
> > >
> > >    test.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> > >
> > > If I can use the pre-built libraries, then what am I doing wrong?
> >
> > You can use the pre-built libraries.
> >
> > Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Compaq fortran. Are you includings
> > the dll in the link?
> >
>   Thank you! I was not 'telling' the program where to find the netcdf
> library. It turns out that I needed to add netcdf.lib to the project by
> going to "Project" --> "Add to Project" --> "Files" then adding
> d:/program files/microsoft visual studios/df98/lib/netcdf.lib
>   Also, I used the dynamic version of the pre-built libraries (netcdf.lib)
> instead of the static version (netcdfs.lib).
>   Once I did this, the program compiled, linked, and ran.
> > Also, what is nccre? You should be using NF_CREATE to create from
> > fortran.
>   I looked at, and nccre is in the 'backwards' compatibility
> section. This program was written by a colleague of mine who has been using
> netcdf for some time. I've changed it to reflect the updated syntax:
>         program main
>         include ""
>         write(*,*) 'Run nf_create'
>         ncid = nf_create('',nf_clobber,iret)
>         write(*,*) ncid
>         end
>   Thanks so much for your help! --Elizabeth

Oppps, my fault, I didn't check the version 2 interface, which works
perfectly well, so there's no need at all to convert if you don't want

I'm glad your code works! Good luck!

Ed Hartnett